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Diekemper, Ida Gertrude up close93 viewsDaughter of Bernard and Anna nee Schroeder Diekemper
Section I 10 91
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Bauman, Margaret nee Eilering93 views

Becker, Agnes nee Wellinghoff93 views**

Becker, Charles I. and Fern D. nee Woods93 views**

Becker, Catherine nee Yunker (Junker)93 views**

Becker, Regina93 views**

Becker, Ralph F.93 views**

Hempen, Bernard Henry and Catherine nee Schiermann93 viewsDaughter of Johann Heinrich and Louise Carolina nee Batke Schiermann
Section 1 14 29 and 30
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison

Harpstrite farm93 viewsAerial view of Edward Harpstrite farm, unknown date. Farm passed down to his son Richard Harpstrite, and on to his children.
Photo submitted by Marilyn Luebbers Morrison in Oct 2011.

Beinart, Emma93 views**

Hestin Wendelin93 viewsThis is Wendelin and I (Julie Spencer) presume some of his grandchildren. I think this might be in New Baden. In the 1910 census he was living with my grandparents in Kansas City, MO. In the 1920 census he was with his daughter Minnie Hestin Georger and her family. After that he was back in Kansas City as that is where he died. None of these children are my mom's siblings, so that is why I think this was taken in New Baden. My mom and her twin brother were born in 1918 and when they were several years old my grandmother Louise Hestin Westerman took them to New Baden to meet Wendelin. I do not think this is my mom and her twin on Wendelin's lap as they do not look the same age and mom and her twin would have been at least 2 when they were in New Baden.

Reupke, Carolyn93 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Harrison, J W93 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Parker, Leatie Florence93 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Rudolph, Frederick93 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Arentsen, M. Adelhaid93 views

Billhartz, Xaver P.93 views

Middle part of cemetery93 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Brittingham, G W 93 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Jackson, W H 93 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

93 viewsSt. Liborius

Beer, Edward G93 viewsSection K
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Pax, Marjorie F close up93 viewsSection K
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Findley, Martha H 93 viewsDau of A. and M. Findley.
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Gillespie, Robert B93 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Gillespie, Thomas T.93 viewsClose up.
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Gillespie, Unknown93 viewsFound buried deep in the ground-unable to locate the rest of the stone but it has the same scroll work as J. Gillespie's stone.
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

G., M. L. footstone93 viewsNo stone found to match these initials.
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Beckemeyer, Delmar W and Ethel M93 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Jones, J W D- Military Stone93 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Round base93 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson. Round base that I put back upright. Could not find the top.

Cemetery View93 viewsListing at
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Section G East93 viewsOlder German plots, St Mary side - front rows - east roadside
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Ackermann, Maria Anne nee Schlafly93 viewsMother Stone
Daughter of Johann Joseph and Helena nee Rhein Schlafly
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Nothaus, Herbert A and Paula N93 viewsSection J
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Head, Josephine (nee Klutho)92 views

Didier, Philbert92 views

Daughtery, B. T. (has military information)92 views

Bartle, Emeline92 views

Huey, Florance Atwood92 views

Albers, Norbert J Military92 views

Reid, Lula May92 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Becker, Orville92 views

Berry, Mary C.92 views

Baker, Chas. A.92 views

Atwater, Robert L 92 views

Prather, Richard S. - DAR award92 views

Prather, Richard S. - overall photo92 views

Collingsworth, Martha G.92 views

Goldsmith, Thomas W.92 views

Unknown92 viewsPhoto submitted by Gary Brand through Jim Roeckemann

Bixschlag, Maria (nee Maas)92 views

Amann, Gregor92 views

Albers, Harold F.92 views

048 - 1920 - Darker92 viewsthrough #317

047 - 1919 Medium92 views#292-#304

053 - 1921 Medium92 views#340-#351

D0392 views

H0592 views

B33 - Book E - Darker92 views

C12 - Book D & E 92 views

Parker, Mathilda92 views*

Neal, Martha E. and Preston L.92 views*

Leicht, George G. and Mamie 92 views

Leicht, Raymond92 views

McKnight, Roy - 191492 views

Palsenberger, Dale Jr - 198092 views

Russell, Betty J nee Chrismer - 198192 views

Schulte, LaVerne W - Military92 views

Reddick, Edna92 viewsTop of stone only

Reddick, Joshua92 views

Whitlock, Joseph J92 views
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