St. John's Cemetery All photos by John Ratermann.
Reading of the stones is at http://clintonilgenweb.net/cemetery/breese/stjohnucc/
St. John's Cemetery
St John's UCC and Ellwood Cemeteries MapBlue portion is St. John's Cemetery.
Ackmann, Herman
Andres, Cora
Andres, Frederich W
Andres, Gottlieb
Andres, Rose
Appel Robert H and Anna E (nee Stemlau)
Appel, Edward
Appel, George O. and Caroline E.
Arnold, John and Louisa
Arnold, Peter & Catharine
Arnold, Wilhelm
Atwater, Robert L
Bandelier, Emile P
Bandelier, Paul F
Beckemeyer, Son of J C and Philipena
Becker, Bertha R
Becker, Ernstina
Becker, Orville
Beckmann, Charlie and Louisa
Beckmann, Edwin C & Frances B (nee Schulte)
Beckmann, Ferdinand C and Viola F (nee Hilgemann)
Behrens, Phillip H
Belcher, Donna Jean
Belcher, Elsie May& Delbert Ray
Biere, B
Biere, D
Biere, L
Bishop, Annie E
Bitterberg, Alvin E & Gertrude
Bitterberg, August & Anna
Bitterberg, Edward -Military
Bitterberg, Henry C
Bitterberg, William
Bloemker, Charlotte
Bloemker, Edwin A & Marcella A (nee Wilkaitis)
Bloemker, Emma
Bloemker, Fred W
Bloemker, H W
Bloemker, Rudolph and Charlotte
Bloemker, Sophia K (nee Strotheide)
Bloemker, William F & Minnie L
Boehm, Child of Chas
Boehm, Christ J
Boehm, E Herbert
Boehm, Louis & Pauline
Boggy, Willard L DVM and Della L (nee Vogt)
Bonney, Harold H and Olinda M
Brandt, John M & Meta I A
Brandt, Lawrence
Breidenbach, Alfred E.
Breidenbach, August
Breidenbach, Conrad
Breidenbach, Edward E
Breidenbach, Fred W
Breidenbach, Lucinda C
Breidenbach, Mary
Breidenbach, Minnie C
Breidenbach, Viola M
Breidenbach, Walter F
Brockmann, Nelson & Gertrude "Sis" (nee Schlarmann)
Brockmann, Roland
Bub, Edward C
Bub, Henry K or P
Buehler, Victor H & Sophie L (nee Parker)
Burger, Anna M
Burger, Henry
Burger, Tillie E and Lulu A
Burger, Warren W "Bud"
Burger, Wilhelmina
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