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Wobbe, Erwin W40 viewsVeteran

Demming, Elizabeth close up40 viewsPhoto by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison
In Section I 8 77

Fellhauer, Ida nee Hartwick Herbstreit40 viewsWidow of Adolph Herbstritt/Herbstriet, buried in St. Mary's Cemetery Trenton IL and mother of John Peter Harpstreit, buried next to her in College Hill Cemetery, Lebanon IL; widow of Stephan Fellhauer, buried in Henry County MO. Mother of ten children, several also buried in College Hill Cemetery Lebanon IL,

Diekroetger, Eugene Albert and Thelma nee Mantle40 viewsSon of Mathias and Rosa nee Etter Diekroetger.
Buried in Mace's Cemetery in O'Fallon IL

Broeckling, Johann40 views

Toennies, Anna nee Kuper40 views

Tonnies, Theresa40 views

Tonnies, Franz Heinrich40 views

Fonke, Ralph A.40 viewsVeteran

Kuepfer, Harry C40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Kuepfer, Willard E40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Spittler, Adolph40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Taylor, Darell O 40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Wegmann, August H and Amelia M 40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Wegmann, Mary H 40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Kapp, infant son40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Ketterer, Cletus A and Elizabeth M nee Schumacher40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Laux, Leonard (military marker)40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

McQuade, John Henry40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Mueller, Peter and Margaret40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Woltering, Clarence J Shorty40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Linnemann, Maria nee Heckenkemper40 viewsPhoto submitted by Donnell Wisniewski,

Pranger, Rose40 views

Kinder, Caroline40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Duncan, Douglas R40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Gross, Leonard D40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Hetzel, Arnold J military marker WW II40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Hetzel, Arnold J and Beatrice A nee Ayers40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Leslie, Frank and Jessie40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

List, Olive nee Beckemeyer (2)40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Parker, Harry H40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Peiler, Myrtle Mae40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Perez, Julio - military marker Korea40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Popeck, Robert and Anna40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Schaidt, James (infant son of Mae and Charles Schaidt)40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Kleiboeker, Herman, Olga40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Zimmermann, William and Elizabeth40 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Zieren, Heinrich40 viewsSec G 17-28
Close up
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Harpstrite, Benjamin C and Eleanor E40 viewsIL State Representative
Benj. died 2012
Photo submitted by Marilyn Morrison.

Gehrs, Carl E40 viewsSection D
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Jones, Jesse Judge40 viewsClose up
Section F 13 39
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Jones Family Lot40 viewsSection F Row 13 and 14
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Hummert, Richard E. - Military marker39 views

Hustedde, George39 views

Kellermann, Frank H. "Kelly" and Helen H. (nee Wempe)39 views

Miller, Mary L. (nee Lambers)39 views

Feltrop, Margaret (nee Kreke)39 views

Goevert, Harry F. and Elsie T. (nee Von Alst)39 views

Niemann, Henry J. "Harry"39 views

Jones, Children of T. W. & L. P.39 views

Haake, Gus C. and Thresa39 views

Czerwonka, Raymond E. and Ruth M.39 views

Woker, Bertha K. L.39 views

Straeter, Mary 39 views

Strang, Elisha 1 Sgt Co B 62 IL Inf Military Stone39 views

Burmeister, Infant Daughter39 views

Fruend, Oscar F. & Lena39 views

Brun, William & Anna39 views

Fruend, Oscar F. Ill Pvt 331 Inf 83 Div Military Marker39 views

Baxter, Betty A (nee Essenpreis)39 views

Benhoff, Hy August39 views

Benhoff, Mathilda39 views

Benhoff, Leon A39 views

Berndsen, Henry and Elisabeth39 views

Bingham, Celia (nee Hallermann)39 views

Bruening, Joe39 views

Burger, Mary M.39 views

Detmer, Stephen Joseph39 views

Deutsch, Josephine39 views

Eilers, Joseph F. and Bertha T. (nee Deimeke)39 views

Eilers, J. Herman and Anna39 views

Feldmann, Herman H.39 views
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