If you have any Clinton County obituaries that you would like to submit, please Contact Us.
We have been collecting obituaries for over 10 years. As a result, we have them stored in several different forms and formats. There are also some excellent external site sources. May we suggest following these steps to help you locate an obituary?
Step 1: Click on the letters below to see an index of obituaries on this site starting with that letter:
Step 2: Check our Photo Gallery. We have a few scans of obituaries that haven't been captured in our database.
Obituary Gallery
Step 3: Use this search engine.
Step 4: Use these external links to Clinton County Funeral Home websites
Albers, Aviston, Breese,
New Baden
Breese, Germantown,
Step 5: Use this external link to the Obituary Daily Times.
This is an external link to an on-line index of obituaries.
You can search for over 2,200 Carlyle Union Banner obituaries by entering the Keyword "CarlyleUB".
You can search for over 8,700 Centralia Sentinel obituaries by entering the Keyword "CentraliaMS".
Obituary Daily Times
Step 6: Follow this external link to Obituary Lookup Volunteers. This is a website with lots of help finding obituaries including a list of volunteers.
Obituary Lookup Volunteers
Step 7: You could also search the Worldwide Library Catalog
for libraries which have a copy of your newspaper of interest. You could search on Breese Journal, Carlyle Banner, etc.
If practical, you could visit the library, or some libraries will do lookups for a fee.
Step 8: If none of the previous steps worked, may we suggest you
Submit a Query and/or Contact Us.