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Meyer, H. Conrad204 views

Zwake, Bernard204 views

Meyer, Bernard C.204 views

Huelskamp, Frank204 views

Jansen, Henry J.204 views

Wobbe, Bernard204 views

Ripperda, Alice204 views

Beckmann, Wilhelm H.204 views

Chambers, Clarence E204 viewsSubmitted by Lucy Toedte Buchele, photo by her sister, Brenda Knipping.

Page 11204 views

Wegmann, Aloys J., Rev.203 views

Wilken, Mary G. (nee Fenslage)203 views

Hermeling, Mary E., (nee Budde)203 views

Page 071203 views

Page 102203 views1963 November 22, 23, 24, 25.
"The Four Days the World Stood still" "President John F. Kennedy Assassinated"

Haukap, Henry203 views

Altepeter, Hermann203 views

Meier, Maria Agnes203 views

Albers, Nathan Michael203 views

Haukap, Florence E.203 views

Linnemann, H. Heinrich203 views

Eversgerd, J. Christopher203 views

Robben, Herman B. and Clara R. (nee Duepman)203 views

Haukap, Franz Hy.203 views

Chambers, Cynthia E.203 viewsSubmitted by Lucy Toedte Buchele, photo by her sister, Brenda Knipping.


Ripperda, Norbert H. and Delores A. (nee Jansen)203 views

Eilers, Lawrence "Bud" E and Loretta (nee Raterman)202 viewsPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud.

Page 110202 views

Schnitzmeyer, John202 views

Kleiboker, Friedrich G. J.202 views

Becker, Ferdinand and Elisabeth (nee Schlarmann)202 views

Huelsmann, Bernhard202 views

Jansen, Henry202 views

Beckmann, Maria (nee Hochler)202 views

Robben, B. Heinrich202 views

Henken, John F.202 views

Eversgerd, James H.202 views

Zion Church New Baden IL202 views1918 Confirmation Class
Second from back right is Emil Harpstrite. His twin brother, Edward, is center back.

Warnecke, Herman T.201 viewsHerman T. Warnecke 7 Jun 1905 - 10 Nov 1970
Photo submitted by Christina (Warnecke) Santiago.

Page 072201 views1856 Breese Centennial Celebration 1956

Page 109201 views

Eikhoff, Sina E. H.201 views

Hohmann, Fred201 views

Haukap, Conrad201 views

Hemann, Ferdinand201 views

Rolfes, Johann Bernhard201 views

Hemann, Judith Ann201 views

Schroeder, Eduard Henry201 views

Crause, Wm - Military stone201 viewsPhoto by Gloria Dettleff.
Section E.

Beckmann, Joseph201 views

Hemann, Theodore and Anna (nee Bruns)201 views

Ortmann, Ralph Bernard - Military stone201 views

Meier, Mary (nee Welling)201 views

Missing Aircrew Report 15 Dec 1943201 viewsMy name is Roy Bozych and I am the Historian for the WWII 323rd Bomb Group. On December 13, 1943, our Bomb Group was on a mission along with the 386th Bomb Group to bomb the Schiphol Air Field in Amsterdam which was under the control of the Germans.
F/O Raymond Roberts was flying as a co-pilot with the 386th Bomb Group, 555th Squadron and they were leading the mission. FLAK (enemy ground fire) was reported as heavy and accurate. F/O Roberts B-26 Martin Marauder was hit and shot down. Everyone on the aircraft was killed except for the pilot who was blown out of the plane when it exploded. He was captured by the Germans and spent the rest of the war as a POW.
Roughly two years ago as a new development in Schipol was being prepared, the crash site was discovered. A Dutch group involved in recovering crashed allied planes (CRASH) was called in at the time to assist. CRASH has a memorial to the crew (they retrieved one of the planes guns) in their museum and is involved with local citizens and groups in developing a memorial to the crew to be dedicated in May of 2010. They wish to be able to invite family members of the crew to the dedication. I and another individual are attempting to assist them in locating family members of this crew which made the ultimate sacrifice, a sacrifice that is deeply appreciated by the Dutch.
I have attached a copy of the Missing Air Crew Report (MACR) for your records that was filed when F/O Roberts B-26 was shot down. His Mother Mrs. Malinda Roberts was listed as his next of kin. In doing a records search I found your website and saw that Mrs. Roberts died in 1976. We are attempting to find any other living relatives of his to inform them of what is happening and to extend an invitation to them to attend the ceremonies next year in Amsterdam. I was wondering if you would have knowledge of any relatives or could help us locate them. An article should have been run in your local newspaper a couple of weeks ago. But so far no responses have been received.
Flight Officer Raymond C. Roberts, T-120450 currently rests at Netherlands American Cemetery, Margraten, Netherlands.
Any assistance you could give us would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail or phone. I can be reached at 708-974-9239 between 9 AM and 2 PM.
Roy Bozych
323rd BG & 454th BS

Maue, John H.200 views

Enzlberger, Johann Neponuck, Father200 views

Page 091200 views1961 Eulogy of George Warnecke by T. F. Warnecke

Page 094200 views1962 - Father Eckert Dies at Age of 95 in Breese, IL

Page 099200 views1963 - Eulogy of Adam Kohrs

Page 100200 views1938 Our Twenty fifth Wedding Anniversary 0ctober 26, 1963

Schaefer, Louise F.200 views

Bruns, Hermann H.200 views

Kahrhoff, A. Maria200 views

Albers, Mary Louise200 views

Hemann, Thomas B.200 views

Albers, Leona E. (nee Schroeder)200 views

Henken, John J. and Helen C. (nee Jansen)200 views

1915 Ford200 views

Unknown bride - taken in Carlyle200 viewsPurchased by Jean Jung ( at an antique shop in south St Louis. Since they were taken in Carlyle maybe someone may recognize them and want them. Anyone that recognizes these or wants them can have them. I just hate seeing beautiful wedding pictures sitting in an antique shop.

Page 103199 views"Eulogy of John F. Kennedy" by T.F. Warnecke

Hemann, Henry, Sr.199 views
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