Trinity Lutheran Cemetery in Hoffmann

Trinity Cemetery is a block behind Trinity schoolThe listing of these graves is at: http://clintonilgenweb.net/cemetery/lake/trinity/

Trinity Cemetery - from road behind schoolFacing west, we called the section to the left the SE section; the section to the right is the NE section. The SW and NW sections are behind the next driveway as it curves around.

Aldag, Carol Ann

Aldag, Elizabeth C. F.

Aldag, Henry D. and Wilhelmine A.

Aldag, Lori Ann

Aldag, Theodore W. and Louise D.

Aldag, William & Minnie

Aldag, William T.Temporary marker

Amend, Regina M.

Amend, Regina M. - close up

Atchison, Lester L. and Doris M.

Atchison, Lester Lee - Military marker

Backs, Andrew L.

Bartha, John E. and Verna A.

Bassen, Frederick & Mary

Bassen, Harold F.

Bassen, Henry W.

Bassen, Martin G. - Military marker

Bassen, Martin G. and Edna S.

Bassen, Scott Timothy

Beckmeyer, Christ

Bilich, Anne L.

Blumenkamp, Gerhard Friedrich

Blumenkamp, Henry & Caroline

Blumenkamp, Maria E.

Blumenkamp, Maria E. close up

Blumenkamp, Theodore and Lydia

Boatright, Kenneth

Boatright, Norman R.

Boatright, Virgil M. and Dena E.

Boehne, Charles

Boehne, Charles - Military marker

Boehne, Charles back side

Boehne, Edwin G.

Boehne, Edwin G. Military

Boehne, Lorene V. nee Marquardt

Boehne, Marla Jane

Boehne, Oscar and Amelia

Boehne, Richard

Boeker, Charles & Helen

Borgelt, Robert E.

Borgelt, Robert E. military stone

Brammeier, Conrad Heinrich

Brammeier, Elise

Brammeier, Henry

Brammeier, Henry C. and Emma (nee Michael)

Brammeier, Maria Wilhelmine Christine

Brandhorst, Alvine

Brandhorst, Anna M.

Brandhorst, Henry W.

Brandhorst, Julius H.

Brandhorst, Leona F.

Brandhorst, Maria

Brandhorst, William C.

Brandt, Marie

Brandt, Otto

Brink, Alfred M.

Brink, Alfred M. - Military marker

Brink, Arthur C.

Brink, Edwin F. & Ella C.

Brink, Edwin F. - Military marker

Brink, Eliza F. W.

Brink, Emma W. C.

Brink, Henry

Brink, Louise

Brink, Martin H. and Ella A. nee Vogel

Brink, William

Brink, William F

Brinkmann, Sophia

Brinkmann, Theodore

Brun, E. C. Louise
