Keyesport Journal

Devoted To The Interest Of Keyesport And Vicinity

C. Norcross, Editor and Publisher

Keyesport, Illinois


Excerpting copyrighted by Penny Sanders and Clinton County Genealogy




Beaver Creek

Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, February 16, 1898

Several of our citizens went to Keyesport Sunday evening to attend church, but were disappointed, as the meeting had closed until Tuesday evening.

Rev HARRIS preached to a large and attentive audience Sunday night.

There seems to he some attraction in our locality for Mr from Dudleyville.

A quartet of young folks from Carlyle were in our village Sunday, the guests of Dr WARREN.

A number from here attended services at McKendree Chapel Saturday and Sunday. It being second quarterly meeting for Wisetown circuit. Rev M L COLE, of Carlyle, accepted the pulpit. Mack is well known in this neighborhood. We congratulate Carlyle upon having such a good pastor.



Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, March 16, 1898

Mrs Geo QUICK and daughter, Luciel, of Decatur are visiting relatives here.

Mr Louis PETER left for St Louis Monday were he will visit for a few weeks.

Miss Erma GARRITSON, of Zion, who visited at Gus PHILLIPS and Ed BAILEY, returned home Sunday accompanied by her best beau, Horace BURUP.

Miss Pearl BALLY began a subscription school at the town house Monday with 25 on roll. We wish her a success.

Quite a number from our vicinity attended the Graphophone show at Hoffman Thursday night.

Miss Yetta POTTOFF is in Hoyleton this week.

Last Thursday evening Mr Wm POTTOFF was unhitching a team from the wagon and forgot to unfasten one tug. When the horse started for the barn, he noticed the tug and though he would run and unfasten it. This frightened the horse which kicked at him, striking him on the knee and causing a very serious wound.



Keyesport Journal . Wednesday, November 10, 1897

Frank WILKERSON, of Carlyle, was in our city Tuesday.

J RELEARTES and Mike BRADY attended court Monday.

A large number of East Forkers attended court this week including our famous attorney Jimmie.

If some of the mothers in Boulder only knew how naughty their daughters acted in Church during services they undoubtedly would furnish them with what they greatly need, a good spanking.

R F MCADAMS and wife went courting Monday.

The new saw mill arrives piece by piece if no preventing providence intervenes it will all be here by spring.

When some people got drunk it takes four horses to haul them. A toat like that is enough to kill an ordinary mule.

We have rain in abundance, and mud, well yes, slightly.

Daisy has a new hat, they say.

Hurrah for the Journal, subscribe early and get the complete news of the country.

Joe COLE, Samuel DIXON and sons attended court Monday.

Jas YINGST and Clayton JACKSON spent Saturday in Carlyle.

Herman HOGGMAN visited the county capital Monday.

G N KENNEDY has abandoned the idea of becoming a resident of Boulder.

Robert DIXON and Joe MORGAN were among the visitors of this place last week.

The reason some people are no smarter than they are is because they know too much already.

E MCSPIRRETT spent Monday and Wednesday in Carlyle.

Newt HOFFMAN is putting a new addition in the way of a kitchen to his new dwelling house.


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, February 23, 1898

Plenty of windy weather last week.

The four week old babe of Mr and Mrs Nelson GLENN's died Sunday morning of pneumonia and measles.

John SCHOLBERT, a well to do farmer residing 5 miles east of here, is quite ill with pneumonia and measles.

Jimmie got the hooks, we hear. Too bad lad, keeping trying.

Wm MASON spent Monday in Centralia on business.

Mrs Lizzie PRATT is quite ill with the measles.

A heavy wind and snow storm visited this locality Sunday and Monday.

Did it rain last week? Well we think it did, slightly.

Wm DIECKMAN was on the sick list last week with chills.

Mrs Mary ARNOLD is lying at her home quite sick with pneumonia.

Leroy FARMER and Wm MASON spent two days in Centralia last week transacting business.

Robert MONIS says he is tired of city life, consequently he will become a country Jake. He moved Tuesday two miles north of here on the WASSEM farm.

HEABERLIN & PEAK will soon move their saw mill in the vicinity of Bartelso. We are very sorry to lose two such enterprising business men.

J H YINGST spent Sunday in Keyesport visiting friends.

R C was seen carrying a jug home Monday night. It contained oil we presume.

The protracted mettings closed at Diamond Springs Saturday night. Three conversions.

G N KENNEDY and wife visited in the vicinity of Odin Saturday.

The measles are becoming quite numerous in this vicinity.

The 2 year old son of Mr and Mrs Richard HAWKINS died Sunday morning of pneumonia. His remains were interred in the Clark cemetery.

HEABERLIN & PEAK disposed of a car load of hickory buggy tongues last week.

J T COLE, our ticket agent, wore a bandage around his pate Monday. Headache, we presume.

John PEAK's sister of Keyesport was visiting in this place last week.

Wm GILLET purchased Roland ADAMS new buggy last week. Will says other boys are having it all their own way too much to suit him.

Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, March 2, 1398

Chas LANGHAM and wife drove to Carlyle last Friday.

J H YINGST went to Keyesport Friday night.

Measles are reported to be in fair circulation in this vicinity.

Wm RUFFMAN has sold 883 bushels of oats to Thos FORD of Carlyle.

The roads are becoming navigable once more.

We have heard of no volunteers for the coming war in this place yet.

J B YINGST was on the sick list a few days last week. Miss Ethel KENNEDY was a visitor at the COLE school Friday.

G N KENNEDY has moved from the LENICH farm to a farm 5 miles east of this burg.

A large crowd attended the sale at the WASSEM farm 3 miles southeast of here.

Mc makes his Sunday visits east regular.

J H has returned to his lost one, no wonder he was sick.

The literary society is almost defunct. Everyone wants to run it and no one does. The best way to stop this wrangle is to close the society.

R C was in Boulder on his wheel Saturday.

Jimmie is going to start a Chinese junk shop for the benefit of his most intimate friends. We are in need of something like this here.

Elias DENNIS and daughter, Estella, of Posey, were the guests of Chas LANHAM and family Sunday.

Quarterly meeting was held in the town hall Saturday and Sunday.

Rev DEMPSEY of Keyesport held services Sunday in the town hall.

Richard DIECKMAN's wood pile seems to be a great place for young folks to congregate and exchange tales of woe.

Messrs J B HEABERLIN, John PEAK, Adam SCHENINGER and James HILLERMAN attended the I O O F lodge at Sandoval Saturday night.

Latest reports from Cuba concerning the war between the U S and Spain has created quite an uprising among the citizens of this hamlet.

