Original Land Owners
Clinton County, Illinois
This database contains information about the Clinton County public domain land sales. These sales represent the first time a piece of property was sold or given by the government to an individual or company. Subsequent sales of the same parcel are recorded at the County Recorder's office and at IRAD.
Each purchase entry includes the purchaser's name, purchase date, number of acres, price per acre, numeric code indicating the county in which the land is located, legal description (township, section, range), volume and page numbers of original entry, and variously, the sale type, and the purchaser's sex and residence. This info was gleaned from the Illinois Secretary of State data base. We thank the volunteers that pulled this archival information:Once you get a legal description of your ancestor's land, you could go to the Illinois data base, type in the legal description for either the section or the Township and get a list of purchasers within that area. This could be great for tracking neighbors who may have married into your family since traveling for courting purposes was limited.
Alphabetical Listing of Clinton County Names
Helpful Links
This portrayal of the land transactions is
This page modified 31 May 2014