Jones Cemetery northeast of Hoffman

Photo take by Chad Parson

Photo taken by Chad Parson

Photo taken by Chad Parson

Hopper, Sarah Melvina, wife of John P, nee JonesPhoto by Chad Parson on 20 Feb 2013.
Additional information on dates and name furnished by Ben B. B. Jones, II,
Reading of all stones is at

Jones, AnniePhoto by Chad Parson

Jones, Charles & ElviraPhoto by Chad Parson

Jones, Charles LTop of stone. Photo by Chad Parson

Jones, Charles L (bottom)Bottom portion of stone. Photo by Chad Parson

Jones, Charles PPhoto by Chad Parson

Jones, Elizabeth LPhoto by Chad Parson

Jones, ElviraPhoto by Chad Parson

Jones, J W D- Military StonePhoto by Chad Parson

Jones, JanePhoto by Chad Parson

Jones, Lear AliceDaughter of C L & Elvira Jones.
Name confirmed by Ben B. B. Jones, II.
Photo by Chad Parson.

Jones, Margaret APhoto by Chad Parson

Jones, Moultra BPhoto by Chad Parson

Jones, Nancy JPhoto by Chad Parson

Quick, NathanielPhoto by Chad Parson

Round basePhoto by Chad Parson. Round base that I put back upright. Could not find the top.