Rev MCCARTY, of Odin, was a visitor in this burg Saturday and Sunday attending quarterly meetings.

Elder CRAIG, of Kinmundy, preached in the town hail Sunday to a large congregation.

The much talked of revival will not materalize for some time yet.

Mc has a job setting hitching posts, or will have soon.

A party was given at the residence of John APPLE Monday night in honor of Clayton JACKSON and Miss Ethel KENNEDY. A large crowd of young folks were present and all report an enjoyable time.

And a big time will soon come to pass for a certain couple. Get your tin pans, cow bells, and shot guns in working order, boys.

A light snow fell Sunday night, but soon disappeared.


DUNCAN School House

Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, February 9, 1898

Weather fine.

Several from here were converted during the meeting in Tamalco.

Miss Mattie CARROLL is slowly improving in health.

Mrs J D BLACKWELL was called to the home of her father Sunday, who was accidentally hurt Saturday evening.

Richard ALEXANDER was visiting a very dear friend at Shiloh last Saturday and Sunday.

Willie CARROLL, of near Pittsburg, was visiting his Uncle Tom CARROLL last week.

Miss Effa HUGHES was visiting Alma BLACKWELL Monday.

Mr Frank THOMPSON was seen in these parts Sunday.

Mrs J W BRYANT is visiting her father this week.

Benny STARZENHOFFECKER says he will go to Klondike with the boys if they can wait until his eye get well.

A certain young man is often heard sing, "If I had them wings on my Lula."

Miss Lillie APPLE was visiting Miss Minnie MOORE Sunday last.

Wesley BLACKWELL says his new mash is all right if it was on a hill.

Johnnie WILLIAMS, who has been suffering with tonsilltis is now convalesing.

John JAY is ready to make mash any old time.


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, March 2, 1898

Health generally good.

Calvin BRYANT has moved back on his farm.

Prank EATON now occupies the house vacated by Mr BRYANT.

Miss Lilly CARROLL was visiting her aunt Jennie STARZENHOFFECKER, a few days last week.

Lilly, the infant daughter of Mr and Mrs H E MCCLAREN. Has been suffering with croup for the past few days.

Mrs A L HIGGINS has been visiting her father the past week.

Miss Mattie CARROLL is some better at this writing.

Misses Cliffa HUGHES and Anna BLACKWELL were in Greenville last Tuesday.

There was quite an attraction at H E MCCLAREN's one day last week. For further particulars ask Lee WELCH.

Andrew HUGHES has been pretty sick for a few days.

Mr and Mrs W E TAYLOR are at home to their friends three quarters of a mile east of Tamalco.

Miss Maude COX was visiting Miss Lilly APPLE last Friday and Saturday.

Jake says he is learning how to talk with girls. Any one can learn by asking him.

Enoch says if John keeps on he will made a Methodist of him.

Old gentlemen when calling on lady friends, if they are absent should wait patiently for their return.

Mr and Mrs J D BLACKWELL attended meeting at Pleasant Grove Friday night.

The teacher's institute at Tamalco last Saturday was well attended.

Mrs Etha THOMPSON, of Vandalia, has been visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity.

Isaac BROWN was attending to business in Keyesport one day last week.

The school is highly pleased with their new library.

Any one wanting news from Neelyvile, Mo, call on Charles HARTMAN or Richard ALEXANDER,

Miss Mary KERSHNER and Mrs Bernice WELCH were visiting Mrs WELCH's mother last Wednesday.

Johnnie SARGENT exercised himself all day by hauling wood.

Wanted: To know why Anna BLACKWELL did not mask at the ball.

Ask Ernest KERSHNER where he was last Friday night.

Rev HARRIS is conducting a series of meetings at Pleasant Grove.



Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, November 10, 1897

Burglars entered the home of J E BASTON, southeast of here Saturday. They stole a watch and $10 in cash.

Samuel JOHNSON attended court in Carlyle this week.

George MATSLER, of Shattuc was here Sunday.

There is a rumor that the night clerk of our hotel will be paid off soon. He was not just right last Saturday. Frank don't you know too much cider is not good.


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, February 9, 1898

Chas _ _ _ attended the debate at KELL school house Tuesday evening.

Edna, the little daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter ESSINGTON is dangerously ill at this writing

We understand John COLEMAN has secured a Position in St Louis and will remove his family there in the near future,

Richard NORMAN and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jacob ESHELMAN

The Wheatfield Debating Society will meet the Buxton Society in a joint discussion at the KELL School house Saturday evening, the 12th inst.

B H WILKEN is a candidate for re-election to the office of road commissioner, He has held the office for several successive terms.

J W RUSSELL bought 22 acres of land from C N Kittel last week, consideration $220.

Zella Benton, daughter of Mr and Mrs Joshua ESSINGTON, aged 11 months, died Tuesday from the croup. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the entire community in this their time of trouble. The funeral services took place from the McKendree Chapel Wednesday evening. Dear Zella, thou hast left us, and thy love we deeply feel, but twas God who has bereft us, he can all our sorrows heal, God knowest best who to call to go. God knowest best who to leave below, blest be the name of our God we pray, blest when he gives, when he takes away.


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, February 16, 1898

J W RUSSELL is among the ailing this week.

Charles BEEMER had business at Keyesport Saturday.

John T O'NEILL was looking after his interest at Bartel last Sunday.

A ENGLISH, Neil MCNEILL and Grant DAY spent part of last week fox chasing at the Ridge south of Carlyle.

Chas NEWKIRK accompanied by Miss Mollie JOHNSTON attended the joint debate at the KELL School house last Saturday.

W J FRANKLIN spent Saturday at Carlyle on business.

Several from here have been attending the revival at Keyesport the past week.

Uncle Joe SKELTON and family passed Saturday at Keyesport.

The collector KAIER is almost through making the rounds.

It is said there will be two weddings in lower Irishtown in the near future, we will chronicle in due time.


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday February 23, 1898

Old boreas swept over Irishtown Saturday night.

Wilson W DUCOMB is among the ailing this week.

It is said that Geo POTTS will move on the COLEMAN farm in the spring.

J W RUSSELL, who has been dangerously ill, is slowly recovering.

A J INGLISH is the happy owner of two high bred hound pups which he purchased in Kentucy.

Marshal CONWELL, accompanied by the Misses Minta LOCEY and Rosa LAMB drove through here fast Friday enroute to Carlyle.

Richard MILLER spent Sunday at Carlyle visiting friends and relatives.

