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Isaak, Catherine100 viewsUp-close

Godell, John100 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Endres, Cecilia100 viewsI am not 100% sure this is Cecilia although her daughter says it is. I guess over years that when they age, it's not as easy to identify them.
Photo submitted by Alissa Tremblay []

Hediger, John - close up100 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Whitlock, James J.100 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson.

A Section - Breese, Sidney Family Plot100 viewsSection A 10, 11, 12, and 13
Family of Sidney and Eliza Breese
18 family member gravesites
Namesake of Breese IL, est 1855
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Schmidt, Joseph F. and Mary A. (nee Moss)99 views

Holthaus, Margaretha 99 views

Kramer, Ernest - Military stone99 viewsPhoto by Gloria Dettleff.

Hartmann, B. H. - Military stone99 viewsPhoto by Gloria Dettleff.

Hewey, Joseph99 views

Avant, May E. & Lyman T.99 views

Hines, Lawrence & Caroline99 views

Allen, Mary J.99 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Arnett, Nathan Rev.99 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Smith, Elizabeth A. (nee Allen)99 viewsBottom half of stone.
Submitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Menamee, Elizabeth E.99 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Jolliff, Susannah99 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Orvis, Elizabeth Icepheny99 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Woolbright, D.A.99 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Wall, Laura99 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Ahlers, J. M. Herman99 views

Clark, Olive99 views

02 - 1889 and 189099 views

034 - 1914 - 1915 Darker99 views#208-#220

D0699 views

B17 - Book C - Darker99 views

B26 - Lighter to B2599 views

B38 - Book E99 views

Gooding, Amy M.99 views*

Gooding, Ada E.99 views*

Power, Solomon H99 viewsSon of Pennington & Elizabeth Power
Died Nov 29, 1845
Aged 2 months 18 days
Photo by John and Eileen Ratermann

Orrell, Sherman M.99 views

Lucas, Francis M.99 views

Burris, Delbert D and Dolly M nee Jackson - Veteran99 views

Grider, John W and Jane R nee Evans99 views

Woolbright, D. A.99 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

P 2399 views

Barth, Rosalia C. "Sally" nee Wolters99 viewsWife of August A. "Bud"

Bright, Charles K.99 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Bann, Paul F and Virla L nee Garbs99 views

Bickner, Debra Jean99 views

Becker, Virgil P.99 views**

Becker, Joseph B(ernard) and Alvina G. nee Foppe 99 views**

Becker, John Paul and Mary A. nee Wichmann99 views**

Kueper, Frank R. and Helena E. nee Hilmes99 viewsSon of William and Anna nee Kahrhoff Kueper SR
Daughter of Johann H and Maria Angela nee Wilken Hilmes
Section E 15 15 and 16
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Billhartz, Frida A.99 views

Billhartz, Henry A. and Ida K. nee Singler99 views

Billhartz, Robert J.99 views

Becker, Lawrence F. and Gertrude L. nee Albers99 views**

Kueper, Harold "Hoz" and Ethel Dreta "Sandy" nee Albers99 viewsSon of Frank and Helena nee Hilmes Kueper
Daughter of Victor and Veronica nee Hemann Albers
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison
Section D 15 21 and 22

Becker, William F99 views**

Huckabay, Sarah (bottom)99 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Hediger, Georg99 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Kell, Josiah L99 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Section L99 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Brunson Family Tree99 viewsTree submitted by Donnell Wisniewski,

Gillespie, Infant 99 viewsBefore cleaning.
Dau of T. W. and S. E.
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Gillespie, John99 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Gillespie, John 99 viewsUp closer.
Photo by Chad Parson.

Jones, Charles L99 viewsTop of stone. Photo by Chad Parson

Hilltop monuments99 viewsSparks, Brummer, Zieren, Lutz, Konrad, Schlafly, Metzger families
All photos marked with a double asterisk submitted by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison
Fall 2011, through 2013.

Ballard, M Lisa99 viewsDaughter of Robert and Gertrude nee Niehoff Robben
Section E
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Barkley, Maud Glassford99 viewsSection A 23 2
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Kartmann, Frank - Military stone98 viewsPhoto by Gloria Dettleff.

Ruf, John - Military stone 98 viewsPhoto by Gloria Dettleff.

Ashley, Betty Jane (nee Goldschmidt) also Goldschmidt, Gertrude (nee Foppe) and Elmer J.98 views

Anderson, Margaret98 views

Bartlett, James Austin98 views

Oyster, Sam A. H. and George98 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Aberlin, Sallie - top98 viewsTop half of stone. See previous photo.
Submitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Steele, Sarah J.98 viewsBottom half of stone.
Submitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader
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