[This writing appears different than in the first part of the book and may have been used as someone's notebook at a later date]

Worked for [M E Young] the 15 also the 17 of July.
[Actin] to work by the week for [M E Young] July 21, 1879 for one dollar per week, last the 14 of August, also the 15 half of the day, last the 30, also 31, also the first and second days of September, last half day third of September, last [of] the 6, 7, and 8, left November the 9.

[Page is upside down]
Laudnum 2 oz
Oil of Sasafras 2 oz.
Turpentine 2 oz
Alcohol 2 oz
Beef Gall 2 oz to be well shaken and used 3 or 4 times a day and keep the parts wrapped in flannel.
[Green of Ligruscoita] 1 oz to be put in a pint of whiskey Dose one teaspoon full 3 times a day.

[Not Levi's writing]

Matilda Myers books [commenced] work for Youngs [Gr??] the first day the second time in 1879 at 73 cents per week.

[Torn page, looks like Levi's handwriting listing officers and staff of Co.?]

[Torn page, first word is Capt., Levi's writing, again, listing officers and staff of Co.?]

[Next page, still Levi's writing]
Co E
Capt. Geo. W. Hook
1 Lieut Wm H. Snyder
2 " Enoch Luckey
3 " John F. [Danelon]

Co F
Capt. Tho B Kinney
1st Lieut [Murray V. Yoda]
2 " Richard N. Hamilton
3 " James M. Hunt

Co G
Capt Henry J. Reed
1st Riley Madison
2 " James [Geby]
3 " S Lundrey

Co H
Capt Ja. Hampton
1st James I. [Rovost]
2 John A. Logon
3 James Willis

Co J
Capt John H. Adams
1st Lieut Aaron D. [Goodson]
2 " Tho. McDowell
3 " Lieut [Brott]

Co K
Capt [H Regman]
1st M. I. Bostick
3 " C. Hicks

[Blank page]

Discharged [Comparison with Names on Report of AG of State of Illinois shown in brackets]
1. Jesse Ballard [Jul 24, 1847; disability, Ft. Leavenworth]
2. Andrew Briggs [Jun 10, 1848; disability, Las Vegas, N.M.]
3. Jefferson Huey [Left sick Jul 13, 1847]
4. Charles Lona [Jul 24, 1846, disability]
5. Nathaniel Daughtery [Dougherty] [Jul 13, 1847; disability, Albuquerque, N.M.]
6. Bennet Schonnefuler [Bernard Schonefeld] [Jul 24, 1947; disability, Ft. Leavenworth]
7. John P. [Fought] [20 ?? March]
8. William Gibson 10 April 1848 [disability]

List of Co A from Clinton County, Ill. [Comparison with Names on Report of AG of State of Illinois shown in brackets]
Non Com Officers
1st [Serj or Cearles] Charles W. Abbott
2 " John W. Story [Died at Point of Rocks, Aug. 26 1848, enroute to Santa Fe]
3 " Madison Hull [James M.] [Died at Albuquerque, N.M., Apr. 23, 1848]
4th W. Willcock(s) [First Sergeant]

Corperals [Comparison with Names on Report of AG of State of Illinois shown in brackets]
Jabez [John] H. Posey [Left sick at Ft. Leavenworth, Jul 15, 1847; not heard from, supposed to have died]
2. Squire I.[S.] Todd [Died at Albuquerque, N.M., Feb 24, 1848]
3. Wm [William] White
4. Tho. [Thomas] Miles

Musicians [Comparison with Names on Report of AG of State of Illinois shown in brackets]
Drummer Morrison L. O'Hornett [M.I. O'Harnett] [Appointed from Drummer, Oct. 1]
Fifer Jese Kirkhom [Jesse Kirkham]

