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Hillerman, James O.39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Gorman, Gene and Velda39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Sanders, Dale Allen and Berthel R. "Sandy" and Erma Lee39 views

Edwards, Talitha C. and Abram39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Miller, Bertha May39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Quick, Porter Wilson and Goldie (nee Yardley)39 views

Shaw, Delbert and Mae.39 views

Meek, Flossie Grace39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Quick39 views

Huffman, Howard Duncan39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Edwards, Frank and Cora39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Phillips, Guy L., Jr. - Military39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Yardley, April Lynn39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Ford, Lester W. - Military39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Huffman, Charles David39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Ellis, Frank D.39 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Reagan, Donald C.39 views

Roper, Edna nee Criley39 viewsResident of Brookside Township. Buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Sandoval, Illinois.
Wife of Raymond M. Roper.
Born 1896, died 6 Dec 1938.
Photo submitted by Chad Parson.

Allen, Bertha nee Criley39 viewsResident of Brookside and Meridian Townships. Buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Sandoval, Illinois.
Wife of William H. Born 19 Jul 1878, died 6 May 1939.
Photo submitted by Chad Parson.

Groennert, Frederick L 39 viewsTemporary marker

Hodel, Robert U 39 views

Hodges, Bernice Ann39 views

Hodges, Marvin E "Pete"39 views

Louvier, Michelle D "Shellie"39 views

Peachey, Floyd W and Leona M nee Knieriemen39 views

Rensing, Paul A 39 views

Rensing, Paul A 39 views

Rensing, Paul A and Lisa L39 views

Rensing, Dorothy J nee Hodges39 views

Sinkey, Stephen A39 viewsMilitary marker

Stanhaus, Pearl B39 views

Weil, Elmer and Edna A nee Perschbacher39 views

Weissenborn, Frank M39 viewsMilitary stone

Weissenborn, Frank M 39 views

White, Minnie nee Knieriemen39 views

Wolters, Raymond F and Gertrude L nee Buehler39 viewsMilitary stone

Widicus, Cora39 views

Woodcock, Herbert39 views

Yaeger, George and Mary39 views

Yohe, Raymond K39 views

Quick, Albert E. Sr.39 viewsMilitary marker

Jansen, Mary and William39 views

Lueking, Larry Ray39 views

Wobbe, Lavern B. and Agnes M. nee Leining39 views

Rakers, George J., Daniel V., and Theresa nee Breiner39 views

Olliges, Aloysius B., Reverend39 views

Kiefer, Anthony, Reverend39 views

Sudholt, David A.39 views

Middendorff, Mildred M.39 views

Santel, Hermann39 views

Olliges, Cecelia H.39 views

Goebel, Frank A. & Catherine nee Wiegmann39 views

Imming, Herman39 views

Grapperhaus, Frank V.39 views

Jansen, Henry W. & Corrine C.39 views

Twenhafel, Alvin & Edna39 views

Steinkamp, Douglas Todd39 views

Wessel, Amanda39 views

Henke, Christine39 views

Paulsmeyer, Marlene H. & Living39 views

Holle, Herman and Marie39 views

Markus, Robert J. - Military marker39 views

Santel, Edward B. and Irene M. nee Huegen39 views

Florczyk, Robert D.39 views

Santel, Frank B. & Betty A.39 views

Fuehne, Arthur M. back side39 views

Rolfers headstone39 viewsPhoto by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison
Section G.

Luebbers Family39 viewsBernard and Anna (Etter) Luebbers, circa 1915. Grand daughter Cecilia Luebbers, daughter of deceased parents, Wilhelm (William) Luebbers and Caroline (nee Wiel) and grand daughter Eugenia Luebbers, daughter of deceased mother, Eugenia (nee Huels) and Menard Joseph Luebbers.

Vahlkamp, Fred39 viewsName on plaque in Grotto.
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison
Section G.

Luebbers, Earl Henry US VET39 viewsPhoto by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Luebbers, John39 viewsSon of William and Caroline nee Weil Luebbers
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison
Section G 8 1

Harpstrite, Dorothea nee Ruessaben 39 viewsWife of Edward. Previously lived in Lookingglass Township.
Greenwood Cemetery Decatur Macon County IL
Photo submitted by Marilyn Luebbers Morrison in 2011.
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