Quite an interesting fox chase took place here last Tuesday. Those present were Henry HOUCK, Neil MCNEILL, Jr., A J INGLISH, Hope WALKER, and Z T SHARP, of Carlyle. Before the chase took place, Mr SHARP agreed to follow the hounds, on his high bred Kentucky horse, but he was easily persuaded from that when he saw the hounds turn loose. It is said that "Lengthy", owned by Neil MCNEILL, Jr led the chase.

Art BEAMER and Tom ESSINGTON, two of our local sportsmen, drove to Keyesport one evening last week with the intention of painting the town a "vermillion color". Scarcely had the young gladators commenced hoarilities when the city police made his appearace and gave the bruisers 10 minutes to leave town, and they did leave, paying little attention to mud holes and wire fences, they swept everything before them like a "tornado"


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, March 2, 1898

Wm ROGAN, of Carlyle, spent Sunday with Peter HUGHES and family.

The Misses FREY, of Buxton, visited Mr and Mrs RICHARD MILLER Saturday and Sunday.

Geo VOGEL and family moved to Frogtown last Monday.

Wm KNIER, who is teaching the MILLER school, spent Saturday and Sunday

at home.

Thos PETERS has moved to the farm of Wm G BURNSIDE. We welcome Mr PETERS in our midst.

Miss Pearl GRAHAM, the efficient teacher of the Oak Grove school, spent Sunday with home folks.

Misses Mary and Lizzie LAUX spent Sunday with Miss Katie GARMANN.

Geo POTTS of Wheatfield, has moved to the farm of J B COLEMAN. Mr COLEMAN will leave in a few days for St Louis.

Master Maurice JOHNSTON, of Carlyle, spent Saturday and Sunday here with his grandfather.

The pale horse and its rider visited our neighborhood last Saturday night. The victim was Miss Stella BEEMER, a bright young lady of 15 summers. Miss BEEMER's death was due to a congestive chill. On Friday she had a dumb chill, but it did not prove to be of a serious nature, so nothing more was thought of it till Saturday night, then it was too late. Medical aid proved to be on no avail. The remains were interred at the McKendree Chapel cemetery, Sunday, followed by a large funeral cortege.

A grand social was given at the home of Miss Bessie MCNEILL Friday evening in honor of her cousin, Grant DAY, of Kansas City, Mo, who has been visiting here for the past two months. The crowd assembled at 7:30 and the evening was very pleasantly spent in playing games and tripping the light fantastic.

At 10:30 the guests were ushered into the dining room where the table was spread with all the delicacies of the season which all partook freely. After refreshments were served several of the lads and lassies reumed the light fantastic. while others were busy exchanging reminiscences of days gone by.

Among those present were Mr and Mrs Charles KNIER, Mr and Mrs Russel DUCOMB. Mr and Mrs N E Baum, Mr and Mrs RAY, Misses Myrtle HALL, Jessie HALL, Katie INGLISH, Maud KESNER, Alice BROWN, Mable and Sallie BURNSIDE, Peter and Claud NORMAN, Walter INGLISH, Ben PETERS, Wm KNIER and J W DUCOMB.


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, March 9, 1898

Herman WILKEN called on Frank SCHMITT Sunday.

Dick NORMAN and family visited Mr and Mrs Jacob ESHELMAN Sunday.

Prof E N SKELTON. of Boulder, spent Saturday here with his parents.

John JOHNSTON shipped a car load of porkers last Tuesday.

Attorney L E JOHNSTON and Virgil REDDICK, of Keyesport, drove through here Monday enroute to Carlyle.

Henry WELCH of Bond County, has moved to the farm of Josh MCCLAREN, Sr.

Less POTTS and family of Wheatfield, visited at J W POTTS Sunday.

Chas KNIER spent Saturday at Carlyle on business.

J W RUSSELL who has been dangerously ill is recovering slowly.

John MCNEILL has been complaining the past few days with the chills.

Josh ESSINGTON has moved home with his father. It is said they will farm together this season.

Dan LOCEY, Jr, accompanied by his sister, Miss Minta, drove through Irishtown Sunday evening enroute to Keyesport.

Mr and Mrs KUNKEL and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hy WARD near Keyesport,

James POTTS has been employed by VOGEL Bros to work in their saw mill near Frogtown. James is steady, realiable, strong and a good workman. He is able and willing to earn good wages.

Mr DAY, who spent two months here with his Aunt Mrs MCNEILL departed for his home in Kansas City, Mo, last Friday. Mr DAY was a refined and conscientious young man and made a host of friends during his short stay here. May success crown his efforts trhough life is the wish of his Irishtown friends.

Joseph KNIER last week sold three steers weighing 1,300 pounds each to County Treasurer KOCH, of Breese, for $200.

A wedding is advertised for one night this week. We will tell about it next week.

Charlie NEWKIRK who is attending school in Champaign has joined the Church up there. People will remember that he is a member of the "Big Three."

Two score of our young men were very much disappointed last Wednesday night, all because they got their dates mixed. It seems a wedding was to be solemnized that evening at the home of Frank BROWN. The fun loving sports have been making preparations for the particular event for several weeks. Buttermilk horns, cow bells, and other articles necessary in "making a charivari first class" were at a premium. All were anticipating a real warm time. General MCADAMS and Captain Beecher JOHNSON engaged the service of Prvt BROWN to act as a spy, Wednesday night the young men gathered at the gate which is some distance from the house of BROWN. The sage of Needmore gave a signal. The youthful spy appeared and informed the visitors that they were just seven days ahead of time. Corporal George BURNSIDE then suggested a chicken roast. John PERINE, chief cook for the company agreed to the proposition. The Irishtown Rangers then enjoyed a nice meal after which they turned the noses toward home singing, "ther'll come a time next Wednesday."


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, March 16, 1898

Gardening time near at hand.

Frank GARMANN is working in Beaver Prairie.

W J FRANKLIN drove to Carlyle Sunday on business.

Supervisor JOHNSTON was at Keyesport Saturday looking after his interest.

Zeck BEEMER has been employed by WILSON DUCOMB for the coming season at $13 per month.

"Blusher" CORCORAN rode through here last Sunday morning with the air of one who had been making a then roost rather than a fair lady's heart. He never looked to the right or left to notice the scenes which he had so often gloated, but went straight on, and with several "cuffs" and "kicks" roused his wild "Bronco" left Keyesport an old horse was found without his saddle and the bridle under his feet, soberly croppinq the grass in front of a gate in Carlyle.

