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P0540 views

S1640 views

S1440 views

S1340 views

S1940 views

W2140 views

D08 - Book E - Page 6740 views

D07 - Book D & E40 views

F08 - Book E & F40 views

F07 - Book E40 views

F05 - Book D 40 views

J01 - Book A40 views

LYONS, Joseph G. 40 views1862 - 1902
Submitted by Jake Carter.

MORRIS, James40 views16 Jan 1846 - 9 Dec 1853
Aged 7 yr. 10 mo. 23 da.
Submitted by Jake Carter.

CASEY, Daniel40 viewsDied 23 Jan 187.
Aged 73 years.
Submitted by Jake Carter.

Smith, Alcana C.40 views*

Short, Nancy E.40 views*

Twiss, Columbus H.40 views*

Twiss, Abigail R.40 views*

3. Ebb Felton - Oscar & Edgar's father40 views

Toennies, Joseph R40 views

Halstenberg, William40 views

Korte, Leo B and Adelle A (nee Woltering)40 views

Sterner, George - 191740 views

Sterner, Sarah - 191640 views

Trueman, Thomas - 191140 views

Flader, Elizabeth Lepper40 views

Fasnacht, Hermann40 views

Jasper, Sophie F40 views

Parsons, Wm G and Carrie W40 viewsMcKendree Chapel Cemetery, Bond Co.
Photo from Chad Parson

Wesselmann, Bernard40 views

Hilmes, Bernard40 views

Schulte, Anna nee Korte40 views

Dulle, John G.40 views

Huegen, Wilbert O.40 views

Wuebbels, Sheila Marie40 views

Duepmann, Herman40 viewsMilitary stone

Buss, Katherine E. nee Schulte40 views

Jansen, Kenneth L.40 views

Huegen, Lewis W.40 views

Zurliene, Otto F.40 viewsBack side: Military marker

Timmermann, Dorothy A. nee Korte40 views

Minder, Nora H and James E.40 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Edwards, Zada40 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Pratt, Maurice R.40 views

Orrell, Harold40 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Miller, Bertha May40 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Quick, Porter Wilson and Goldie (nee Yardley)40 views

Yardley, Ada and Chas. A.40 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Huffman, Howard Duncan40 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Voss, Harry E. and Mary A.40 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Phillips, Guy L., Jr. - Military40 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Orrell, Earl E., Claude A. and Mary C.40 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Ford, Lester W. - Military40 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Huffman, Harold E. and Norma R.40 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

James, Raymond M.40 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Groennert, Frederick L 40 viewsTemporary marker

Hodel, Robert U 40 views

Hodges, Bernice Ann40 views

Kehrer, Daniel Lee II "Danny"40 views

Louvier, Michelle D "Shellie"40 views

Peachey, Floyd W and Leona M nee Knieriemen40 views

Rensing, Paul A 40 views

Rensing, Paul A 40 views

Rensing, Paul A and Lisa L40 views

Rensing, Dorothy J nee Hodges40 views

Sinkey, Stephen A40 viewsMilitary marker

Stanhaus, Pearl B40 views

Weaver, Homer H and Olive B40 views

White, Minnie nee Knieriemen40 views

Wolters, Raymond F and Gertrude L nee Buehler40 viewsMilitary stone

Woodcock, Herbert40 views
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