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Rowekamp, Henry C & Augusta F (nee Grunz)05/29/14 at 15:38Frankie Heinzmann: Fixed - thanks for the report

Rowekamp, Henry C & Augusta F (nee Grunz)05/14/14 at 17:25: records under names needs corrected according to t...

Rowekamp, DoraInsert on Infant of C. & D. Rowekamp's stone.06/29/09 at 15:37: Grandma, I love you! I wish my mom (your daughter)...

Rowekamp, Infant, son of C & DSee also Rowekamp, Dora for the insert.
Family contact: Nancy
05/18/09 at 01:32: WE love you, uncle! We love you grandma Dora! Heav...