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D10 - Book F - Page 15038 views

O2 - Book A & B38 views

F09 - Book F38 views

J07 - Book F38 views

Schuette, Wm38 views

Funke, Alois38 views

Janssen, M Theresia38 views

Gebke, Marie F38 views

Fuehne, Johanna C38 views

Nordmann, Frank J and Evelyn M (nee Kueneke)38 views

Gramm__, Unknown38 viewsIs that a church bus in the back ground?

Huge, Dick38 views

Schulte, Marvin G and Jane M (nee Venhaus)38 views

Fischer, Ronald38 views

Helwig, Wilhelmina38 views

Perks, William E38 views

Fasnacht, Hermann38 views

Stockel, A Bernhard38 views

Parsons, Morgan A and Jessie L38 viewsMcKendree Chapel Cemetery, Bond Co.
Photo from Chad Parson

Parsons, Lawrence E38 viewsMcKendree Chapel Cemetery, Bond Co.
Photo from Chad Parson

Parsons, Theodore H (and Apple, Peter A)38 viewsMcKendree Chapel Cemetery, Bond Co.
b 6 Feb 1889, d 29 Jan 1890, son of A&M
Photo from Chad Parson

Huegen, Maria C. nee Netemeier38 views

Smidt, Carolina C., nee Feldmann38 views

Buss, Michael38 viewsVeteran.

Deimeke, Vincent B.38 viewsMilitary stone.

Deimeke, Paul L.38 views

Fertch, Mildred Joan38 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Mileham, children - Alfred A., Delilah A. plus Morris, Minnie M.38 views

Ring, Eugene38 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Phillip, Alice38 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Phillips, Tom38 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Morgan, Mary M.38 views S/w Wm. H Cole?

Gorman, Gene and Velda38 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Smith, Infant Baby38 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Yardley, Carl John38 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Huffman, Gaylord C.38 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Quick, Maurice Dean38 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Hintz, Carl Elmer and Oma Ruth38 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Lanham, William I. and Cora Ethel38 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Lanham, John & Cora38 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Huffman, Larry D.38 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Davis, Walter T and Lucille nee Gally38 views

Drummond, Herbert D38 views

Friederich, Henry G and Ida M38 views

Garbs, Walter G and Mildred V38 views

Griesbaum, Clarence G38 views

Harpstrite, Raleigh P Sr and Annis L38 views

Heimberger, Gladys M nee Goldenschue38 views

Hodel, Robert U38 viewsMilitary marker

Hodges, Evert Lee38 views

Reinhardt, Helen Mary and Raymond Chief38 views

Rensing, Paul A38 viewsMilitary marker

Sinkey, Stephen A38 views

Smith, Emery and Charlotte38 views

Stanhaus, Charles A38 views

Stevens, Dawn T38 views

Thorpe, Charles S 38 viewsMilitary stone

Ullrich, Raymond G and Bernice M nee Keck38 views

Tyson, Julie Ann38 views

Ullrich, Earl J and John and Mathilda38 views

Walthes, Arnold L and Marjorie R nee Ford38 views

Walthes, Robert R and Marguerite38 views

Widicus, Fred 38 views

Yaeger, Lawrence38 views

Yaeger, Caroline38 views

Moss, Clemens38 views

Haar, Margaretha38 views

Santel, Louis B. - Military marker38 views

Kollmann, Hermina M.38 views

Kleine, Fred and Louise - backside38 views

Stein, Richard W. and Florence M. nee Holle38 views

Zucker, Friederick H., Pastor, and Agnes Anna nee Zurstadt38 views
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