We are a group of volunteers working together to provide a free genealogy website for genealogical research in Clinton County, Illinois. This Project is non-commercial and fully committed to free genealogy access for everyone.

All of the volunteers who make up The Clinton County ILGenWeb Project are very proud of this endeavor and hope that you will find their hard work both beneficial and rewarding.

We are a part of:

ILGenWeb Project Policies and Procedures

Which is part of:

About the USGenWeb Project

Your current site coordinators are:

Frankie Heinzmann

Frankie Heinzmann & Dorothy Falk

This Clinton County ILGenWeb Project website was established in 1998 by Carol Ryan-Spenader. Dorothy Falk joined shortly there after has has been with us ever since. For a while, Linda Holthaus helped out as webmaster. In June 2008, Frankie Heinzmann took over as webmaster assisting Dorothy in getting the information on-line. Through the years, hundreds of volunteers have contributed thousands of documents and articles. As of 31 May 2014, there are 3,594 pages, 50,063 database entries including 34,440 cemetery listings plus 20,685 photos and documents on the site. An incredible testament to all the volunteers and supporters of this project.