Most viewed |

Paulsmeyer, Henry and Minnie56 views

Mattmiller, Kim Arlean56 views

Hugo, Minna56 views

Voss, Mary G.56 views

Kottmeyer, Alma56 views

Huelskamp, August and Mary A. and Rose E.56 views

Jansen, Edward C. and Cecilia F. (nee Koerkenmeier)56 views

Goewert, Max H. and Mary G.56 views

Voss, Anton S. and Mary W. (nee Meyer)56 views

Haar, Catherine M.56 views

Immethun, Louis56 views

Kampwerth, Alphonse B. and Mary A. (nee Richter)56 views

Schrage, Kenneth H.56 views

Krause, Fred F.56 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Meyer, Henry & Lena56 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Dittmer, Wm56 views

Schroeder, Edward & Adela56 views

Wuebbles, Cletus G.56 views

Slade, Joseph A "Jack"56 viewsSlade's grave is located in Salt Lake City, Utah in the southwest corner of Plat B4, between cemetery streets Main and Center, and Fifth and Grand. The plot lies about fifty yards northeast of the Sexton's Office. The grave is one of the few marked graves in Plat B4, where it lies amidst a large, well-manicured grassy acre. Military headstone.
Photo submitted by Carolyn Kress Dennis

Watts, James M56 views

Buehne, Aloys L.56 views

Straeter, Rose Mary56 views

79 - 1921 and 192256 views

86 - 192856 views

083 - 1941 - Medium56 views#557-#565

080 - 1940 Lighter56 views#536-#547

Middeke, Barbara Ellen56 views

M0356 views

M1356 views

R0356 views

R0256 views

R0856 views

Schuette, Louisa56 views

Unknown56 views*

Jansen, Imelda A (nee Meyer)56 views

Shirley, Jerry and Wilma N - front side56 views

Schroeder, Johannes and Barbara56 views

Zurliene, Gary R.56 views

Budde, Anton P.56 viewsVeteran

Knolhoff, J. E.56 views

Breiner, Fred F. and Marie C. nee Wobbe56 views

Schulte, Herman and Elizabeth56 viewsHerman Henry Schulte and Maria "Elisabeth" nee Borgelt
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison
Section I

Diekemper Family Plot56 viewsPhoto by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison
Section I

Hempen, Joanne nee Brandmeyer56 viewsWife of John Hempen
Section D 3 28
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Krebs, Casper J and Matilda J nee Diekemper56 viewsDaughter of Henry and Maria Helena nee Wilken Diekemper
Son of Jacob Sophia Anna nee Schiermann Krebs
Section J. 11 9 and 10
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Krebs, Barbara56 viewsNewer stone
Daughter of Casper and Theresia nee Divine Krebs
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison
Section G 1 24

Peppenhorst Headstone for four people56 viewsSection I
Children of Bernard and Margaret nee Kunkel Peppnhorst
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Tonnies, Florence C. nee Bergmann56 views

Donnewald, James H.56 viewsIllinois House of Representative 1970-1964
Illinois State Senator 1965-1984
Illinois State Treasurer 1983-1987

Peppenhorst, Edward A. and Frances M nee Kannall56 viewsSon of Johann and Philippine nee Frey Peppenhorst
Daughter of Dominick and Elizabeth nee List Kannall

Taphorn, Agnes56 viewsInfant daughter of Bernard N and Maria Thereisa nee Weisenfeld Taphorn

Taphorn, Anthony L.56 views**

Timmermann, Loretta A. nee Becker56 viewsDaughter of Frank George and Helen nee Meyer Becker

Huels, Rodney Gerard and Jerry Paul56 viewsInfant sons of Paul and Aggie
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Buehler, Flo Ann and Lloyd G (backside)56 viewsSection L
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Buehler, Lloyd George military marker56 viewsSection L
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Hansen, Dade Michael56 viewsSection L
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Mensing, Philip - Military stone56 viewsPhoto submitted by Donnell Wisniewski,

Beckmann, Leon H. and Johanna G. nee Mensing close up56 viewsPhoto submitted by Donnell Wisniewski,

Watts, Thomas D56 views

Watts, Richard56 views

Watts, Piety56 views

Jarvis, J. C. 56 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Spittler, Vernie X and Catherine M56 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Van Dorn, Emil F56 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Weisensell, Reinhold A.56 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Weisensell, Reinhold A. - close up56 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Langston, Ellen (Brown)56 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Schmiedes, Alice J (Merten)56 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Sullens, Maggie P56 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Stutko, Rudolph & Minnie56 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Stevens, Laura B56 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson
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