The following information was provided by Dale Schrage from a 1980 reunion.

Student Age Grade Dates School Teacher
ROHLING, Dorothy61Sept. 2, 1924 to May 26, 1925Lake BranchGertrude Ratermann
ROHLING, Dorothy72Sept. 1, 1925 to May ?, 1926Lake BranchGertrude Ratermann
ROHLING, Dorothy83Sept. 1, 1926 to May 31, 1927Lake BranchNorma I. Kuhn
ROHLING, Dorothy94Sept. 6, 1927 to May 31, 1928Lake BranchNorma I. Kuhn
ROHLING, Dorothy105Sept. 4, 1928 to May 31, 1929Lake BranchNorma I. Kuhn
ROHLING, Dorothy116Sept. 3, 1929 to May 31, 1930Lake BranchNorma I. Kuhn
ROHLING, Dorothy127Sept. 3, 1930 to May 31, 1931Lake BranchNorma I. Kuhn
ROHLING, Dorothy138Sept.?, 1931 to May ?, 1932Lake BranchNorma I. Kuhn

Last modified: 24 January 2025