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Sparks monument hilltopWilliam and Julia Sparks monument and the Tree
09/10/17 at 12:46morrimar: Tree cut down in 2015

Konrad, MinnieSection D
Photo by Toni Kohrmann10/04/16 at 17:09morrimar: Wilhemina Elizabeth nee Frerker Daughter of John a...

Rowekamp, Henry C & Augusta F (nee Grunz)05/29/14 at 15:38Frankie Heinzmann: Fixed - thanks for the report

Unknown footstone 2Photo by Toni Kohrmann zumatmk5@charter.net05/14/14 at 20:54: Could this be: SCHUETTE WILLIAM H ...

Rowekamp, Henry C & Augusta F (nee Grunz)05/14/14 at 17:25: records under names needs corrected according to t...

Rolfers, ConradPhoto by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison
Son of Conrad and Anna Maria nee Beckman Rolfers
Section G.12/07/13 at 10:32morrimar: Son of Heinrich and Anna Maria nee Beckman Rolfers

Roeckenhaus, HenryPhoto by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison
Son of George and Anna Maria nee Beckman Roeckenhaus
Section E12/07/13 at 10:30morrimar: Son of George and Anna Maria nee Beckman Roeckenha...

Harpstrite, Emil**12/06/13 at 18:09morrimar: Emil Herbstreite on headstone

Luebbers, Johann Herman and Anna Maria Catharina nee Beckman Mother and father side stones.
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison
Section G.10/27/13 at 10:22morrimar: LÃœBBERS, JOHANN HERMAN and ANNA MARIA CATHARINA n...

Luebbers, Johann HermanPhoto by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison
Section G.10/27/13 at 10:20morrimar: Johann Herman LÃœBBERS

Diffenauer Family MonumentJoseph and Catherine (Schaeffer), Raymond, Mary Louise, Magdalena, John Diffenauer
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison
Section I10/13/13 at 11:16morrimar: Six gravesites in this family lot Sec I 11 - 94,95...

Schaeffer, Raymond L and DorothyDied 1 May 2012.
Section K
Photo by Toni Kohrmann zumatmk5@charter.net10/12/13 at 23:02morrimar: Dorothy nee Schiermann and Raymond L Schaeffer

Schlafly, Fridolin and Mary Katherine nee HubertClose up
No record of his death is in the Illinois or Missouri State data bases.
Photo by Bob Seiffert10/12/13 at 20:18morrimar: I 9 59 SCHLAFLY, Fridolin ---- 3 Jul 1848 30 ...

Luebbers, Eugenia (nee Huels)First wife of Menard Joseph Luebbers
Daughter of Henry and Mathilda nee Seiffert Huels
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison
Section I10/12/13 at 17:26morrimar: Daughter of Henry and Mathilda nee Seiffert Huels

Diekroetger, Matthias GSon of Theodore Diekroetger and
Catherine nee Rickelmann Matthias
Was a grandson of George Diekroetger
and Gertrude nee Vahlkamp
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison 2011
11/01/11 at 00:33morrimar: Matthias was the grandson of Gertrude Vahlkamp, an...

Wilken, Bernard familyWilken, Johann Bernhard, Anna (nee Budde) and John
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison
Section I10/30/11 at 12:39morrimar: Anna nee Budde, daughter of Heinrich and Katharina...

Poehler, Johann HeinrichPhoto by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison10/30/11 at 12:35morrimar: Johann Heinrich Poehler, born Glandorf, Germany, F...

Divine, Henry and Krebs, MathiasSee also the up-close stone as Divine, Henry
Father of Theresia Divine Krebs
Section G 2 21 and 22
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison
10/30/11 at 12:26morrimar: Theresa Divine and Mathias Krebs; Henry Divine is ...

Borgelt, Henry aka Henry Johann Borgelt, Sr.and Johann Heinrich Borgelt, Sr.
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison
Section I10/30/11 at 12:16morrimar: Johann Heinrich Borgelt SR

Kuhner, Efresina full viewThe Kuhner family members arrived to the United States from Germany in 1854 on the William Nelson, along with the Herbstreith family of Trenton ... Viktoria Gluek Herbstreith and her four children, Joseph, Adolph, Karl Charles, and Maxmillian.
**10/30/11 at 12:11morrimar: Fourth son, Joseph Herbstreith, was also on this i...

Tonnies, Franziska10/25/11 at 04:49mife: O wie bald entschwindet diese Zeit – o Mensch, d...