Rivales [Comparison with Report of AG of State of Illinois shown in brackets]
1. Afflick, John M.
2. Allen, Elias [Elijah] [Died at Ft. Leavenworth, Jul 10, 1847]
3. Ammons, Felix [Died at Santa Fe, N.M., Oct 9, 1847]
4. Anderson, Elijah
5. Briggs, Arabia [Discharged Jun 10, 1848; disability, Las Vegas, N.M.]
6. Buck, Andrew [Died at Santa Fe, N.M., Mar 1, 1848]
7. Ballard, Jesse [Discharged Jul 24, 1847; disability, Ft. Leavenworth]
8. Ballard, Henry [Left sick at Ft. Leavenworth, Jul 15 1847; not heard of since, supposed to have drowned.]
9. Bellardy, Melcher
10. Briggs, Andrew [Discharged Jul 13, 1847; disability, Ft. Leavenworth]
11. Boles [Bowles], Tho. [Thomas] [Sick in hospital at Alton, from Oct. 4]
12. Clark, Jay M. [James M.]
13. Clark, Tho. [Thomas]
14. Cox, Theodore, R. [Left sick Jul 15, 1847 at Ft. Leavenworth; not heard from since, supposedly died]
15. Dunlap, James M. [H.] [Died at Albuquerque, N.M. Apr 10, 1848 (Apr 4)]
16. Daughtery [Dougherty], Nathaniel [Discharged Jul 13, 1847; disability, Albuquerque, N.M.]
17. Duncan, James
18. Datermin [Determann], Joseph
19. Ensley, William [Died at Santa Fe, N.M., Nov 3 1847]
20. Essington [Enington], James [Sick in hospital at Alton, from Oct 4]
21. Fisher, David
22. [Fogt], John P.
23. Finley [Findley], Preston [Died at Albuquerque, N.M., Apr 10, 1848]
24. Gullick, John M. [Died at San Miguel, Aug 11, 1848]
25. Grear [Greer], Wm.
26. Guithouse [Greathouse], C.H. [Christopher H.] [Detached as hospital steward, Oct 28, 1848]
27. Gibson, Wm [Discharged Apr 10, 1848; disability]
28. Gordon, Joseph
29. Huey, Joseph M. [Died at Albuquerque, N.M., Mar 8, 1848]
30. Huey, James M. [Discharged Jul 24, 1846; disability]
31. Hull, Df. H. [Joseph F.] [Died at Santa Fe, N.M., Nov 19, 1847]
32. Huckebury [Hockelberg or Hickelberg], John
33. Hammond, C.R. [Charles B.]
34. Hill, Tho. [Thomas] F.
35. Hamon [Heeman], Henry [Died at Albuquerque, N.M., Jun 7, 1848]
36. Hutchinson [Hebener], Lewis [Louis] [Died Aug 18, 1847, en route for Santa Fe]
37. Hughs [Hughes], Arthur
38. Hutton, James
39. Hutton, Henry
40. Huey, Jefferson [Left sick Jul 13, 1847; supposed discharge]
41. Holly [Holley or Hollie], Williamson [Died at Albuquerque, N.M., Feb 26, 1848]
42. Hale [Hall], Washington
43. Isaac, Harris [Harris, Isaac] [Died at Albuquerque, N.M., Feb 27, 1848]
44. Jarvis, Alfred
45. Johanning, Benet [Bernard]
46. Kopeman [Kopemann], Clemons [Clemens]
47. Long [Lona], Charles [Discharged Jul 24, 1846; disability]
48. Lefert [Lifert], Henry
49. Libbors [Lubbers], Bernard
50. [Mayall], Edward W.
51. Matsler [Metsler], J.A.J. [John A.J.] [Died at Albuquerque, N.M., Mar 8, 1848]
52. Morrison, Joshua [Died at Santa Fe, N.M., Nov 21, 1847 (Nov 20)]
53. Martin, Wm [Discharged Jul 24, 1846; disability]
54. Murray, Patrick
55. Morton, Oliver [Died at Santa Fe, N.M. Nov 21, 1847 (Nov. 2)]
56. Nicholson, Wm [Williamson or William]
57. Neely, Henry H. [A.] [Sick in hospital at Alton, from Oct. 4]
58. Newton, [Jobez.] B. [Jabez or John]
59. Outhouse, John S. [Died at Santa Fe, N.M., Oct 14, 1847]
60. Petra, Geo. [George Petree died at Ft. Leavenworth, Jul 14, 1847]
61. Pierson, Isom [Isrom or Issom died at Santa Fe, N.M., Sep 20, 1847]
62. Page, Michael
63. Posey, Jubilee [Jubelee, died at Lexington, Mo., Jun 24, 1847]
64. Pool, Iasiah [Poll, Josiah]
65. Richardson, Henry [Elected 1st Lieut. from private, when Roper resigned]
66. Ronne, Wm. M. [William Ranney]
67. Reeves, Geo. [George] W. [Died at Santa Fe, N.M., Feb 1, 1848]
68. Schonefield, B. [Schonefeld, Bernard, discharged Jul 24, 1847; disability, Ft. Leavenworth]
69. Slade, Charles R.
70. Slade, Joseph A.
71. Sharp, Anderson
72. Stiles, Isaac [Stites]
73. Shields, Geo. F. [George T.]
74. Shields, Wm A. [Died at Albuquerque, N.M., Feb 14, 1848]
75. Smith, John L.
76. Scott, Wm
77. [Sebenburg], Henry [Siebenburgen, Henry]
78. [Vorla], Theodore [Vogt, Theodore, discharged Mar 18, 1847; disability, Santa Fe, N.M.]
79. Wall, Wm. A.
80. Wall, James

The above were mustered into the service of the U.S. by Capt. C.C. [Libbey], May 22, 1847.

