Prayer Cards, also known as Funeral Cards and Memorial Cards, usually contain the birth and death dates and sometimes contain a picture, maiden name, children's names, and brother's and sister's names.

Our collection also contains Funeral Notices. These notices were typically distributed to area businesses.

The majority of the cards in this collection were submitted by John Ratermann. An enormous thanks goes to him. We also had donations from Frank Klostermann and many others.

You can browse through the cards in our Photo Gallery or you can click on the letters below to see an index of the prayer card NAMES starting with that letter.

If you have any Clinton County Prayer Cards that you would like to submit, you may upload them directly to our Photo Gallery or Contact Us.

There are 5467 Prayer Card Images in the index.

Click on the letters below to see the Prayer Card NAMES starting with that letter

Click on the letters below to see the Prayer Card MAIDEN NAMES starting with that letter

(very few cards specify maiden names)