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Hemann, Hermann59 views

077 - 1937 - 1938 Medium59 views#515-#523

Kampwerth, Andrew B.59 views

Jacob, Laurie L. (nee Meyer)59 views

H1259 views

C15 - Book E & F59 views

Harp, Elza59 viewsVeteran.
Photo by Lucy Buchele.

Zinn, George, Veteran59 views

Heimann, Aloys H. and Estella M. nee Jansen59 views

Toennies, John Gerard59 views

Peppenhorst, John and Phillipine (nee Frey)59 views**

Gehrs, Bertha nee Lake59 viewsDaughter of Herman B and Elizabeth Ann nee Weber Lake
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison
Section E.

Breiner, Emil and Frieda nee Billhartz59 views

Herbstritt, Maria Anna59 viewsSister to Adolph, Maxmillian and Karl Herbstritt/Herbstreit, four siblings of twelve born in Ettenheim, Baden, Germany. The family immigrated to Lookinglass Township from arrival in December 1854 on board the William Nelson to New York. She married William Oberle, they lived in the Nokomis, IL area the rest of their lives. They raised a family of thirteen children. Subsequent generations of the family now live in the Kansas City areas of KS and MO.

Taphorn, Cecile M59 views**

Taphorn, Bernard59 viewsSon of Bernard N and Maria Theresia nee Weisenfeld Taphorn

Zbinden, David A and Betty H nee Zobrist59 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Mensing, Albert and Betty59 views

Mensing, George J. obit59 views

Watts, Hayden Asberry59 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson.

Bowling, Elsie Lena59 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Brandt, Arthur C - Military marker maybe Korea59 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Carson, Frank59 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Conwell, Emma59 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Charlton, Cluster James59 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Carver, Walter59 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Cooley, Fred H59 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

McNeill, Violet59 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

McNeill Family59 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Palm, Arthur59 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Unreadable, near Martin Lancaster59 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

White, David A - Military59 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Corcoran, Mary Lydia59 viewsInfant daughter of John and Barbara née Krebs Corcoran
Broken tombstone, overgrown in the treeline, lower east corner roadside
Section G - 1, 56
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Kohlhauff, Mary nee Baquet59 viewsSection G -1, 52

Krebs, Vincent59 viewsSection G - 2,32
Son of Ben and Emma nee Barth Krebs
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Luebbe, Mary nee Krebs59 viewsDaughter of Johann and Anna Maria nee Schlafly Krebs
Section G - 2, 16
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Schmitz, Anna nee Meyer59 viewsSecond wife of Louis Schmitz
Section G - 6, 5

Wuller, Clara A59 viewsSection G - 3, 26
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Stokes, Thomas and Ellen nee Farrell59 viewsSec G 6 17,18
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Krebs, August B59 viewsSon of Johann and Anna Maria nee Schlafly Krebs
Sec G 6-30
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Heinzmann, Emma59 viewsSec G 6-40
Infant of Oscar and Anna Maria nee Kolmer Heinzmann
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Heinzmann, Anna Maria59 viewsSec G 6-39
Infant of Oscar and Anna nee Kolmer Heinzmann
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Krotter, Barbara59 viewsBorn in 18th Century - 1799
Sec G 4-45
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

McGaffigan, Andrew J, MD59 viewsSec G 16-7
Next to M P Murray Lot
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Goffroy, John59 viewsInfant son
Sec G 14-34
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Lang, Mary Helena Maria nee Lampen59 viewsSec G 14-45
Daughter of Henry and Helen née Winkler Lampen
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Hentschel, Wilhelm and Catharina nee Herzog59 viewsSec G 14-47, 48
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Leitsch, William Frank and Irene nee Grimes59 viewsSec G 9-59, 60
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Kleber, Joseph59 viewsYoung son of Anthony and Mary
Kleber. In the overgrowth woodline.
Sec G 11-60
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Reagan, Daniel and Mary nee O'Neill59 viewsSec G 13-60,59
Reagan Lot
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

McGaffigan, Carlyle H59 viewsClose up
Sec G 16 24
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Holdener, Mathew Adolph59 viewsSon of Joseph Dominic and Frances nee Berger Holdener
Sec G 16-34

Menkhaus, John Mathew and Mary C nee Brockschmidt59 viewsSec G 15-45, 46, 47, 48, 49
With daughters Cornelia E, Mary M and Olivia C

Kleber, Mary Anna59 viewsSec G 15-56
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Rausch, Clara59 viewsWife of Benedict Rausch
Sec G 20-50
Spelling corrected
Stone broken off base
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Murray, Matthew Edward59 viewsSec G 17-32
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Meuri, Anna M59 viewsSec G 18-28

Meuri, Ferdinand and Mechtildis nee Bachman59 viewsSec G 17-30, 31
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Konrad, Mariann59 viewsInfant daughter of Phillip and Elizabeth nee Basler Konrad
Sec G 18-20
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Murray, Matthew Peter and Mary Ann nee McGaffigan59 viewsSec G 15-13, 14
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Sparks, William Andrew Jackson Monument59 viewsHonorable William Andrew Jackson Sparks
Illinois 16th District - US Democratic Congressman
1875-1883 Appropriations, Military Affairs, Indian Affairs, and Interior Department Committees
Appointed by President Grover Cleveland as Commissioner of the General Land Office
1885 -1887
Sec G 17-5-6-7
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Taphorn, Elisabeth nee Wenner59 viewsSec G 22-35
Wife of Johann Taphorn
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Collins, James59 viewsSec G 25-53
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Meyer, C H August59 viewsSec G 28-44
Spouse of Elizabeth Geister
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Burtz, Bernard59 viewsSec G 28-40
Husband of Wilhemina Fischer
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Jeffarson, Edward59 viewsSec G 25-25
Infant son of William and Catherine Jeffarson
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

O'Connell, Patrick59 viewsSec G 23-36
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Laux, William and Elizabeth nee Stanley59 viewsSec I 9-55, 56
Photo by Bob Seiffert

Mulcahy, Eliza59 viewsSec I 8-90
Daughter of Timothy and Helena Mulcahy
Photo by Bob Seiffert

Ortman, George H59 viewsSec I 10-38
Infant son of Ben and Anna nee Schneider Ortmann
Photo by Bob Seiffert

Flaherty, William59 viewsSec I 10-82a
Photo by Bob Seiffert.

Menkhaus, Franz Matthew and Lena nee Muench59 viewsSec I 11-31, 32
Photo by Bob Seiffert
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