The nuptials of Edward NETTLES and Miss Alice BROWN occurred at the home of the bride's parents last Wednesday at high noon. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev HARRIS of Beaver Creek. John NEWKIRK and Miss Myrtle MILLER acted as bridesmaid and groomsman. The bride's trousseau was of white cashmere elegantly trimmed, while the groom was attired in the usual black. After the nuptial ceremony, the newly wedded couple were congratulated by their relatives and friends, then the bridal party and guests were ushered into the dining room where a sumptous dinner was served.

Among those present were Mrs Ross NETTLES, John MCLAREN, Sr, Chas NEWKIRK, Sr, Mr and Mrs Porter BROWN, Mr and Mrs RUTHER, Mr and Mrs John VOGEL, Mr and Mrs Frank NEWKIRK, Mr and Mrs N E Baum, Mrs Walter ESSINGTON, Mrs Geo CARR, Messrs E MILLER, Tom ALLEN, Chas NETTLES, RICHARD MILLER, E NETTLES, L NETTLES, Orwin NETTLES, Chas BROWN, RUTHER Bros, Rev BROWN, T S REA, and Miss MCNEILL. Mr and Mrs NETTLES were the receipents of several presents. May the course of their lives be as smooth and joyous as the zephyrs of June.




Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, February 9, 1898

News are scarce.

Health generally good.

The wind ceased blowing so hard in these parts.

George COLE is very popular with some of the gentler sex of Keyesport.

Geo GRAY and family visited at Zadock MOORE's last Sunday.

Fred KRAMER spent last Sunday evening in Irishtown the guest of a very dear friend.

We are informed that Wesley SANDERS is a frequent visitor of Mr COLE's. What's the attraction, Wesley?

Lon MCCASLIN, of Dudleyville, and Daisy MUNTON, of this place, attended Church at Keyesport last Sunday night.

Our enterprising _ _ _ _ _ _ agent, Oscar NORMAN, disposed of his fine bunch of sheep last week to his brother, C C NORMAN, of Tamalco, for a fancy price.

We were greatly astonished in devouring the contents of the Journal last week to find that the amanuensis of Irishtown, who has been so proficient in writing up pugilistic carnvials, had failed to employ his imaginative posers to such extent as to adhere to his general rule. We suppose those pugnacious fellows whom he has been lauding so profusely, have betook themselves to Cuba to assist the Cubans in gaining their independence and that old Irishtown is once more the scene of consummate tranquility.

Keyesport Journal Wednesday, February 16, 1897

A half column of McKendree Chapel correspondence was omitted this week, owing to lack of space. It is good sutff and will be used next week.

Keyesport Journal . Wednesday, February 23, 1898

We have come to the conclusion that the time has now come when for the welfare of the community and mutual _understanding, for the upbuilding of good fellowship, for the edification of the surrounding communities and the good to be derived from it by the Journal for the criticism of our brother correspondents for the excitement of nobler thoughts and personal happiness, for the pleasure of the commonwealth in general and for the illumination that our own minds Will receive in preparing this epistle, we should dedicate the following as the general inclinations of the people of our section of the country.



The people to know he has a fast horse. Wm GILLESPIE

To have more scholars every day. R A DUNCAN

Rolins HORD to get through husking corn. Johnny PALMER

Lou MCCASLIN to keep off the HILL. Lewis Mills

To go to another dance on Beaver Creek. Paul NORMAN and Albert HARTMAN

Albert COLE to give him lessons on the violin. Wesley SANDERS

To remove to Beaver Creek in the near future. Lee BUNCH

A place to work through the summer. Capt HARRIS

To go to another dance at Wm LAUX's. Y A COLE

To go to Kansas in the spring. Zederick MOORE, Jr

To purchase a few more fat calves. F M MCHUGH

A continual lob in the hub mill. Wm KELL

His son, George, to stay at home of nights. Tom PIERSON

A foreman and six cowboys to run the cattle ranch he recently purchased. John GILLESPIE

A hand to push the plow for him this summer. U D BUNCH

To trap with Geo Liston next winter. George COLE

To go buggy riding every Sunday. Chas BATEMAN

An assistant cook well versed in the culinary art. Royal MILLS

Joe Delay for a partner because he is so jovial. Johnny JACKSON

To hire a red whiskered men for the summer. Edward GUBSER

People to buy patent churners. Oscar NORMAN and John GILLESPIE

Wesley SANDERS to quit going with his (Henry's) girl. Henry MOORE

To go to Hitogs to another valentine and necktie party. Elias BARCROFT

Fred KRAMMER to discontinue his visits to Irishtown. Elfie COLE

His wife to have another rag tacking in the near future, when he can he present. Herman LODDICK

To find that white hog which has gone astray. Ed COLE

Mary HAUN to go to Utah with him in the spring. Claude NORMAN

To know who stole his jug last Saturday. Silas POUNDS

To go to Centralia on another free excursion. Andrew WOODS

Oscar NORMAN to furnish him with chewing tobacco. Art HARRIS

An alarm clock to awake him in time to go to Church. Marion COPPLE

To go to another dance in Beaver Prairie and stay all night. Clifford MCCUSKEY

To continue his old trade of playing pool. Rufus HARRIS

To help Thomas MUNTON run his farm this summer. U G JONES

To get out with the boys again. Geo GRAY

An introduction to a certain young lady in Keyesport. George GOODWIN

A wife who is just sweet sixteen. Joe SCHMITT

Clifford MCCUSKEY and Elias BARCROFT to hitch up and unhitch for him. Zed MOORE, Jr

The boys not to run against his gatepost the next time they come there to a singing. Chas MILLS

A young lady to call on him every Sunday evening and about three times in the week. Ernest MYATT

To buy a traveling horse whose record is 2.30 from James DITSCH. Sam BATEMAN

Two of Tamalco's "elite" to help him unload his hay free of charge. U D BUNCH

The boys to quit building fences in front of his gate on the county line. Thomas MUNTON

To meet Joe Choynski in the ring in a limited number of rounds. Clarence GUM

The game law to be abrogated so he can hunt quails all the year. Ed MUNTON

The meeting to continue at Keyesport so they can take another crowd in a lumber wagon. Wesley SANDERS and Geo COLE

Geo PIERSON to stay away so he could go with his girl. Ernest MYATT

To go to California and make his fortune a digging gold. Jim FINLEY

Edgar DEWEY to go to Klondike and leave his girl at home. Edgar BARCROFT

Someone who is able to ride his bucking bronco. Johny GUM

His son Elmer to take his girl to Church when George doesn't come in time. Wm SANDERS

Geo MCCLAREN to stop incommonding the quiet enjoyment of his home by hollowing so loud. John BUCK



We've done our best,

You all know the rest;

The wants are all written here

Of every one living near.

