Clinton County
- Situated between 28 and 39 degrees of north latitude and between 12 and 13 degrees of longitude west from Washington city. It is bounded on the north by Madison, Bond and Fayette counties, on the east by Marion, on the south by Washington, and on the west by St. Clair and Madison. It is 30 miles in length by about 18 miles high. Population in 1870 was 16,285 and in 1880 was 18,718.
Current Cities and Towns
See also The Cities of Clinton County for links to the cities websites.
- Albers – In Looking Glass Township. Post office established 25 May 1893, RFD serves Damiansville. Named after F. H. ALBERS who donated the land for the train depot. Incorporated as a village 1 July 1954. Census 2000: Population of 878 with 322 housing units and a land area land area of 0.72 sq. miles.
- Aviston – In Sugar Creek Township. Post office established 14 July 1836, includes Aviston Station, Hecker, Hull. Incorporated as a village10 Feb 1874. Population in 1895 was 381 and in 1960 was 717. Named in honor of John AVIS, a gunsmith who was the first business to locate there. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Census 2000: Population of 1,231 with 465 housing units and a land area land area of 1.1 sq. miles.
- Bartelso – In Santa Fe Township. Post office established 21 August 1885, incorporated as a village 9 December 1898. Initially named Santa Fe, but had to change name when post office was established since there was another Santa Fe. Named after Father BARTELS. Includes previously called Junkersville. Population in 1895 was 32 and in 1960 was 370. Southern Railroad. Census 2000: Population of 593 with 214 housing units and a land area land area of 0.35 sq. miles.
- Beckemeyer – In Wade Township. Name changed from Buxton on 27 July 1905, incorporated as a village 23 Feb 1905. Population in 1960 was 1,056. Named after August BECKEMEYER who organized the town. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Census 2000: Population of 1,043 with 424 housing units and a land area land area of 0.49 sq. miles.
- Boulder – Was in East Fork Township. Post office established 14 March 1884, discontinued in 1931. It is now RFD Shattuc. Population in 1895 was 26 and in 1958 was 100. Is on 1876 map. Boulder is unicorporated and not listed in the State of Illinois 2000 Census. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
- Breese - In Breese Township. Post office was established 21 Jan 1881, previously known as Shoal Creek Station. RFD serves St. Rose. Named for Judge Sidney BREESE. Incorporated as a village about 1876. Incorporated as a city on 20 April 1905. Population in 1895 was 808 and in 1960 was 2,461, in 1999 is 3,567. Census 2000: Population of 4,048 with 1,573 housing units and a land area land area of 2.28 sq. miles.
- Carlyle - In Carlyle Township. Post Office established about 1 Jan 1830 after name changed from Carlisle. RFD serves Ferrin, Frogtown and Stolletown. Incorporated as a city on 10 Feb 1837. Includes Donaldson, Donaldsonville, Fredonia, Hill’s Ferry, Hill’s Fort, Lower Town, Middle Town, Upper Town. Population in 1837 was 137, in 1878 was 1,648, in 1895 was 1,784, in 1910 was 1,982, in 1940 was 2,591 and in 1960 was 2,903. Carlyle is the Clinton County Seat. Census 2000: Population of 3,406 with 1,464 housing units and a land area land area of 2.99 sq. miles.
- Centralia - The western portion of city is in Brookside Township, the majority of Centralia is in Marion County. Post office established on 31 Mar 1854 when it changed from Crooked Creek, Clinton Co. to Centralia, Marion County. RFD serves Marion, Jefferson and Washington addresses plus Finney Heights, Illinois Central Junction, Shirley and Wamac of Clinton County. The population in the Census 2000 was 14,136 but most of that is not in Clinton County.
- Damiansville – In Looking Glass Township. Post Office established 7 Jun 1862, discontinued 29 Feb 1912. It is now RFD Albers. Population in 1895 was 121 and in 1958 was 100. Named after Bishop Damian JUNKERS who purchased the land to build St. Damian’s Catholic Church. Census 2000: Population of 368 with 130 housing units and a land area land area of 0.24 sq. miles.
- Ferrin – In Meridian Township, now RFD of Carlyle. Was once called Clinton Switch. Population in 1958 was 40. Ferrin is unicorporated and not listed in the State of Illinois 2000 Census. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
- Germantown - In Germantown Township. Post Office established 14 Jan 1846, discontinued 29 Aug 1846, reestablished 7 Oct 1846, discontinued 19 May 1847, reestablished 28 Jun 1847. Incorporated as a village 30 May 1847. Formerly known as Hanover. Population in 1895 was 527, and in 1960 was 983. Named to honor all of the immigrants from Germany. Census 2000: Population of 1,118 with 459 housing units and a land area land area of 0.79 sq. miles. Louisville, Evansville and St. Louis Railroad arrived in 1895.
