St Francis Catholic in Aviston

St. Francis Cemetery GatePhoto contributed by Gloria Dettleff.
Listing at:

Bingaman, John and AlvinaPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Boeckman, Edward and Pauline, nee RatermannPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Boeckman, JosephPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Dall, B. August and Helena Photo submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Dall, Bernard and CatherinePhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Dall, Clara nee KortePhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Dall, Dorothy M.Photo submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Dall, Edward A.Photo submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Dall, Henry G.Photo submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Dall, Henry SylvesterPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Dall, Ludwig J.Photo submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Dillmann, AgnesPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Dillmann, ArthurPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Dillmann, EleanoraPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Dillmann, ElizabethPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Dillmann, Elizabeth CPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Dillmann, FredPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Dillmann, GeorgePhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Dillmann, HenryPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Dillmann, KatherinePhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Dillmann, MaryPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Dillmann, PhilomenaPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Ehlers, Wm. - Military stone

Fuhler, Angelina

Fuhler, Henry A. - Military stone

Gerstner, GeorgePhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Gerstner, MaryPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Haukap, Edward and Marcella, nee KuesPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Haukap, Michael and RitaPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Henken, Helen M nee PollmannWife of Norbert John Henken (06 Jun 1874-30 May 1939). Photo taken by Richard T. Warnecke.

Henken, Norbert JohnPhoto taken by Richard T. Warnecke.

Jansen, Vincent J.Photo submitted by Mary Lee Jansen

Jansen, Vincent J. and Marie T.Photo from Mary Lee Jansen

Kauling, ElizabethPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Kauling, JohnPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Kues, GerhardPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Kues, John and MargaretPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Kues, WilhelminaPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Lampe, Anthony A. - Military markerPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Raterman, Otto and AnnaPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Ratermann, KathleenPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Ratermann, Robert and SylviaPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Ratermann, WilhelminePhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Renschen, AlvinPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud.

Renschen, Mary Lou

Ribbing, Vincent and MariePhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Ribbing, Vincent and MariePhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Rohling, Edmund and AlmaPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Schulte, Alphonse and HelenPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Schulte, Anna Maria E. and JosephSection A 12 32
Photo from Marilyn Schulte

Schulte, Dorothy M.Photo submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Schulte, Edward and MaryPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Schulte, HenryPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Schulte, J HenryPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Schulte, M ElisabethPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Schulte, Otto and MariePhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Stoff, WilhelminePhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Sudholt, Thomas and LeolaPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud. Not in St. Francis or St. Dominic or St Boniface data bases.

Venhaus, ChristinePhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Venhaus, DouglasPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Venhaus, Frank and AnnaSubmitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Venhaus, HeinrichPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Venhaus, HermanPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Venhaus, LudwigPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Venhaus, MarcellaPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Venhaus, MariePhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Venhaus, Raymond - Military stonePhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Von Hatten, Johanna Renschen, nee KuesPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

VonHatten, VictorPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Warnecke, Paul APaul was one of 16 children born to Agnes Ann Henken and George Henry Warnecke.