Some wants are noble,

Others are as ignoble,

Some show the sign of sense,

And others are close to nonsense.

The best are from minds more clear,

Others from minds grown sere;

But the intentions were the same

And all should be put in a frame.

In talking to the man in the moon,

The news you'd tell him very soon,

But unless published are not worth a darn,

So you should tell them to Latour DEVARN.

Our local informer is he,

A very shrewd fellow he be,

Just hint to him your need,

And he'll fix it up slick indeed.

To a resportership we aspire,

The well wishes of everyone we desire;

And to a far country indeed we'll go,

Pietermantzburg, Africk, is the one you know.


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, March 2, 1898

A fine snow fell last Monday which was appreciated by all.

Several from here attended the masquerade ball at Keyesport last Saturday night and all report a hot time.

George GRAY and family spent Sunday with friends near Beaver Creek.

Several from here attended the DITSCH sale last Thursday.

WILKEN and POTTS of Irishtown, sawed wood for several of our neighbors the latter part of the last week and the fore part of this.

John BUCK sold his team of fine bay horses one day last week. The price received was $125, so we are told.

Frank MCHUGH, the "boss" cattle dehorner, was kicked on the knee by a cow one day last week. Frank now has a large leg.

Edward GUBSER and family spent last Sunday the guests of Mr and Mrs Chas NORMAN of Tamalco.

Fred KRAMER has left for parts unknown. We are sorry to lose such a jolly fellow as Fred.

Capt HARRIS. who is working for F M MCHUGH, spent Sunday with his home folks on the Flat Branch.

Wesley SANDERS who lives on the "Old Voice Hill" attended our Sunday School and took dinner with his brother in law, Oscar NORMAN.

The funeral of Miss Stella BEEMER, who resided south of Keyesport, was held here Sunday at 3:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev SMITH. Her remains were laid to rest in the cemetery near by


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, March 9, 1898

Royal MILLS visited friends and relatives in Beaver Prairie last Saturday and Sunday.

Johnny JACKSON has moved his things to his father's place.

Thomas PIERSON and family, of Irishtown, attended preaching at this place last Sunday.

Marion CHITWOOD, who is working for the MILLS Bros, called on a very dear friend in Keyesport last Sunday evening.

Chas HARRIS is talking of going north in the near futture to spend the summer.

Georg COLE now goes to Keyesport three times a week. He says he has succeeded in convincing a certain young lady that he is just the proper article.

Silas POUNDS was trimming hedge for Mrs M R MYATT the forepart of this week.

F M MCHUGH is building an additional room to his house and intends to move in the near future. George GRAY is doing the carpenter work,

Paul NORMAN commenced a two months term of school at Tamalco last Monday morning.

A W COLE, Sr, was in Keyesport transacting business last Monday afternoon.

We understand that Rufus HARRIS will work for Henry MOORE this summer.

Wm GOODWIN and wife spent last Sunday with Joe MCLAIN in Irishtown.

A class meeting will be held here next Sunday after Sunday school and will conducted by Uncle Henry WARD. Everybody is invited to come.

Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, March 16, 1898

Johnny JACKSON visited friends near Flat Branch last Sunday.

Charles MILLS drove to Carlyle last Monday.

Ernest MYATT made a business trip to Tamalco last Monday morning.

Henry MOORE now rides in a brand new buggy. Look out girls Henry is liable to call around most any time.

Our enterprising churn agent, Oscar NORMAN, had business in Keyesport last Saturday.

We are informed that Charles BATEMAN has entered the race for the nomination for assessor of our (Tamalco) township. Charles is a promising young many of steady habits, sterling quality and business integrity. We think no better selection could be made and that he would be the right man in the right place.

F M MCHUGH completed his new house last Wednesday. He also invited a number of our young folks to a party that evening, it being the birthday of Charles HARRIS, who is working for him. The folks enjoyed themselves unitl a late hour when they departed, hoping to meet again in the near future.


Pleasant Grove

Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, February 16, 1898

Did you get a valentine?

Look out for a wedding soon.

Miss Edith BALDWIN, of Willow Branch, was visiting her aunt. Mrs Iva BARTH, Sunday.

It is rumored that E T MOORE is going to California and E G GUM to Minnesota.

Mr Albert KEGEY and wife, of Dudleyville, were visiting at Wm MEYERs Sunday.

The neck tie and valentine pary at R GUM's was well attended. Games of various kinds were indulged in till about 10 o'clock, when Jacob GUM and Miss Aqnes FLOYD by the order of the local manager closed the postoffice.



Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, February 16, 1898

T E HANLON, the Iron King of East St Louis visited friends Sunday.

The Misses BOYER spent Sunday in Sandoval

Mrs E C HOGAN went to Sandoval Saturday shopping.

G C MATSLER spent Sunday at Huey.

John BARTLES spent Sunday in St Louis.

Jas MEYERs, of Huey, called as usual last week.

Two more "Victims" at the Woodmen Camp last week.

"Amelia" was in town Saturday.

KOCH and JOHNSTON attended lodge at Sandoval Saturday night.

Wm BODLEY spent Sunday at home.

Some talk of a Church and Sunday school supper in the near future.

R G TERRY left East St Louis for Zion, Mo, last Monday.

J L NICOLAY of the "Real Estate Trust" made two trips to Carlyle last week.

Mrs F KLINE is slowly recovering from her severe illness.

The advance agent of the Electric Railroad was in town last week.

The spelling match at Sunny side was a success.

Did you hear of that mysterious wedding? Esquire JUST and others are tolerable good at drawing the long bow.

Milton DORSETT, the "mighty hunter" contemplates a trip to Nebraska soon.

The latest now is the agitation for a school house in town.

The sight of P B ANDERSON in town lst week was a surprise to his many friends.

Miss Clara JOHNSON spent Sunday in Centralia.

Have you seen the "Hat" that candidate PRICE is wearing?

J D PRICE spent Monday in Centralia on business for Clinton County.

J C FIGG left here suddenly Sunday night for Clay City.

J P PRICE was a Visitor here Monday

Steve STEIN is the proud possessor of a new guitar

Mrs J R SMITH made a flying trip to East St Louis one day last week.

Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, March 2, 1898

Supervisor PRICE was in Carlyle Saturday. He did not dine at the poor house this time.

A ten pound boy arrived Wednesday at the home of John MANN.

City Marshal MYERS, of Huey, transacted business here Friday evening.

C W REEMSTEN was on the sick list several days last week.

A twelve pound boy arrived at the home of John SCHLICHTMANN last Thursday.