- Hoffman – In Lake Township – Post Office established 9 Nov 1885, incorporated as a village 13 May 1950. Population in 1960 was 235. Named for Edward HOFFMANN, Post Master. The town was platted as Osnabruck. Census 2000: Population of 460 with 193 housing units and a land area land area of 0.36 sq. miles.
- Huey – In Clement Township – Post Office established 13 August 1883. Incorporated as a village 3 August 1891. Formerly known as Clement, and before that, as Collins Station. Population in 1895 was 350 and in 1960 was 212. Census 2000: Population of 196 with 84 housing units and a land area land area of 0.17 sq. miles. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
- Jamestown – In St. Rose Township near Bond County border. Post Office established 24 March 1851, discontinued 15 May 1907, now RFD of Pocahontas, Madison County. Population in 1895 was 156 and in 1958 was 80. On 1895 map. Jamestown is unicorporated and not listed in the State of Illinois 2000 Census.
- Keyesport – In Irishtown Township. About 1/2 of the north portion is in Bond county. Post Office established 2 Jun 1847, discontinued 31 May 1866, reestablished 23 Sep 1867. Incorporated as a village 8 Sep 1887, named for Thomas KEYES, Postmaster. Population in 1895 was 275 and in 1960 was 412. See also New Keyesport. The Census 2000 population is 481 but we do not know how much of that was in Clinton County.
- Marydale – Marydale is unincorporated and not in the State of Illinois 2000 Census. The only thing in Marydale appears to be St. Teresa's Catholic Church.
- New Baden – In Looking Glass Township, on the St. Clair County borderline. Post Office established on 26 Mar 1867 when name changed from Looking Glass. Known as Baden before that. Incorporated as a village on 28 Feb 1867. Population in 1870 was 200 and in 1960 was 1,464. Named after the hometown of the first settlers from Baden, Germany. The Air Line railroad of the Louisville, Evansville and St. Louis Railroad arrived in 1890 and became a part of the Southern Railway System. See Baden Baden. Census 2000: Population 3,001.
- New Memphis – In Looking Glass Township. Post Office established 28 Jul 868, changed to New Memphis Station on 20 Jan 1886, changed back to New Memphis 5 Mar 1886. RFD serves New Memphis Station and Queens Lake. Population in 1895 was 134 and in 1958 was 250. New Memphis is unicorporated and not listed in the State of Illinois 2000 Census.
- New Memphis Station – In Looking Glass Township – Post Office established 20 Jan 1886 when name changed from New Memphis, name changed back to that on 5 Mar 1886. RFD of New Memphis. Population in 1958 was 80. Louisville and Nashville Railroad. New Memphis Station is unicorporated and not listed in the State of Illinois 2000 Census.
- Posey – In Lake Township. Post Office established 30 Jun 1890. Named for Bennett M. POSEY, Postmaster. Population 1958 was 60. Southern Railroad. Posey is unicorporated and not listed in the State of Illinois 2000 Census.
- St. Rose – In St. Rose Township. Post office established 14 May 1872, discontinued 15 April 1907. Now RFD, Breese. Population in 1880 was 120, 1895 was 124 and in 1958 was 125. Previously known as Blue Mound but had to change name since there was another Blue Mound in the state. Named after the church already built there. St. Rose is unicorporated and not listed in the State of Illinois 2000 Census.
- Shattuc – In Meridian Township. Established on 18 Dec 1884 when name changed from Lost Creek, which was previously known as Jones Station. RFD serves Boulder. Population in 1875 was 100 and in 1958 was 180. Jacksonville and Southwestern Railroad was built in 1884. Shattuc is unicorporated and not listed in the State of Illinois 2000 Census.
- Stolletown – In St. Rose Township. RFD Carlyle. Stolletown is unicorporated and not listed in the State of Illinois 2000 Census.
- Trenton – In Sugar Creek Township. Post Office established 24 Feb 1853. Incorporated as a village on 16 Feb 1865 and as a city on 20 Sep 1887. Probably named by William LEWIS who came from Trenton, New Jersey. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Population was 1,384 in 1895, 1,600 in 1900 and 1,866 in 1960. Census 2000: Trenton had a population of 2,610 with 1,087 housing units and a land area land area of 0.98 sq. miles.
