
Levi Edmos [Edmonds] 3d Lieut in Co A. 1st Reg. Ill Vol. A.D. 1847 to 1848.

Left Alton June 19th 1847 on board the [Hatia] bound to Fort Leavenworth.

June 20th
This day being the Sabbath, it passed off strangely to some of us [landsmen]. Passed Harmond.

June 21
Passed the mouth of the Osage and came to Jefferson City.

June 22
Landed at Bonville & Arrow rock

June 23
Passed Glasgow and still make slow progress up the rapid current of the Mo. 12 of our men are taken down sick with the measles.

June 24
This day at 8 o'clock A.M. we lost the first man of our company. Jubilee Posey died on the river and was buried at Lexington, Mo. While the boat was unloading freight, the funeral procession decently buried the departed soldier and listened to a funeral discourse from a M.E. Devine from these words Be ye also ready for ye know not the day nor the hour when Son of Man cometh.

June 25
Find ourselves at Richfield 70 miles from Fort Leavenworth. At 12 o'clock at night landed at the Fort.

June 26
The company were tumbled into an old ball alley being all the quarters could be had. Found the fort a handsome place commanded by Col. Wharton.

June 27
This day Oliver Morton died with measles, which disease still rages among us.

June 29
Seventeen of our men are now sick in camp and [four] in the hospital. Nothing passed worth notice until July 4th when we had a parade of the Regiment, fired a National Salute, L.E.

July 7
Left quarters and moved into tents out on the green.

July 11
This day Elias [Elijah] Allen died and was buried at this place in the usual custom with military honors.

July 14
This day called to mourn the loss of another soldier, Geo. Petia [Petree] died with a fever.

July 15
The morning clear and pleasant. Broke up camp and at 12 o'clock started for Santa Fe New Mexico. [Drove] led five miles and camped much fatigued with dust and heat.

Our train consisted of 4 companies viz. Bond, Niles, [Kimmon], and Hampton Commanded by Maj. Donaldson. We had in train 60 wagons and 1000 head of cattle to impede our progress and retard our march. One division had gone on before us of 3 companies viz. Hood, Cunninghams, and Turners commanded by Col. Boyakins. We left behind one division of com. viz. Kinney's, Reed's, and Moses, commanded by Col. Newby.

July 16
Marched 15 miles and camped at Gum Spring.

July 17
Came 11 miles today and camped at a fine spring in an Indian village. This day passed several Indian farms and a good country of land. Crossed the Arkansas or [Kaw] river which is a large shallow stream, muddy like the Mo.

July 18
The morning fair and pleasant. Shot at targets and during the day came 15 miles and camped at [dragoon] Creek.

July 19
Had a shower of rain. Marched 18 miles and camped at an Indian village 70 miles from the fort.

July 20
Made 15 miles. Camped at Black Oak Grove. At midnight when all were wrapped in sleep, the sentinels fired their guns and gave the cry of Indians! Indians! The effect was laughable. Every man seized his gun, some half dressed, and marched out when we ascertained it was a false alarm. But it gave amusement for several days.

July 21
Came 3 miles and camped at Willow Spring where we stopped until the morning of the 23rd for the purpose of giving the men a chance to [wash] and drie [dry] clothing. Here one company of Mo. [Dragoons] passed us.

July 23
Marched 18 miles. Camped at a creek called [710] Mile Creek. Here we had the misfortune to lose Capt Niles where he was buried on the 24th. Lay camped all day, then struck tents, marched 8 miles, and camped at Sercher's Creek.

July 25
Came 16 miles, camped at Beaver Creek. Here we had one of the most terrible storms that ever poured upon the Earth with an incessant roar of thunder and flashing of lightning. The tents leaked and all got wet to the skin.

July 26
The morning clear and pleasant. Marched 10 miles and camped at Little John Creek.

July 27
Came 12 miles and camped at Council Grove where we lay until the 30th. The Grove is a handsome place, has a fine stream of water running through it and beautiful prairie around. Here there lives a few Indians and a trader. We were visited by the Sack [Sac or Sauk] and Fox Indians, among them, the old Chief Redhawk, all were going out on a buffalo hunt.

