Most viewed - Ebenezer in East Fork Township |

Ebenezer Cemetery173 views

Reynolds, Frank and Anna142 views

Butts, Jamie L.140 views

Carter, James A.138 views

Ebenezer Cemetery135 views

Huffman, Mother133 views

Faught, John132 viewsBuried next to Sarah. Flag placed by Jean, no
confirmation of veteran status.
Submitted by Jean Arnold

Faught, John, 2 pieces of stone unburied131 viewsWith writing more visible.
Submitted by Jean Arnold

Cole, John L. - Military stone130 views

Faught, Sarah129 viewsDied 1875, age 17

Adams, Levi A. & Sarah E.128 views

Faught, Sarah, on the left, and the two pieces of Faught, John on the right, still buried.127 viewsSarah died 1870, age 70. Photo submitted by Jean Arnold

Ebenezer Cemetery124 viewsIn Memory of Todd & Ruby Crowder. For all the care
given this cemetery by them in years past and for
years to come. Reading of the stones is at .
51 photos submitted by Lucy Buchele

Morris, Sarah J.124 views

Schaubert, Lyddia Ann124 views

Cole, Francis123 views

Schaubert, Jacob A.122 views

Faught, Abram122 views

Morris, Frank122 viewsHusband of Effa Jane nee Watts

Roper, Henry & Emma120 views

Adams, Mary E.119 views

Morris, Martha A. & John W.119 views

Faught, Abram119 viewsFirst stone.

Carter, E. Calvin118 views

Quick, G. M. & Lillie M.118 views

Schaubert, Nancy118 views

Pigg, D. B.118 views

Morris, John117 views

Morris, Nancy W. Jackson (nee Nichols)117 views

Morris, Ellen D.117 views

Smith, Nathan - Military stone.116 views

Troutt, Luella & Orville L.116 views

Faught, Nancy116 viewsOn same stone as Abram & others.

Faught, Dorothea M. & Harley E.116 views

Smith, Sarah Jane (nee Cole)115 views

Faught, Mary Ann115 views

Pigg, John C.115 views

Faught, Eliza115 views

Mason, Wm. & Minnie E.114 views

Faught, David114 views

Farmer, Marzilla113 views

Ebenezer Cemetery113 views

Pratt, Abel & Elizabeth112 views

Faught, Vincent112 viewsFirst stone.

Morris, Effa Jane (Watts)112 views

Carter, Hallie Roland111 views

Morris, Mary Estella111 views

Wortman, John & Lourana111 views

Lee, John A.110 views

Ebenezer Cemetery110 views

Good, Mary C.109 views

Pippin, Janie108 views

Faught, William H. & Christina108 viewsOn same stone as Abram & others.

Faught, Vincent, Lydia & James108 viewsOn same stone as Abram & others.

Mason, Lucy & John107 views

Ebenezer Cemetery105 views