- Wamac – In Clinton County. On the joining lines of Washington, Marion and Clinton Counties. RFD Centralia. Incorporated as a city on 25 Jul 1916. Named from the first letters of the three counties. Population 1960 was 1,394. Census 2000 population is 1,378 but we do not know how much of that was in Clinton County.
- Wertemberg – In Looking Glass Township – was laid out on section 16 at the ferry by Andrew EISENMAYER in 1856, the saw mill operator. The village of 5 houses and the mill was still in existence in 1881. Wertemberg is unicorporated and not listed in the State of Illinois 2000 Census.
Rivers, Streams and Creeks
- Beaver Creek – Creek that flows from Bond County, through Wheatfield, Wade Townships and joins Shoal Creek in Germantown Township, which flows into the Kaskaskia River at the southern boundary of Germantown Township.
- Carlyle River – In 1881, the river that flowed through Irishtown, Clement and Santa Fe Townships to the Kaskaskia River. Later the name was changed to Kaskaskia River.
- Shoal Creek - Creek that runs through St. Rose, Breese and Germantown Townships to the Kaskaskia River.
- Sugar Creek – Creek that flows from near Springfield, Illinois through Sugar Creek and Looking Glass Townships into the Kaskaskia River.
- Wade Township – the geographic center township of the county. 28.60 square miles.
- Wheatfield Township – About the north center township of the county. Previously named Beaver Township. 40.92 square miles.
Current Townships
- Breese Township – Named after the city. Second township from the west, second from the north and second from the south. 37.24 square miles. As of the 2000 census, its population was 5,044.
- Brookside Township - The southeastern township of the county. Formerly part of Crooked Creek Township. 24.09 square miles. As of the 2000 census, its population was 5,576
- Carlyle Township – Named for the city. One of the central townships of the county. 20.50 square miles. As of the 2000 census, its population was 3,938.
- Clement Township – One of the four central townships. Was formed from Carlyle Township. 25.59 square miles. As of the 2000 census, its population was 515.
- East Fork Township – The northeast corner township of Clinton County. Formerly Morris Township. 37.12 square miles. As of the 2000 census, its population was 409.
- Germantown Township – The second most southwestern township in the county. Named for the village. 38.0 square miles. As of the 2000 census, its population was 1,990.
- Irishtown Township – The second most northeastern township of the county. Its northern border touches Bond County. 36.67 square miles. As of the 2000 census, its population was 1,078.
- Lake Township – Second most southeasterly township of the county. Formerly part of Crooked Creek Township. 35.94 square miles. As of the 2000 census, its population was 958.
- Looking Glass Township – The southwestern township of the County, it is the largest in square miles. 49.46 square miles. As of the 2000 census, its population was 5,555.
- Meridian Township – The center of the three eastern Townships in the County. Named for the Third Principal Meridian which defines the eastern boundary of Clinton County. Served by the east-west Ohio and Mississippi Railroad and by the north-south Jacksonville – Southeastern Railroad. 36.52 square miles. As of the 2000 census, its population was 607.
- Santa Fe Township – The middle of the 5 southern townships of the county. 20.07 square miles. As of the 2000 census, its population was 1,127
- St. Rose Township – The northwestern township in the county. Named for the Post Office. 37.18 square miles. As of the 2000 census, its population was 1,319.
- Sugar Creek Township – The central western township of the county. 35.81 square miles. As of the 2000 census, its population was 5,133.
- Wade Township – 28.9 square miles. As of the 2000 census, its population was 1,740.
- Wheatfield Township – 35.45 square miles. As of the 2000 Census, the population was 546.
Early and Nearby Names and Places
- Aviston Station – In Sugar Creek Township. Became part of Aviston after 1876.
- Baden - In Looking Glass Township, became Looking Glass and then became New Baden.
- Baden Baden – In Bond County, changed to Millersburg, now part of Pierron.
- Badgely Settlement – In St. Clair County, on the borderline with Clinton County.
- Beaver – Clinton Township name changed to Wheatfield Township.
- Beaver Creek – Town in Bond County, changed to Beavercreek, and previously known as Wisetown. On 1895 map.
- Beeman’s – Post office established 15 May 1848, discontinued 23 May 1849. Named for Postmaster Stephen T. BEEMAN, Postmaster.
- Blue Mound - In St. Rose Township, became village of St. Rose. Named in honor of the large, beautiful hill in the southeast section.
- Buxton – Was in Wade Township, one of the central townships. Post Office established 2 Aug 1867, discontinued on 19 Nov 1886, re-established 21 Jul 1890. Name changed to Beckemeyer on 27 Jul 1905.
- Carlisle – Post office established 10 Mar 1819 while still a portion of Washington County prior to establishment of Clinton County on 27 Dec 1824. Name changed to Carlyle in 1828.
