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Probate Record Index129 views

A05 - Book C & D - Darker129 views

Page 57129 views

North Second Street (Breese)129 viewsSubmitted by John V Ratermann
Never Mailed

Kues, Edmund129 viewsSubmitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud
Also posted at

Harpstrite, Edward (Lookinglass Township 1844-1855)129 viewsThis obituary can also be found posted in the Macon County IL genealogical website.
Also posted at

Allen, Joseph M Obit129 views

Breese Electric Light Plant128 viewsPostmark 1907
Submitted by John Ratermann

MINWEGEN, Peter, Father and RAPP, F. X., Father128 viewsMemory of the holy mission
Given by
The Holy Fathers
Peter Minwegen, D. M. J.
F. X. Rapp, D. M. J.
In St. Augustine Church
Breese, IL
24 - 31 Oct 1926
One only is necessary
To save your soul
1. To receive regularly the sacraments of the penance and the altar.
2. Never forget your morning - and evening prayer. Wake daily faith hope and love,
before sleeping go your conscience investigates and wakes a true remorse.
3. Hear holy ones measures/messages/mass on Sundays and holidays.
4. Join in your municipality at least one association.
5. You are obliged to contribute under [the threat of] sin to the maintenance of the church
6. Avoid the opportunity to the sin, as things, people or places who irritate to the sin.
7. Revere daily the "holy" Mother of God, please around the mercy of a late/bless death.
8. Think of four last things death, court, sky, hell, and you will endure up to the end.
Submitted by John Ratermann, translated by Britta ____ and Gloria Dettleff

page 70128 views

Hoelscher, Leona128 views

Breese City Hall, Water Tower and Fire Department 127 viewsPostmark 1912
Submitted by John Ratermann

page 71127 views

page 77127 views

page 81127 views

Meirink, Mary Margaret, Sister Page 1.127 viewsMeirink, Josephine Bernadine

E1126 views

St John's (Breese) parsonage and Church. 126 viewsPostmark 1909
Submitted by John Ratermann

Williams, Manfield H Last Will & Testament 31st of March 1861126 viewsThis Will can be found in Box #156 of the probated Wills. Clinton County Court house.
Manfield was born about 1815, died in Sept. 1863.
Click once to enlarge for better readability.

"Vengence is Mine" Play at St Dominic's126 viewsLouis J. Vander Pluym in middle with beard
Play date Nov 26, 1914
Never mailed
From David Vander Pluym

Page 55126 views

Richmond, Robert John Death126 views

St Augustine Church Breese Postcard125 viewsNever Mailed.
Submitted by John Ratermann.

Clinton County Fair 1912 125 viewsSubmitted by John Ratermann

page 72125 views

Breese Mine Crane125 viewsBelieved to be at the North Mine in Breese, not not sure.
Never mailed
From David Weisenfeld

Tyberent, Henry125 views

Bridge on Old State Road over Shoal Creek124 views2 miles North-East of Breese.
Postmark 1912.
Submitted by John Ratermann

A03124 views

B03124 views

B02124 views

A09 - Book D & E - Lighter124 views

Page 54124 views

Parsons, John B Obit124 views

Kaelin, John Meinard123 viewsSubmitted for Eric Kaelin

State Bank of Breese Interior. 122 viewsPostmark 1912
Submitted by John Ratermann

B07122 views

A06 - Book C & D - Lighter122 views

St Dominic's "Diamonds & Hearts" Play Cast122 views1914 unused postcard
Front Row: Josephine Klutho, Louis J Vander Pluym and Father Wyrich
Second Row: _______ Lager, Noonie Needham, George Schlueter, Helen Funke, Vic Klutho
Back Row: Joe Klutho, Helen Feldwerth, Al Kruep, and Al Niemeyer
Picture taken at St Dominic’s Grade School
Picture sent by Tom Vander Pluym through John Ratermann, property of and permission to display given by David Vander Pluym.

page 80122 views

Page 56122 views

Letter from Kemble Stout to Beth Kraig - Page 1122 viewsReferences to Edmonds, Potts, Seagram, Bailey, Miller and others. Submitted by Kate Rogers

Allen, William G & Dobbs, Sarah Marriage Record122 views

Ledger Book spine121 viewsFirst estimate of possible date ranges: Book A-1818; B-1833; C-1839; D-1865; E-1879; F-Sep 1880. Entries might go through 1890, more or less.

McGowan, William D. Obit121 viewsThis is from May 1940. I believe it was taken from the Carlyle newspaper.
Submitted by William Martin

page 74121 views

page 73121 views

Southern ILL Breeding Association (Breese)121 viewsNever Mailed
Submitted by John V Ratermann

Broughton, Emily Obit121 views

Carson, Dewey Obit & Mortuary Notice121 views

Allen, William Henry Obit121 views

Allen, Samuel Houston Death121 views

A05120 views

A04120 views

B04120 views

C01120 views

Meirink, Mary Villanova, Sister120 viewsMeirink, Agnes Elizabeth

Meirink, Mary Margaret, Sister Page 2.120 views

St John's School119 viewsNever mailed but on front of card someone wrote 1909.
Submitted by John Ratermann.

H01119 views

Breese Koch Grain Co Elevator119 viewsSubmitted by The Breese Historical Society Never mailed

Hood, Margaret Obit119 views

A08 - Book D & E - Darker117 views

A07 - Book D - Medium117 views

page 79117 views

Breese Mine crane mechanism117 viewsBelieved to be at the North Mine in Breese, but not sure.
Never mailed
From David Weisenfeld

Breese M E Church117 viewsSubmitted By The Breese Historical Society This Church was located on N Walnut Street Never Mailed

St John's School116 viewsNo Postmark but hand written on bottom of postcard it reads 1908.
Submitted by John Ratermann

B06116 views

A10 - Book E & F - Darker116 views

IMG 0002116 views

Allen, Greenberry Will Pg 2116 viewsJuly 1861
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