The following information was provided by Dale Schrage from a 1980 reunion.
The following information was provided by Dale Schrage from a 1980 reunion.
Student | Age | Grade | Dates | School | Teacher |
HILMES, Martha | 6 | 1 | Sept. 2, 1924 to May 26, 1925 | Lake Branch | Gertrude Ratermann |
HILMES, Martha | 7 | 2 | Sept. 1, 1925 to May ?, 1926 | Lake Branch | Gertrude Ratermann |
HILMES, Martha | 8 | 3 | Sept. 1, 1926 to May 31, 1927 | Lake Branch | Norma I. Kuhn |
HILMES, Martha | 9 | 4 | Sept. 6, 1927 to May 31, 1928 | Lake Branch | Norma I. Kuhn |
HILMES, Martha | 10 | 5 | Sept. 4, 1928 to May 31, 1929 | Lake Branch | Norma I. Kuhn |
HILMES, Martha | 11 | 6 | Sept. 3, 1929 to May 31, 1930 | Lake Branch | Norma I. Kuhn |
HILMES, Martha | 12 | 7 | Sept. 3, 1930 to May 31, 1931 | Lake Branch | Norma I. Kuhn |
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Last modified: 24 January 2025