- Carrigan – Township and village – In Marion County.
- Clement – Was in Carlyle Township and then when that Township was divided, Clement became a part of Clement Township. Post office established 14 Jun 1867, previously known as Collins Station. Incorporated as a village on 9 Mar 1867. The name was changed again to Huey on 13 Aug 1883. Population was about 300 in 1881.
- Clifton – Was in Sugar Creek Township on the Looking Glass Prairie, on the west side of Sugar Creek. Probably settled by the Swiss. Post office was established 21 April 1835, discontinued 24 April 1841. It was on the route of the Alton and Carlyle stage coach .
- Clinton Switch – Was in Meridan Township, became Ferrin.
- Cohen’s Mound – Was in Meridian Township. Settlement included a tavern and was located on the Vincennes and St. Louis road.
- College Hill – Was in East Fork Township. A little hill near the East Fork Creek where a subscription school was held.
- Collins’ Station – Was in Clement Township. Post office established 14 Jul 1855. Name changed to Clement 14 Jun 1867 and then changed again to Huey 13 Aug 1883. On 1876 map.
- Coxville – Post office established 15 Dec 1846, discontinued 23 May 1849. Named for Benajah M. COX, Postmaster.
- Crooked Creek – Was in Post Office in Clinton County established 13 Sep 1837, disestablished 23 May 1849, re-established 19 July 1850. Then it was changed to Centralia in Marion County on 31 March 1854.
- Crooked Creek Township – Now divided into Brookside and Lake Townships.
- Dayton – Was in Looking Glass Township. Town was laid out about a quarter of a mile from the New Memphis Station and was on the St. Louis and Nashville wagon road. The town was abandoned in the early 1850’s.
- Dempter – Was in Looking Glass Township. Became Damiansville in 1861. Named after the small Holland town.
- Dewitt – Post Office established 14 Sep 1830, discontinued 21 August 1833.
- Donaldson – Was in Carlyle Township. Now part of Carlyle. Advertised in the Illinois Intelligencer 14 Oct 1818.
- Donaldsonville – Was in Carlyle Township. First attempt at building a town, on the bluffs, across the river from the present city of Carlyle. Town surveyed, platted, named for and placed on record for Robert MORRISON’s 3 year old son Donald. A minor could not convey, so no land could be sold and the town was still-born.
- Duncan – In Bond County – church and cemetery.
- Fairman – In Marion County, was Carrigan.
- Finney Heights – Was in Brookside Township, RFD of Centralia. Population in 1858 was 817.
- Fort Chambers - A block-house fort built around 1812 on the west side of the Looking Glass Prairie, a few miles southeast of the present town of Lebanon in St. Clair County.
- Fort Chilton - Small block-house fort built at Silver Creek around 1812. Indians never attacked but drove the grazing horses away.
- Fort Hill - A small block-house fort built at Shoal Creek, probably near Highland. Indians seldom attacked this fort but the fort was given up and moved near the Mississippi River.
- Fort Settlement - The present site of Bartelso
- Fredonia - Now Carlyle.
- Fremont – In St. Rose Township. On 1876 and 1895 maps.
- Frogtown – In St. Rose Township. Post office established 23 Feb 1877, discontinued 19 Jan 1901, now RFD Carlyle. On 1876 map.
- Gum Spring - Post office established 8 July 1840, discontinued 23 May 1849.
- Hanover – Was in Germantown Township became town of Germantown. On 1876 map.
- Hecker – Was in Sugar Creek Township, became a part of Aviston.
- Highland – In Madison County.
- Hill’s Ferry – Now Carlyle. On Kaskaskia River bank.
- Hill’s Fort – Now Carlyle. On Kaskaskia River bank. One of the small block-house, family forts that were erected all around the frontiers primarily near waterways. John Hill built this fort and block-house about six blocks east of the present day court house. He established a ferry for crossing the Kaskaskia River and built a toll booth. These were the first permanent buildings of Carlyle.
- Hoffmans became Hoffman. Was named for the two Hoffman Brothers.
- Hull – Was in Sugar Creek Township, became Aviston. On 1876 map.
- Illinois Central Junction – Listed as RFD Centralia. Served by the Missouri-Illinois Railroad.
- Irishtown – Was in Irishtown Township. Post Office established 22 Sep 1875, discontinued 17 Jan 1876.
- Irvington – In Washington County. Illinois Central Railroad.
- Jones’ Fort – Small block-house fort erected about 1812 on the east side of Shoal Creek, not sure which county.
- Jones Station- In Meridian Township. Became Lost Creek and then became Shattuc.
