Most viewed |

Quick, Nettie B.103 views

Ogle, Mary103 viewsPhoto from Chad Parson

Apple, Addie V and Apple, Jennie J Inscription enhanced with foil103 viewsGone in their young years,
Ere sorrow could stain,
Afar from life's cares,
Its griefs and its pains.
Photo from Chad Parson

McNeill, Thomas B103 viewsPhoto from Chad Parson

Heinzmann, Joseph103 views

P 11103 views

P 20103 views

P 25103 views

Watts, James Hix Memorial Marker103 views

Bagwell, Oliver and Mary103 viewsPhoto submitted by Lucy Buchele.

Hilmes, Herman103 views**

Diekroetger, Matthias G.103 viewsHusband of Rosa nee Etter

Becker, Ferdinand and Elizabeth103 views**

Fauke, Viola F. nee Becker103 views**

Emil Harpstrite103 viewsInfant son of Charles and Elizabeth nee Singler Harpstrite/Harpstreith

Diekemper, Leander H and Leonora M nee Stokes103 viewsSon of Bernard and Anna E nee Schroeder Diekemper
Daughter of Julia nee Farrell and Michael Stokes
Section J 36,37
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Arentsen, John A.103 views

Arentsen, Vincent F. "Vince"103 views

Book, Theresia nee Buettmann103 views

Becker, Ferdinand and Elizabeth (Catherine) nee Mensing103 viewsSon of Henry Joseph and Theresa nee Junker Becker
Daughter of Johann Gerhard and Ann nee Gerken Mensing

Beckmann, Paul W.103 views**

Becker, Margaret103 views**

Kuhner, Efresina full view103 viewsThe Kuhner family members arrived to the United States from Germany in 1854 on the William Nelson, along with the Herbstreith family of Trenton ... Viktoria Gluek Herbstreith and her four children, Joseph, Adolph, Karl Charles, and Maxmillian.

Godell Grave Yard103 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann in Nov 2011.
Reading of these stones are at

Huckabay, Harriett103 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Rasch, Ernst103 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Ogle, Susannah C103 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Turkington, Samuel J Death Record103 views

Jackson cemetery view 1103 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann
in December 2011.
Reading of the stones is at

Beckemeyer, Harold E103 viewsSection K
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Buchheit, Henry T and Lucille103 viewsSection K
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Erlinger, LaVerne "Blue" and Mary E103 viewsSection K
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Hempen, Paul H103 viewsSection K
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Cemetery View 5103 viewsGeneral area of Gillespie with
several stones.
Photo by Chad Parson.

Gillespie, Mary A.103 viewsClose up of death date.
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Loddick, Florence nee Russell103 viewsWife of Wm. Loddick.
Photo by Chad Parson.

Demming, Anthony, Reverend monument103 viewsMonument for Rev Demming, Diepenbrock, Bruns Clergy Plot
Sec I Row 6
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Alsop, Thomas B103 viewsSection E 4 2
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Addison, Doris J103 viewsSection A 20 68
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Armer, Frank and Betty nee Koehler103 viewsSection A 19
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Apple, John A103 viewsSection A 18 28
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Schulte, Anna Maria E. and Joseph103 viewsSection A 12 32
Photo from Marilyn Schulte

Hadley, Seth S. & Sarah C.102 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Aberlin, Sallie - bottom102 viewsBottom half of stone, see next photo.
Submitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Butler, Martha E.102 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Heaberlin, S. B.102 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Roper, W. Dwight102 viewsTop half of stone.
Submitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Johnson, Charlotte T.102 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Quick, Anna102 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Sloat, George102 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Rettinghouse, Clara P. & Louella102 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Joliff, John A.102 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Jolliff, James F.102 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Jolliff, George W.102 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Becker, Bertha R102 views

McKever, R. C. plot - 5 of the 6 pieces of fallen stone.102 views

Watts, Haden H. and Eliza J.102 views

075 - 1935 - 1936 Medium102 views#493-#503

H06102 views

B11 - Book B - Darker102 views

Erisman, Israel A.102 views*

Erisman, Elizabeth102 views*

Fisk, Henry Clay - close up102 views*

Gordon, Joseph102 views*

Power, Franklin A 102 viewsSon of Pennington & Elizabeth Power
Died Sep 24, 1850
Age 21 years 2 months 29 days
Photo by John and Eileen Ratermann

Streleski, Maud102 views

Lyons, Ferd N. & Maude102 viewsThere is also a military marker.

Brooks, Robert 1906102 views

Sellers, Elmer L - 2002 - Veteran102 views

Ackmann, Herman102 views

Reddick, Francis M102 viewsPhoto from Chad Parson

Reynolds, Martha102 viewsPhoto furnished by Jeanie (Potts) Nolte
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