Date of Deaths

1. Jubilee Posey died on Mo. River, June 21, 1847 and buried at Lexington, Mo.
2. Oliver Morton at Fort Leavenworth, June 27, 1847.
3. Elias Allen died July 10th 1847 at F. Leavenworth
4. Geo. Petra at Leavenworth, July 13th 1847.
5. Lewis Hebner died at Arkansas Crossing 18th August 1847.
6. Theodore Cox died at Fort Leavenworth
7. Jabez. H. Posey died at Leavenworth
8. Isom Pierson died at Santa Fe Sept 20th 1847.
9. John S. Outhouse died at Santa Fe Oct. 15th 1847.
10. Felix Ammons died at Santa Fe Oct. 9th 1847.
11. Wm Ensley died at Santa Fe Nov. 3rd 1847.
12. Joseph [F.] Hull died at Santa Fe Nov. 19th 1847.
13. Joshua Morrison died at Santa Fe Nov. 21st 1847.
14. Geo W. Reeves died at Santa Fe Feb. 1st 1848.
15. Charles R. [Wade] died at Santa Fe Feb 9th 1848.
16. Wm Shields died at Aberquerque, Feb 18th 1848.
17. Squire S. Todd died at Aberquerque Feb 24th 1848.
18. Williamson Holly [Holley or Hollie] died at Aberquerque Feb 25th 1848.
19. Harris Isaacs died at Alberquerque Feb 27 1848.
20. Andrew Birck [Buck] died at Santa Fe February 1848.
21. John A.F. Matsler died at Aberquerque March 8th 1848.
22. Joseph M. Huey died at Alberquerque march 8th 1848
23. [Writing is different] April 10 1848 Preston Finley [Findley] died Alberquerque [Apr 10, 1848]
24. [Writing is different] James M. Dunlap departed this life April 11 1828 Albuquerque N M
25. James H. Hull departed this life April 23rd, A.D. 1848 at Alberquerque N.M.
26. [Henry Heeman] died the 7th of June A.D. 1848 at Alberquerque N.M.
27. John Gullick died August 10th 1848 at St Mia Gill [San Miguel] N.M. on his way home.
28. John W. Story died at what is called the [Point] of Rocks NM August 20th 1848 on his road home.

[Blank Page]

[Written horizontally in book]
Today appears [Xante] J [Browning] to pay Levi Edmonds the sum of one hundred dollars. [Full] value received of him this the 15 day of August 1849 [circular drawing with the word "Seal" in the middle]

[Blank Page]

Henry Ballard

[Blank Page]

[Not Levi's writing]
[teseas] and Kansis Emigration agent Sedalia Mo.

[Not Levi's writing]
Commenced work at [rest of page and next page are illegible]

[Next 3 pages are blank except for some figures added to total 405]

[Blank page]

On or before the first day of August next I promised to pay Levi Edmonds on order the sum of one hundred dollars value received of him this the 28 of July 1849.

[Page is unreadable, possibly blank]

[Not Levi's writing]

John Burge [sum for in totaled John ? was promised ??? of John Burge]

Note: The source of the [Comparison with Report of AG of State of Illinois shown in brackets] was 1st Regiment of Illinois Foot Volunteers Company "A" as transcribed by Dorothy Falk. In these records, the spelling of Levi Sr.'s name is Edmunds.

The company was organized by Captain Thomas Bond at Carlyle, Clinton County, Ill., in the month of May, 1847. Mustered into the service of the United States at Alton, Ill., on the 22nd day of May, 1847, and on the 16th day of October, 1848, was honorably discharged from the service of the United States.


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The copyright law of the United States (title 17, United States Code) governs the making of reproductions of copyrighted material. One of the specified conditions is that the reproduction is not to be used "for any purpose other than private study, scholarship or research."

The images of Levi Edmonds Diary are copyright© by the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library, Carl A. Kroch Library, Ithaca, NY and are posted on this website with their permission. The Map of the Santa Fe Trail is copyright© by Kansas State Historical Society and used here with their permission. This Transcription and Interpretation are copyright© by Tracy Edmonds Patterson and Mary Kate Rogers and used with their permission.

Last modified: 28 December 2024