- Journey’s Fort – A small block-house fort built a small distance above the present town of Aviston to protect families. Erected around 1812.
- Junction City – In Marion County, RFD Sandoval. On 1876 map.
- Junkerville – In Santa Fe Township. Became a portion of Bartelso, map in plat book. Probably named after Catholic Bishop Damian Junker, as was Damiansville.
- Looking Glass – In Looking Glass Township – Post Office established 7 Mar 1846, discontinue 19 Aug 1847 and reestablished 3 Feb 1848. Previously known as Baden, and then further changed to New Baden on 26 Mar 1867.
- Looking Glass Prairie – One of the three rich fertile prairies in Clinton County. Spans the eastern part of Madison and St. Clair Counties and the western portion of Clinton County.
- Lost Creek - Was in Meridan Township. Post Office established 3 Feb 1874. Name changed to Shattuc on 18 Dec 1884.
- Lower Town – In Carlyle Township. Now part of Carlyle. The first 30 square blocks of the town that were platted, closest to the Kaskaskia River.
- Middle Town - In Carlyle Township. Now a portion of Carlyle. The second platting of the town, contained 42 square blocks of the town.
- Miley – In Looking Glass Township. Post Office established 31 May 1890, discontinued 21 Jan 1906. Named for Julian J. MILEY, Postmaster.
- Morris Township - Became East Fork Township between 1876 Map and 1881.
- New Keyesport – in Bond County, Tamalco Township. See Keyesport.
- Oil Center – Was in Meridian Township then realigned. Now a portion of Centralia, Marion County.
- Old Aviston – In Sugar Creek Township. Original settlement was about a half mile from the train depot. As the train depot area progressed, this community was killed as the settlers moved closer to the railroad and the new settlement there.
- Old Sharon Camp Ground – In Sugar Creek Township – Settlement south of Trenton. Settled about 1820. Site of first Methodist church in the county.
- Osnabruck – In Lake Township. Town of Hoffman was originally platted as Osnabruck.
- Patoka – In Marion County.
- Pleasant Ridge in Germantown Township – settlement in 1814 passed into oblivion. P. O. established 26 Oct 1841, discontinued 23 Sep 1842.
- Pocahontas – In Bond County
- Pope’s Bluff – In Germantown Township. Sec 15, Twp 1N, R4W.
- Queen’s Lake in Looking Glass Township – Post Office established 29 May 1876, discontinued 19 Oct 1885. RFD of New Memphis. Popular destination of St. Louis people for Sunday summer afternoon picnics, a Louisville and Nashville Railroad special run. Named after the beautiful lake that it was near.
- Sandoval – Town and Township of Marion County.
- Santa Fe – In Santa Fe Township. Became Bartelso in 1884
- Santa Fe Prairie – One of the three rich fertile prairies in Clinton County.
- Scott’s – Was in Carlyle Township, Post Office established 13 Sep 1828, discontinued about 31 December 1831. Named after John T. SCOTT, Postmaster.
- Sebastapol – On Madison and Bond county line. Established 2 Feb 1884 and discontinued 20 Jun 1901.
- Shirley - In Brookside Township. RFD Centralia. Missouri – Illinois Railroad.
- Shoal Creek Prairie - One of the three rich, fertile prairies in Clinton County.
- Shoal Creek Station – In Shoal Creek Township. Post office established 30 Oct 1857, name changed to Breese 21 Jan 1881.
- Shoal Creek Township - Became Breese Township in 1905.
- Shoal Creek Township – In Bond County.
- Snearleyville – No longer in existence.
- Sparks – In Wheatfield Township. Post Office established 10 Jan 1876, discontinued 21 Jun 1887, re-established 28 Dec 1877, discontinued 20 Sep1890. On 1876 map.
- Twiss Hill – In Sugar Creek Township – Community of farm, tavern and stage station located on the Stage route between Carlyle and Lebanon. Named after about the sixth property owner of the farm, Moses TWISS. First settled in 1817.
- Upper Town – Carlyle Township – The name for the third set of plats for the city of Carlyle – about 36 blocks. Now part of Carlyle
- Wamac $#8211; Marion County – The name supposedly came from Mr. A.P. Bindham. "WA" came from Washington County, "MA" came from Marion County and "C" came from Clinton County since the city's boundaries were composed of these geographic areas. See City of Wamac Illinois (external website)
- Wittenberg - Post Office established 25 Feb 1859, discontinued 20 Jul 1860. Located south of New Memphis
The above was taken from various documents, some of which conflicted with each other. If you find or know of better data or additional data, please Contact Us.