John BARTH went to Wayne county, Missouri, last week to look at some land. A party wants to trade him 140 acres for some city property. If a deal is made Mr BARTH will remove from this section of the country.

Harry BEATTY took a walk one day this week which we fear he did not enjoy. He purchased a round trip ticket at the office here and finished his business in time to return on the "Flyer". Soon after leaving Sandoval the conductor informed Mr BEATTY that the train did not stop at the platform at Shattuc, therefore he could not accept the pasteboard. Harry alighted from the cars about one mile this side of Sandoval and wearily turned his nose toward home. He knows just how many railroad ties there are between the two stations now.

The people who reside in Shattuc want a school house more conveniently located. The present building is situated one half mile south of town. Strenous efforts are being made to add another school to the district. A meeting was held last week and J T HOGAN, Dr WILCOX and C W REEMSTEN were appointed as a committee to ascertain the proper course to pursue by obtaining legal advice. Messrs WILCOX and HOGAN visited Carlyle and had a talk with States Attorney FORD. In order to legalize the erection of a second building it will be necessary to submit the question at the coming school election, therfore the people will very likely have an

opportunity of voting for or against it. The school will probably be located in the east part of town if the proposition carries.

The post office will soon be in use at the depot. The improvements is being made by the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern company. The wooden concern will be replaced with cinders and crushed rock.

HOGAN Bros are now doing a rushing business. They made shipments of flour nearly every day.

It is rumored that a new store will be opened here in the near future.


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, March 9, 1898

An oyster supper at the Church Thursday night. Will report proceeds next week.

Mr and Mrs J T HOGAN and Mrs E C HOGAN visited with Mr and Mrs H BEATTY last Sunday.

Mr and Mrs BALTZELL, of Centralia spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs C E JOHNSON.

The B & O S W wrecking crew had work here last week.

The house being built for John PIERCE is being rapidly finished,

The sermon of Rev YINGST Sunday against "Sunday Labor" contained roasts for corporations and Sunday newspapers.

J L NICOLAY is on the sick list. He is anxious for war. Wonder why?

Julius MERTEN and John MANN made business trips to Centralia Monday.

Miss SHARP, of Buxton, visited Mrs J R SMITH one day last week.

Quarterly meeting here March 26th and 27th.

Wm BODLEY spent Sunday at home.

Miss Ethel CARSON is on the sick list.

Township election April 5.

George MATSLER spent Sunday with his parents in Huey.

J T HOGAN and Dr WILCOX attended the Knights of Pythias school of instruction in Centralia Tuesday night.

A large number of the members of the Methodist Church here drove to Huey last Thursday and surprised Rev YINGST. A generous supply of eatables were taken along which were donated to the minister. A great big dinner followed, participated in by the visitors and host and hostess. Among those present from this place were Mr and Mrs P B ANDERSON, Peter JENSEN and wife, Mr and Mrs C PHILLIPS, Mrs TUNNICLIFFE and Mrs J R SMITH. The names of the other members of the party were not obtainable.

During the past few weeks cats have been in the habit of giving open air concerts in the vicinity of C W REEMSTEN, local manager of the J & St L Railway. Just like other members of the feline family the vocal training of these cats was neglected while they were young. For this reason the solos, duets, quartets and double quartets have not been highly appreciated by REEMSTEN. He has exhausted his supply of old shoes, tin cans, fruit jars and other munitions of cat warfare, therefore the use of firearms will be resorted to. Whenever a killing is made the cat wil be stripped of its overcoat by Ben CHAMBERS. The hide will be properly cured and stuffed. The collection will likely be placed on the second floor of the Junction House for exhibition.

Supervisor PRICE will no doubt be one of the most liberal patrons of that telephone line when it is built. It will be entirely unnecessary for him to attend the Board meeting at Carlyle. He can quietly set in the "Temple of Knowledge" with a receiver to his ear and vote "aye" or "nay" do the leading auditions, jolly Sam. JUST between times, draw $2 a day for the work and eat his meals at home.

The Anti Horse Thief Association held a meeting Saturday night.

Mrs Anna BOYER went to Carlyle Saturday on business.


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, March 16, 1898

Miss Lillie BOYER was in Sandoval last Saturday.

Mrs B H DOENE, of Breese, was entertained by Mrs TUNNICLIFFE several days last week.

Grant PRICE, who has been very ill with tonsilitis, is now convalescent.

George MATSLER will take a jug of vinegar the next time he attends an oyster dinner.

Mrs C NICOLAY, Sr, is very ill this week.

Supervisor PRICE went to Carlyle Tuesday on business.

Ben CHAMBERS will soon give a "sing" party in the Hotel de Bachelor.



Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, February 9, 1898

Mr C C DIXON and wife went to Pittsburg last Sunday to see his father who was very sick. They returned home Tuesday.

Mr and Mrs TAYLOR and daughter, Madge, returned Monday night from Forest City where they had been visiting their daughter, Mrs GRAHAM.

Miss Daisy BIGGS departed Wednesday for Mt Olive to attend the funeral of her uncle.

Mr ELLIOT and wife, who have been visiting friends and relatives here the past two weeks, departed for Decatur Friday where they will spend a few days and then return to their home in Kansas.

John TAYLOR, of Greenville, is visiting his brother here this week.

The farmers in this vicinity shipped ten cars of hay from this place the past week.

W E TAYLOR shelled about 4,000 bu of corn this week which he shipped to his brother at Pensacola, Fla.

The Revival which has been conducted at the M E Church here for the past three weeks, closed Thursday night, thirty eight persons being converted during the time.

Wm COSGROVE of Keyesport, has been chief engineer at the corn sheller the past week.

We had the pleasure of seeing C N HARNED's familiar face pass through our town Thursday enroute for Reno. We are sorry to see Charlie go. But we think one young man here will not lose any more sleep now, as he will not be afraid of Charlie stealing his sweetheart.

Walter SANDIFER will not be so closely pursued by the opposite sex since the meeting has closed.

Charlie EMERY says he was visiting the sick last Saturday night.

C C DIXON received a consigment of clothing this week which he will add to his stock of groceries and dry goods.

Leslie says the next time he goes to a dance in the country if he has to run home he wants electric lights on the barb wire fences so he wont get his overshoes on the barbs.

We would advise A B SANDIFER not to keep such late hours at night for the weather is so changeable he may take cold and then her father is liable to kick about the fuel and oil bill.

W E TAYLOR is thinking seriously of letting the contract for a telephone line from Tamalco to the hill, so he can talk with her on Sunday evenings when the weather is unfavorable to make the trip.

