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Klutho, Anna39 views

Janssen, M Theresia39 views

Gebke, Marie F39 views

Fuehne, Johanna C39 views

Gramm__, Unknown39 viewsIs that a church bus in the back ground?

Huge, Dick39 views

Meentemeyer, Sophia39 views

Schulte, Marvin G and Jane M (nee Venhaus)39 views

Luebbers, Esther D39 viewsTROWBRIDGE

Koopmann, Jake Bernard39 views

Maue, Dennis E39 views

Helwig, Wilhelmina39 views

Jasper, Wilhelm B39 views

Hochuli, Samuel C39 views

Perks, William E39 views

Hebener, J Ernst39 views

Lusente39 views

Vogt, Freda39 views

Parsons, Morgan A and Jessie L39 viewsMcKendree Chapel Cemetery, Bond Co.
Photo from Chad Parson

Parsons, Lawrence E39 viewsMcKendree Chapel Cemetery, Bond Co.
Photo from Chad Parson

Parsons, Theodore H (and Apple, Peter A)39 viewsMcKendree Chapel Cemetery, Bond Co.
b 6 Feb 1889, d 29 Jan 1890, son of A&M
Photo from Chad Parson

Huegen, Maria C. nee Netemeier39 views

Thuenemann, Bernard39 views

Buss, Michael39 viewsVeteran.

Thunemann, Lorenz39 views

Schulte, Christina K. nee Beckmann39 views

Eilermann, Mary A. nee Arentsen39 views

Chadwick, Wilma R.39 viewsMilitary marker

Drees, Andrew M.39 viewsBack side: military marker

Southard, Barbara J. nee Wellen39 views

Netemeyer, Marie E. nee Brandmeyer39 views

Minder, Donald39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Ring39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Ring, Eugene39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Phillip, Alice39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Morris, James39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Morgan, Mary M.39 views S/w Wm. H Cole?

Morris, William T.39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Smith, Infant Baby39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Parker, John R. and Kate.39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Yardley, Carl John39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Skailsius, Paul L.39 views

Huffman, Charles N. and Minnie E.39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Huffman, Gaylord C.39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Quick, Maurice Dean39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Huffman, Larry D.39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Masterson, Jess R. and Olive L.39 viewsVeteran.
Photo submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Allen, Bertha nee Criley39 viewsResident of Brookside and Meridian Townships. Buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Sandoval, Illinois.
Wife of William H. Born 19 Jul 1878, died 6 May 1939.
Photo submitted by Chad Parson.

Davis, Walter T and Lucille nee Gally39 views

Friederich, Henry G and Ida M39 views

Garbs, Walter G and Mildred V39 views

Fulkerson, Fannie and Chester39 views

Griesbaum, Clarence G39 views

Gunn, Glenda P39 viewsPlaque

Heithaus, Amalia M and Herman F39 views

Heimberger, Gladys M nee Goldenschue39 views

Hodel, Robert U39 viewsMilitary marker

Hodges, Evert Lee39 views

Kueneke, William A and Marjorie I nee Swinney39 views

Lightner, Celine Ann39 views

Reinhardt, Helen Mary and Raymond Chief39 views

Sinkey, Stephen A39 views

Stanhaus, Charles A39 views

Stevens, Dawn T39 views

Thorpe, Charles S 39 viewsMilitary stone

Ullrich, Raymond G and Bernice M nee Keck39 views

Tyson, Julie Ann39 views

Walthes, Arnold L and Marjorie R nee Ford39 views

Weissenborn, Frank M39 viewsMilitary stone

Wetzel, Hilda G and Edwin J39 views

Widicus, Fred 39 views

White family stone39 views
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