Lohmann, Franz J.10/25/11 at 04:21mife: Hochw. (=Hochwürden) Franz J. Lohmann, Pfarrer vo...

Lohmann, Franz J. (base)10/25/11 at 04:20mife: Zum Priester geweiht am 22. Nov. 1864 – Dem Pfar...

Haar, A. Margaretha nee Behrens10/23/11 at 18:50Frankie Heinzmann: Rest in peace in God's lap, you will be a bles...

Kinzle, Amalie10/23/11 at 18:42Frankie Heinzmann: "Even if my heart breaks in death, you stay L...

Haar, A. Margaretha nee Behrens10/23/11 at 18:09mife: Ruhe sanft in Gottes Schoß, Seligkeit sei dir zum...

Fuehne, Maria verse10/23/11 at 18:04mife: God, which pain meets our heart – how deep is ou...

Kinzle, Amalie10/23/11 at 17:55mife: "Wenn auch mein Herz im Tode bricht, du Herr ...

Santel, Heinrich verse10/23/11 at 17:47mife: You have been your father's comfort – you ha...

Wangler, LandolinGrave stone is broken and probably out
of proper place. 39y 1m 13d10/13/11 at 11:45mife: There is a notice in the St. Damian churchbook tha...

Joseph and Anna (Hoff) SchrageFront Row: Dorothy (Maloney), Bernardina "Dina" (Schumacher), Father Joe, Hedwig "Hattie" (Welling), Mother Anna (Hoff), Anna (Wilke), Leonard
Back Row: Joseph Jr, Otto, Sister Jeanette (Maria Clara), August, Regina (Klostermann)
Photo from grandson Dale Schrage08/13/11 at 12:00Frankie Heinzmann: Per Ken Schrage, Anna is second from the left in t...

Hilmes, Herman Bernard and Hagen, Maria Elisabeth FamilyThis is the family of Herman Bernard Hilmes and Maria Elisabeth Hagen. This photo was provided by Marsha Robinson their granddaughter. Additional IDs by Michele Hilmes.
Seated persons in front row, left to right: 1. George, 2. Herman Bernard Hilmes, 3. Maria Elisabeth Hagen, 4. Bill
Back row, all standing left to right: 1. Alvin, 2. Henry, 3. Anna m. Detmer, 4. Herman, 5. Margaret m. Detmer, 6. Bernard (Ben), 7. Joe02/17/10 at 12:04Frankie Heinzmann: Their children birth and death info:
1. Mar...

Rowekamp, DoraInsert on Infant of C. & D. Rowekamp's stone.06/29/09 at 15:37: Grandma, I love you! I wish my mom (your daughter)...

Rowekamp, Infant, son of C & DSee also Rowekamp, Dora for the insert.
Family contact: Nancy
05/18/09 at 01:32: WE love you, uncle! We love you grandma Dora! Heav...

Carlyle High School, Class of 1938John Crewell, Warren Apple, Billy Simonton, Albert Johnpeter, F. O. Proutt, Paul Dove, Ray Beckler, Meredith Kennett, Charles Sanders, Carl Vogel, Naomi Jarvis, Lamelda Henry, Betty Hinkle, Mildred Hempen, Glenn Farrell, Elmer Lamarr, Mae Ronat, Oarnelle Custis, Erna Holle, Virginia Schuchmann, Joe Bango, Hazel Kerwin, Melba Volkmar, Geneva Scott, Thelma Goldsmith, LaDonna Galyean, Joyce Langham, Nellie Floyd, Helen Washburn, Maxine Hockman, Hubert King, Wayne Mann, Charles Gerfan, Alvin Bolk, Rollie Gallatin, Richard Pax, Willard Appel, Roland Plotts, William Killion, Margie Kerson, Cleo Boggy, Martha Paul, Charlott Zucker, Loretta Jenne, Lillie McClaren, Harriet Wade, Ruby Merritt, Rose Schuchman, James Gray, James Ward, John Schuster, Roy Giechrest, Jr., Joe Jannett, Stanley Mueller, Leroy Raeber, Milfred Conrad, Wentworth Jones, Bonnell Gaddy, Erline Cooper, Fern Crocker, La Donna Burkett, Lyndall Potts, Anita Mannken, Gladys Zachry, Mary Ann Nothaus, Vera Jenne
Photo from Regina - Thanks!01/01/09 at 18:27Frankie Heinzmann: If we have made errors typing any of these names, ...

Boatright, F. M. This stone is for Francis Marion Boatright as identified by Cynthia at 12/22/08 at 11:51: This is the tombstone of Francis Marion Boatright