Mr R ORTMAN, of St Elmo, has moved here and is living in the MILLS porpoerty he will move on the Smith APPLE farm March 1.

O'CONNELL says he does not want any more "rough house" for its too hard on fingers and eyes.

Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, February 16, 1898

RICHARD PALMER and wife, of Wisetown, spent Sunday at C C DIXON's.

Several Tamalco people spent the day at Keyesport last Sunday.

Miss Daisy BIGGS returned last Wednesday evening from Mt Olive accompanied by her cousin, Miss COX.

Mrs A PARSONS spent a few days in Boulder last week.

Born to Mr and Mrs D A WISE, a baby girl, last Tuesday.

Wednesday evening while C C DIXON was unhitching his thoroughbreds, they became frightened and started to run. They ran south on Railroad Street to Main, then turned east, where they came in contact with the city well knocking it off the curb of same into the middle of the street, at the same time getting loose from the rig and then ran east to Mr EMERY's where they were caught. The only damage was the tongue being broken out of the buggy.

Mrs A B MORTON, of Smithoro, visited relatives here two days last week.

W SANDIFER spent a few days in Smithboro last week.

The sick folks east of town are improving, so Charlie says.

A B SANDIFER, R A DUNCAN, and H STEINKAMP went to Smithboro Thursday night to be baptized and taken into the Christian church.

Quite a number of our school teachers attended Teacher's meeting at Greenville Saturday

Messrs WISE and FORTIN look took the evening train Saturday evening for Keyesport to attend the revival meeting being held there. We understand they were so long about finding a place to hide their lanterns that services were dismissed before they reached the church We would advise them next time to locate a hiding place for the lantern in daylight.

The Valentine party at Mr GUM's Saturday evening was well attended

We would like to know why J W OVERMAN looked so down hearted. Is it the old story, the victim of misplaced confidence.

When Albert wants to make a flying trip he takes her on the "hand car". He says pumping the handcar is not any harder work than applying the whip when driving.


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, February 23, 1898

A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr and Mrs H P BIGGS last Wednesday evening, their daughter, Miss Daisy was united in marriage to Mr W E TAYLOR.

Mrs K O'CONWELL spent Sunday at Boulder.

Mrs W T GRAHAM, of Forest City, is visiting her parents here this week.

Mr and Mrs W E TAYLOR, Mr E J BARCROFT and Miss Maude COX went to Greenville Monday.

The winter term at Tamalco school closed last Friday.

Miss SMITH departed for her home at Smithboro Friday evening.

In view of war with Spain we hope Uncle Sam will call on Tamalco for volunteers. Below is a list of those thirsting for Spanish gore:

C C DIXON will head the list as Brigadier General. T S SANDIFER as captain. Uncle Tony will go along to mix drinks for the boys. Frank EATON has offered his services and that of his two adopted sons. The oldest, Sir William, will do the barber act and Sir Edgar will spend his idle moments making mashes on Spanish ladies. Constable FORTIN offers his services. He thinks the boys need an officer of the law with them, but says he hates to part company with Uncle Jim.

H STEINKAMP says he will join them if they will make him commander of the company

A B SANDIFER would like to join the boys, but he has employment of the section this summer. C H SCHNEIDER will go along to repair the guns and bayonets. John OVERMAN and Henry GORLINE will go along to sack rabbits for the boys. John will hold the sack while Henry drives them in. Frank WILMIRTH will act as pilot on dark nights, for he says that hair of his is equal to any electric head light. John MOORE will go as drummer boy, for he is below the standard height. W E Taylor would join them but he thinks a married man should remain at home. E J BARCROFT will go along to act as best man during the battle. H C COKER wil build rafts for the boys to cross small streams on, and boot leg whiskey for Uncle Tony. Uncle Zadoc will go along and control the weather, thereby fulfilling his duties as ground hog.


Tamalco Teachers Association

Program, Feb 26, 1898

1:30 School news songs

Branches that should be taught in a country school:W H TAYLOR

Drawing: J E STORY

Recitation: Miss Anna CARROLL

Benefits of Teachers' Association: J W OVERMAN

Benefits of Library Work: A B SANDIFER

Benefits of present course of study and monthly examination:


Recitation: Miss Lilly APPLE



Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, November 10, 1897

The benefit of the new sidewalk to the school house is now being realized by the pupils.

Amos INGOLD and family left Monday for Bartelso, Clinton County, where he is engaged as a bookkeeper and yard boss for a saw mill company.

Steve WISE, who has been kept in by sickness for several days is again able to be out.

The house vacated by Amos INGOLD will be occupied by Arthur WISE and family.

A protracted meeting at this place is being carried out with great success. A large number of conversions are recorded and a few are rejoicing in complete sanctification. Rev HARRIS is conducting the services.

The entertainment given by the school for the purpose of raising funds for the purchase of a school library, Will not be given on account of the meetings. The district will furnish the money.

The rains have already made the roads very bad, but we hear no complaints against wet weather.

Halleck HARRIS is very low with typhoid fever, but hopes for his recovery are entertained.


Illinois State News Death's Doings

Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, November 10, 1897

John GRAMBECKER, of Galena. aged 82. He lived in Galena 60 years and his wife whom he married there, 54 years ago, survives him,

Mrs Amanda BRYAN at Salem. She was the wife of Russell BRYAN, an uncle of William Jennings Bryan.

James D MORGAN, aged 74, at Quincy.

Capt W E ROBINSON, of Mattoon.

Theo KRASPER, aged 75, at Trenton.

D W BUNEKEG, of Galesburg at the Riverside sanitarium, Hamilton, from apoplexy. He was junior commander of the Illinois G A R.

Otis TIMOTHY, aged 85, at Franklin Grove, Lee county. He had been a resident of the vicinity for 60 years.

John V MCFARLAND, aged 65, of Reno, Bond county.

John PRECKWINKLE, an old settler on Gass county, at Bloomington, aged -

Mrs Wm BARNES, aged 81, at Decatur. She was the mother of John A Barnes. United States consul at Colongo, Germany.

Henry E BADGER, aged 81, a prominent business man of Amboy for 50 years.

John GRAHAM, a prominent and well to do resident of Kewanee, from heart disease.

"Uncle" Stephen CATER, an old landmark of Gallatin county, aged 83, at his home in Ridgeway.

Mrs J H WALL, of Clinton. She was a well known temperance worker, having been twice president of the DeWitt County W C T U and a delegate of several national conventions.

Mrs Anna M DOWAY, aged 91, at Quincy, where she had resided since 1836 She was the widow of Michael DOWAY, and they had the longest married life of any couple in the vicinity of Quincy, over 64 years.

