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Hogan, Martha A. & Reemtsen, Edrie E.123 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Jackson, Jane C. (nee Joliff)123 viewsSubmitted by Carol Ryan-Spenader

Bright, Evalenar - close-up123 viewsPhoto from Russel & Sandra Bright

Abeln, C. Heinrich123 views

State Bank of Breese Interior. 123 viewsPostmark 1912
Submitted by John Ratermann

B07123 views

A06 - Book C & D - Lighter123 views

St Dominic's "Diamonds & Hearts" Play Cast123 views1914 unused postcard
Front Row: Josephine Klutho, Louis J Vander Pluym and Father Wyrich
Second Row: _______ Lager, Noonie Needham, George Schlueter, Helen Funke, Vic Klutho
Back Row: Joe Klutho, Helen Feldwerth, Al Kruep, and Al Niemeyer
Picture taken at St Dominic’s Grade School
Picture sent by Tom Vander Pluym through John Ratermann, property of and permission to display given by David Vander Pluym.

page 80123 views

Yingst Cemetery123 viewsPhoto from Chad Parson
Reading of the stones in this cemetery are at:

Unknown 123 viewsSandstone marker.
Photo by Chad Parson

Page 56123 views

Allen, Eliza M., wife of Houston, nee Watts123 views

Letter from Kemble Stout to Beth Kraig - Page 1123 viewsReferences to Edmonds, Potts, Seagram, Bailey, Miller and others. Submitted by Kate Rogers

Borgelt, Barbara Agnes123 views**

Allen, William G & Dobbs, Sarah Marriage Record123 views

Beckemeyer, John C close up123 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Burnside, Eliza123 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Marchum, Mary Ann122 views

Low122 viewstop, Bill Low third from right
next, Bill Low on left,then Coalmorn, & Casetta
last Bill Low
Photo from Marty Lowe

Boatright, Irvin T (inscription)122 viewsHis toils are past, his work is done, And he is fully blest,
He fought the fight, the victory won, And enters into rest.
Photo submitted by Cynthia

1948 - 1950122 views

Ledger Book spine122 viewsFirst estimate of possible date ranges: Book A-1818; B-1833; C-1839; D-1865; E-1879; F-Sep 1880. Entries might go through 1890, more or less.

McGowan, William D. Obit122 viewsThis is from May 1940. I believe it was taken from the Carlyle newspaper.
Submitted by William Martin

Skipper, John G.122 views

Ebenezer Cemetery122 viewsIn Memory of Todd & Ruby Crowder. For all the care
given this cemetery by them in years past and for
years to come. Reading of the stones is at .
51 photos submitted by Lucy Buchele

page 74122 views

page 73122 views

Jolliff Cemetery122 viewsReading of the stones is at
Photo by Chad Parson

Stacey Cemetery - Before the Clean-Up122 viewsPower substation is on the left.
Stones are under thrown shrubbery.
Photo by Chad Parson. 9 Sep 2010.

C122 views

M S122 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

Southern ILL Breeding Association (Breese)122 viewsNever Mailed
Submitted by John V Ratermann

Allen, Eliza122 viewsStone upright

Grotto, World Wars Memorial 122 viewsName plaque
Photo by Marilyn (Wilkens/Luebbers) Morrison
Section G.

Borgelt, Henry Jr122 viewsMarried Margaret nee Schulte, parents of nine children.
Photo submitted by Marilyn Luebbers Morrison in Sep 2011.

APPLE FAMILY & COUSINS FROM INDIANA122 viewsAbout 1905 near Keyesport, Illinois
Back row:
1. William Apple, son of Peter Apple, 1841 – 1922. Age 64.
2. James Buchanan Apple, son of John Smith Apple, 1856 – 1910. Age 49.
3. Johnson Smith Apple, son of John Smith Apple, 1843 – 1920. Age 62.
4. A cousin from Indiana, could be either an Apple or a Bickle.
5. Lewis Cass Apple, son of John Smith Apple, 1849 – 1932. Age 56.
6. Richard Johnson Apple, son of John Smith Apple 1840 – 1920. Age 65.
Front row:
1. Caroline Apple Emery, daughter of John Smith Apple, 1837 – 1918. Age 68.
2. Benjamin Apple, son of Peter Apple, 1843 – 1932. Age 62.
3. A Bickle cousin from Indiana, on Phebe’s side.
4. Lucy Apple Daniels, daughter of Peter Apple, 1857 - ? Age 48.
Owner of original photo - Maxine Apple

Baehr, John122 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Baehr, Katharina122 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Broughton, Emily Obit122 views

Carson, Dewey Obit & Mortuary Notice122 views

Allen, William Henry Obit122 views

Allen, Samuel Houston Death122 views

St. Damian's Cemetery Infant and Children's section.122 views

Bango, Jacob N122 viewsSection K
Photo by Toni Kohrmann

Abbott, Dorothy122 viewsSection E 3 16
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Bright, Sherman Lester121 views has additional information
Photo from Russel & Sandra Bright

Low, Roy 1912121 viewsPhoto from Marty Lowe

Low, Adie?121 views

Entry Gate121 viewsPhotos by John and Nancy Moss
After you open a photo, click it again to enlarge it.

Altepeter, Heinrich121 views

011 - 1907 Darker121 views#52-#64

A05121 views

A04121 views

B04121 views

C01121 views

Cole, Francis121 views

Morris, Sarah J.121 views

Schaubert, Lyddia Ann121 views

Unknown121 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson

P 13121 views

New Baden Village/St George Catholic Cemetery Entrance121 viewsPhoto by Nancy Moss
** Photos by Marilyn Luebbers Morrison

Ahner, Eleanor Z and Theodore P121 viewsMarried to Winkler, Elmer H

Meirink, Mary Villanova, Sister121 viewsMeirink, Agnes Elizabeth

Meirink, Mary Margaret, Sister Page 2.121 views

Harpstrite, Johann/John Baptiste121 viewsBaden- Ettenheim, Wuertenberg, Germany. Immigrated to America in 1833 to port in New Jersey. Johann Baptiste, his wife, Mary Sophia Ramer, and three sons, Anton, Edward, and Augustus. Moved westward, living in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana, where fourth son, Charles, was born 1840. Settled in Lookinglass township Clinton County IL in 1844, purchasing the parcel of land where this cemetery now sits. Anton stayed and raised his family in Clinton County IL. Augustus, Edward and Charles moved north by 1855, to settle and prosper as farmers and businessmen in Macon County IL - Decatur and near Sangamon.

Harpstrite, Mary Sophia nee Romer121 views

Borgelt, Antoinette "Nettie"121 viewsBecame wife of Anton Henry Wilken in Wade Township.
Photo submitted by Marilyn Luebbers Morrison in Sep 2011.

Borgelt, Hedwig Marie121 views

Baehr, Conrad121 viewsPhoto by Toni Kohrmann

Alexander Ruddle McClaren - military stone121 viewsStone buried in ground.
Photo from Chad Parson

Ahls, Amos121 viewsPhoto by Chad Parson
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