We continue to aggressively fight spam (junk email and comments with links), hackers that try to break passwords and/or upload viruses, and other misbehaving Internet users. There is nothing we can do to stop it completely but we have been relatively successful.
Unfortunately, sometimes our efforts to block those that misbehave, results in blocking and/or irritating our normal users. Many of our protection methods use an Internet Protocol (IP) address to identify the computers that connect with our site. The IP address is a series of numbers that is assigned to your connection by your Internet Service Provider. It is possible that your IP address changes every time you go onto the Internet. This is particularly true if you use a dial-up or commercial wireless service to connect. Since many different users may use an IP over time, problems may develop when one user misbehaves. That one bad apple could cause your IP to be identified as a problem. If that happens to you or one of your friends, please contact the webmaster and we will do everything we can to resolve the problem.
Your current IP address is:
Following is an explanation of some of the ways we are trying to protect you, your email address, and this website.
- First and formost, we totally block access to http://clintonilgenweb.org from IP addresses that have been detected breaking the rules by scanning our site for vulnerabilities or attempting to look in protected directories. If you are blocked at this level, you will receive an error message saying 403 access denied. The error message will give you instructions for seeking help to have your access restored. You will not be able to see any of the website.
- Most of our web pages, particularly those with email addresses, use coding developed by Dirk Paehl and modified by us in conjunction with an Internet Protocol (IP) address lookup service by Project Honeypot. If the IP address is listed, our website will ask you to click a verifying link, then you will have access to the website for the rest of that web session. If you leave the website and return later, you will be asked to click a verifying link again.
- We have installed 'Honey pots'. A Honey pot is one or more web pages designed to attract and trap the web robots. See our Tools page for links and more information. If you see this image on a page
Please do not click it. It links to our honeypot. Our honeypot feeds information directly to Project Honeypot.
- We have installed special pages and scripts that record various mis-behaviors. Attempts to scan for vulnerabilities, access restricted directories, and upload/execute/inject malicious code are reported to the webmaster.
- Our Guestbook automatically 'Munges' your email address so it cannot be copied directly. (Munging means to encode email addresses to make it more difficult for them to be harvested.)