Alfred ADAMS, aged 48, at Chester. He served as county treasurer, sheriff and city treasurer.


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, February 9, 1898

Mrs Elisabeth C THAYER, aged 72, a resident of Quincy since 1840.

Christian WISEMAN, a prominent German citizen, died at Warsaw, aged 74 years.

Capt G L FARWELL died at Macomb, aged 79 years.

Mrs Thomas BRYAN, wife of former postmaster and mayor of Bloomington, died at her home in that city, aged 62. She was a native of Kentucky.

Henry A PERRY aged 80, a well known resident of Jo Davies county.

George P ELA, aged 63, prominent in Bloomington and McLean county.

Mrs Martha MCCREERY aged 63, of Duquoin, after a short illness,

Joseph D ILER, aged 82, an old resident of Quincy.

Thomas DELANEY, an old resident of Decatur. He dropped dead while dressing.

Samuel FOSTER, an old resident, aged 82, at Keyesport.


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, February 16, 1898

E R KERR, aged 76, of Kewanee.

Capt T J CURRY, aged 67, a Union veteran, suddenly, at Carthage.

"Grandma" CHILDRESS, relict of the late Rev H T CHILDRESS, at Medora, aged 83.

Mrs M B KELLY, aged 80, at Villa Ridge, also George MINNIETH, aged 72, at Villa Ridge

Wilson FAIRES, aged 71,at St Jacob. He predicted, it is said that he would dye on his anniversary and he did.

Mrs Lillie LEDLIE, one of the early pioneer settlers near Assumption and a large land owner.

Mrs Jacob GROVES, aged 83, of Virden,

B F BEVIS, aged 64, in the hotel business at McLeansboro. He was a Union veteran.

Thomas W HALLOCK a pioneer of Coles county.

Edward S MEEKER, sheriff of Cumberland county from 1862 to 1864, at Greenville, aged 70.

C H WOOD reputed to be the wealthiest man in Adams county, at Ellington, aged 55

Wm STEVENSON, aged 66, a pioneer of Adrian, Hancock county.

James J GORGE, aged 85, a Hancock county pioneer, at Carthage.

Daniel P WOODMAN, one of the first settlers of Litchfield, aged 63.

Edward LAUGHTON, a pioneer of Bureau county, at Princeton. He was a member of the board of supervisors for many years. He leaves a large estate.

Dr Frank E TROBAUGH, of Murphysboro, suddenly of apoplexy.

Dr D Selwyn CLARK, aged 59, at Rockford. He was well known, served the Union in the Twenty-fifth Illinois, spending two months in Libby.

Alfred BLACKWELLDER, aged 87, well known in Montgomery county.

Mrs John A DAVIS, formerly of Rockford, at Butte, Mont.


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, February 23, 1898

Ex Mayor George B WHEELCROFT, of Carmi.

John A EBERT, one of the well known citizens of Kewanee.

Mrs John STEEP, aged 60, of Arcola.

J M MCCLARY, aged 45, of Ramsey.

Martin M TRAVIS, on his farm near Fairbury, aged 87

Allen DAVIDSON, of Bingham, Fayette county, aged 73, suddenly.

Mrs William H CRAWFORD, wife of a prominent citizen of Bloomington.

Eliza D BROWNE, an old resident of Rosemond township, Christian county.

Mrs Amelia HERLEMAN, aged 44, at Quincy, suddenly.

David A ELMORE, a pioneer of Rockford, aged 68.

George P WELLS, prominent hardware merchant of Macomb, suddenly.


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, March 2, 1898

Mrs E P RAAB, of Belleviile, after a short illness.

Mrs Ann RODGERS, aged 90, a resident of Decatur since 1852.

John Peter PAAR, a prominent German at Warsaw, aged 76.

Mrs Nancy J BORING, at Salem. She was born in Marion county in 1830, and always resided within its borders.

Z T HANNA, city clerk of Fairbury, and deputy sheriff of Livingston county, aged 68.

T G GLEASON, a well known railroad man at Freeport, aged 72.

Miss Flora BEEMER, of Dana, who was attending school at the Northern Illinois Normal, DIXON from diphtheria.

John H MCEVOY, an old resident of Rockford, aged 78.


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday March 9, 1898

Mrs Barbara HETHER aged 67, at Red Bud.

Mrs John T LEE, at her home in Xemia, aged 62.

F J PHILBROOK, aged 70, at his home in Normal. He was a veteran of the civil war and spend nearly two years in Libby, Andersonville and Belle Isle prisons.

Mrs Eliza REBER an old settler of Shelby county.

Mrs Cynthia Ann WINTERS, wife of Col J C Winters of White Hall, aged 86. She has been married 6- years.

John T INGRAM, the oldest mail carrier at Quincy, aged 55.

Williarn T WELLS, for 40 years a leading merchant of Decatur, aged 63.

Anthony C BAPTIST at Jacksonville, aged 83. He leaves 36 grandchildren and one great grandchild.

Henry IDLER, owner of the largest fruit farm in Bond county, aged 66.

Joseph MURPHY, of Bloomington, from pneumonia, aged 77. He was an old prominent and wealthy citizen of the county, and was born in York, Pa.


Keyesport Journal, Wednesday, March 16, 1898

John A PETTINGILL, of Bunker HILL, aged 80. He settled there in 1839 and opened up one of the first farms, then established a nursery. He was one of the organizers of the Bunker HILL Congregational Church.

Mrs M A FISH, a prominent member of the Woman's Christian Temperance union of Hillsboro.

Rev Frederick EGGERING, a retired minister of the German Lutheran Chruch at Nauvoo.

William M CASEY, one of the oldest residents of Centralia, aged 87, also Jacob A KENDALL, an old time resident.

Mrs Lydia CATHERWOOD, of Taylorville, aged 94. She was a native of Delaware, and a resident of Christain county 51 years.

Mrs Sarah RUFFNER, aged 83, at Moweaqua.

Fred MOELLER, aged 80, of Beardstown.

William J ELLIS, aged 52, at Mounty Vernon. He served during the war in the Sixth Illinois cavalry.

Mrs Laurn HALLIDAY, widow of H L Halliday, of Cairo, at a sanitarium in Milwaukee, Wisc.

P J WARD of Martinsville.

Rev J D BORDEN, aged 56, at his home in Greenup. Rev Borden served in the Union army through the war.

Mrs Lucinda BENT, aged 73, at Bloomington. She was wealthy and prominent and had lived in Bloomington nearly forty years, coming from Louisiana.





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