July 30
Struck tents and pursued our way over the plain. This day we were overtaken by the rear division of our reg. Came 8 miles and pitched tents at a fine spring of water.

July 31
Marched 8 miles and camped at Diamond Spring, one of the best springs on the road.

August 1
Came 16 miles and camped at Lost Spring. This day the rear division went past us but we overtook them at night. This night all nature around us was drenched in a most horrible storm and amidst the roar of thunder, the cattle took a stampede, broke the corral, and smashed six wagons.

August 2
Lay by this day repairing. The rear division left us and we saw them no more till we got to Santa Fe.

August 3
Marched 15 miles and pitched tents at Cotton Wood Creek.

August 4
Marched 18 miles and camped at Dusky [Turkey] Creek, 15 miles from woods.

August 5
Came 15 miles. Camped at Little Turkey Creek. No wood.

August 6
Camped at Cow Creek.

August 7
Came 13 miles and camped at Walnut Creek. This day passed the bend of the [Arkansas]. This creek is a handsome stream being full of fish. Here we staid one day and had a fine time in hunting buffalo. At night abundance of game and fish was brought into camp. Here a body of hunters found a body of hostile Indians but they retired after recognizing our strength.

August 8
Came 15 miles and stopped at Plum [butes].

August 11
Came 16 miles. Camped at Pawnee Rock.

August 12
Came 12 miles and camped at Pawnee Fork which is a good stream of water.

August 13
Came about 3 miles and camped on the Big Arkansas and which is a large shallow stream, muddy water with no or little timber on its banks. This day had a very heavy hail storm.

August 14
Kept up the river all day. Saw plenty of buffalo and at night camped on the bank.

August 15
Came to the Honey Springs.

August 16
Came to the river and camped 4 miles from [Mans] fort.

August 17
Came 11 miles and camped on the river again.

August 18
Came 8 miles and camped on the banks of the river at Arkansas crossing. Game today abundant, see buffalo in droves of thousands. At Arkansas Crossing we met a company of 6 [th] year soldiers returning to their homes. This day Lewis Hebiner [Louis Hebener] died.

August 19
We lay by on this day, filled the wagons with woods - buried the dead - sent out hunters L.E. Here Stephenson got lost and was supposed to have been killed by the Indians.

August 20
Crossed the river and came 8 miles. Called [Cane] camp ground. Water scarce and not a stick of timber to be seen.

August 21
Came 20 miles and camped at some hole of water. The country through here for 130 miles is low, flat, and barren, having but little vegetation and all the water to be found is in holes or hollows where the buffalo wallow and tramp till they hold water.

August 22, 23, 24
Made slow progress over the plain. Find no wood yet. On the 24, [nooned] at Salt Creek Ammons [Felix Ammons] killed a buffalo cow and I packed a piece into camp. At night camped at the Semirone [Cimarron, on Santa Fe Trail] Spring.

August 25
Laid over and had a buffalo hunt and rare sport. This day I killed the first buffalo of my prairie hunting.

August 26
Came 18 miles and camped on the waters of the Semirone [Cimarron] No. Spring.

August 27
Came 18 miles and camped at the Middle Spring.

August 28
Came 14 miles and camped at Camp [Gronsa].

August 29
Came 14 miles and camped at Willow Bar Spring. Found no wood from this to big Arkansas. Here we had a stormy night. The wind blew down the tents and as fast as put up, the pins would draw from the sand and again leave us exposed to the blast.

August 30
Came 18 miles and camped at the upper Semirone [Cimarron] Spring. This day found wood, plums, wild currants, grapes, and choke cherries.

August 31
Came 21 miles and camped at Cedar Spring. Passed Cold Spring the same day.


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The copyright law of the United States (title 17, United States Code) governs the making of reproductions of copyrighted material. One of the specified conditions is that the reproduction is not to be used "for any purpose other than private study, scholarship or research."

The images of Levi Edmonds Diary are copyright© by the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library, Carl A. Kroch Library, Ithaca, NY and are posted on this website with their permission. The Map of the Santa Fe Trail is copyright© by Kansas State Historical Society and used here with their permission. This Transcription and Interpretation are copyright© by Tracy Edmonds Patterson and Mary Kate Rogers and used with their permission.

Last modified: 28 December 2024