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Edmonds, Andrew J - Military marker WW II56 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Hamilton, James W "Jim" and Amanda nee Truetken56 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Isaacs, Valentine - Military stone Civil War56 viewsUS Veteran - 2 IL US L Cav
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Jasper, Lucille E56 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Koch, Herbert A - military marker WW II56 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann
Date added=Apr 07, 2012 Geomossfamily[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10060/thumb_Geomossfamily%5B1%5D.jpg)
Moss, George Herman Family56 viewsGeorge Herman Moss (1852-1920) husband.
Mary Elizabeth Ottensmeier (1858-1933) wife.
Photo submitted by Nancy Moss
Please let Nancy know if you can help identify which child is which.

Cochenour, Mahlon56 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Conwell, Helen C56 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Gerdes, George A56 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Hale, Arthur - Military56 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Neeley, Caroline56 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Melton, Allen H56 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Smith, Robert & Lela (Parson)56 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Thorman, Bertha C56 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Showers, Gladys M nee Diffenauer56 viewsDaughter of Joseph L and Louise P nee Maibaum Diffenauer
Section E 13 26

Hubert, Jakob Family plot rear view east56 viewsSection G
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Maher, Bridget W56 viewsSection G - 1, 48
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

McGaffigan, James Clinton56 viewsSection G - 4, 31
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Stein, Louis56 viewsSection G - 4, 2
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Westermann, August and Elizabeth nee Hubert56 viewsSection G - 3, 13, 14
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Wuller, Bernard and Elisabeth nee Wortmann56 viewsSection G - 4 27,26
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Schiermann, John F and Mary Family Plot56 viewsSec G 5 48
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Powers, Mary56 viewsSec G 9-54
In Ryan Lot
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Ogle, Loyd L and Mary H nee Reagan56 viewsSec G 13-58, 57
In the woodline
Reagan Lot
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Murray, Andrew Peter56 viewsSec G 16-14
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Roese, Edwin 56 viewsInfant
Sec G 15-17
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

McGaffigan, Anna Ruth56 viewsSec G 16-22
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Kleber, Archibald military stone56 viewsSec G 15-54
Son of Jake and Rosa Kleber
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Kleber, Rosey Elisabeth56 viewsSec G 16-56
Wife of Jacob Kleber
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Murray, Mary Ellen56 viewsSec G 18-30
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Robert, Christina56 viewsSec G 17-23
Daughter of Jacob and Margarita nee Basler Robert
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Robert, Bertha Margaretha56 viewsInfant sister to Anna and Margaret
Daughter of Jacob and Margaretha nee Basler Robert
Sec G 18-24
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Lampen, Aloys N56 viewsSec G 20-29
Son of John Conrad and Christina nee Schulte Lampen

Konrad, Lina G56 viewsSec G 17-20
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Taphorn, Antonius L56 viewsSec G 22-14
Infant son of John G and Louisa Anna nee Pfisterer
At bottom of hill, backside East
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Kolmer, Frank56 viewsSec G 29-45
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

O'Connor, Thomas56 viewsSec G 25-37
Son of James and Jane O'Connor
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Muench, Otto A56 viewsSec I 10-31
Son of Franz and Barbara Muench
Photo by Bob Seiffert

Schwierjohn, Leo Clemens and Erhard Joseph56 viewsSec I 10-57,58
Brothers, and sons of
Anthony and Catherine Schwierjohn
Photo by Bob Seiffert

Schlafly, Helen Jane56 viewsSec I 10-70
Photo by Bob Seiffert

Schiermann, George H56 viewsSec I 11-39
Photo by Bob Seiffert

Schiermann, Elizabeth nee Geister56 viewsSec I 11-40
Wife of George Schiermann
Widow of C H August Meyer
Photo by Bob Seiffert

Flaherty, Michael Monument56 viewsSec I 11-79
Photo by Bob Seiffert.

Yunker, Helen B56 viewsSec I 12-75
Daughter of Joseph and Mary Junker
Photo by Bob Seiffert

Pollmann, Mary Kay56 viewsChildrens' Cemetery
Sec I 3-78
Daughter of Alphonse and Dorothy Pollmann
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Warren, Christopher Patrick56 viewsChildrens' Cemetery
Sec I 3-70
Son of Michael and Kathy Warren
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Kleiboeker, Timothy James (twin)56 viewsChildrens' Cemetery
Sec I 3-67
Son of David and Diane nee Wiegmann Kleiboeker
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Wuebbels, Andrew G56 viewsChildrens' Cemetery
Sec I 3-90
Son of Wilson and Selma nee Haake Wuebbels
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Rohde, Anthony David56 viewsChildrens' Cemetery
Sec I 3-76
Son of David and Helen nee Poole Rohde
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Holtgrave, Herman H56 viewsSec I 4-87
Childrens' Cemetery
Son of Stephen and Lizzie nee Timmermann Holtgrave
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Lampe, Vincent Frederic and Kathleen H nee Hughes56 viewsSec I 5-39, 40
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Muehling, Anna56 viewsSec I 6-50
Daughter of Frank and Catherine nee Peppenhorst Muehling.
Centenarian at Death.
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Laux, Cecelia E56 viewsInfant daughter of Martin and Frances Laux
Sec I 7-54
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Meyer, Bernard H56 viewsSec I 8-29
Son of John and Catherine nee Weinheimer Meyer
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

O'Connell, Mary Ellen56 viewsSec I 15-34
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Murphy, Dorothy nee Reisenmeyer56 viewsSec I 14-50
Wife of "Doc" Murphy
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Murphy, William Richard56 viewsSec I 14-47
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Konrad, Agnes56 viewsIn Konrad Lot
Sec I 14-55
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Sellier - Name of Lot Owner only56 viewsSec I 15-86
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Goetz, Louis56 viewsDied 1937
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Maas, Jim56 viewsHomemade cross
Sec I 16 99
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Ratermann, George and Rosa nee Hilmes56 viewsSec I 15-23, 24
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Loddick, Regina "Jennie" nee Schmitt56 viewsSec I 15-28
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Lehach, William and Josephine nee Knuf56 viewsSection J
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Neumann, Herman and Mary56 viewsSection J
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Roberg, Roberta J and her son James K 56 viewsSection J
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Sussen, Evelyn S56 viewsSection J
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Hejka, Mark Alan56 viewsSection D
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Hilbus, Josephine A nee Peters56 viewsSection D
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Lawler, Charles A and Nell E nee Cizek56 viewsSection D
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Meyer, August Frank and Mary M nee Lampen56 viewsSection D
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Rainey , Randall M (infant son of Herbert and Marie)56 viewsSection D
Photo by Toni Kohrmann
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