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Most viewed - School Photos
Carlyle High School, Class of 1938499 viewsJohn Crewell, Warren Apple, Billy Simonton, Albert Johnpeter, F. O. Proutt, Paul Dove, Ray Beckler, Meredith Kennett, Charles Sanders, Carl Vogel, Naomi Jarvis, Lamelda Henry, Betty Hinkle, Mildred Hempen, Glenn Farrell, Elmer Lamarr, Mae Ronat, Oarnelle Custis, Erna Holle, Virginia Schuchmann, Joe Bango, Hazel Kerwin, Melba Volkmar, Geneva Scott, Thelma Goldsmith, LaDonna Galyean, Joyce Langham, Nellie Floyd, Helen Washburn, Maxine Hockman, Hubert King, Wayne Mann, Charles Gerfan, Alvin Bolk, Rollie Gallatin, Richard Pax, Willard Appel, Roland Plotts, William Killion, Margie Kerson, Cleo Boggy, Martha Paul, Charlott Zucker, Loretta Jenne, Lillie McClaren, Harriet Wade, Ruby Merritt, Rose Schuchman, James Gray, James Ward, John Schuster, Roy Giechrest, Jr., Joe Jannett, Stanley Mueller, Leroy Raeber, Milfred Conrad, Wentworth Jones, Bonnell Gaddy, Erline Cooper, Fern Crocker, La Donna Burkett, Lyndall Potts, Anita Mannken, Gladys Zachry, Mary Ann Nothaus, Vera Jenne
Photo from Regina - Thanks!
Boulder School - 1917439 views If you can identify any of these people, please Contact Us (

#11 - Could this be Ray Minden?
#12 - Roy Minden

Photo from Jeanette Lucas
Thank you Lola DeGroff for help with the numbers.
New Memphis Station - 26 April 1932310 views1. Delmar JAMERSON, 2. Harold JAMERSON, 3. Elmer HEBENSTREIT, 4. Edward GOLDSMITH, 5. Pete FORD, 6. Clifford KUHN, 7. Joseph HEBENSTREIT, 8. Harold FRIEDERICH, 9. David FRIEDERICH, 10. Wilson GOLDSMITH, 11. Delbert KUHN 12. Floyd JAMERSON, 13. Norman SCHUETZ, 14. Raymond FRIEDERICH, 15. Amos MEYER, 16. Bobby HAEGE, 17. Earl JAMERSON, 18. Doris FORD, 19. Mildred KUHN, 20. Dorothy LANGE, 21. Marjorie FORD, 22. Virginia FRIEDERICH, 23. Margie BRINKLEY, 24. Orene FRIEDERICH, 25. Irene FRIEDERICH, 26. Leona FIDLER, 27. Jeanette SCHEEL, 28. Mildred COLLINS, 29. Lucille FORD, 30. Marie FIDLER, 31. Delores SCHEEL, 32. Isabel BRINKLEY, 33. Hazel FRIEDERICH, 34. Mildred HANKE - Teacher
Boulder School - 1917309 viewsFront row, 3rd from left is Roy Minder
Photo from Jeanette Lucas
1938 New Memphis Station School285 views1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. Robert Ford 5. Edward Ford 6. Alfred Friederich 7. Dorothy Miller 8. Doris Ford 9. Frank Collins 10. Dorothy Lange 11. Elmer Hebenstrite 12. Roy Miller 13. __________ 14. Harold Friederich
St Rose Catholic School - 1926285 views
1932 New Memphis Station School Class. 281 views1932 New Memphis Station School Class, Mildred Hanke teacher, later married Harvey Harpstrite.
Clinton School in Brookside Township Sec 21266 viewsClosed in 1948, Pete Arnold was the last teacher.
After 1948, students went to Willow Grove.
Photo submitted by Lucy Buchele
St Teresa's, Marydale 1 of 3251 viewsThis photo was published in the 20 May 2009 Carlyle Union Banner seeking the identification of the people. If you can identify any of these people, please contact us.

Picture dated 11-25-1925. Fourth girl from left in back row is Kathleen Hughes (Lampe). This must have been the first class as the school was built in 1925.
Lake Branch School - 1921242 viewsFront Row: Clara Ratermann, Martha Ratermann, unknown, Ray Wolters, John Wolters
Second Row: unknown, unknown, unknown, Ceclia Wolters, Fritz Wolters
Third Row: teacher Gertrude Ratermann, Kate Wolters, Frank Ratermann, unknown, unknown, unknown

The school was located on the Old State Road, just west of the Lake Branch Cemetery.
See student rosters at:
If you can identify any more students, please Contact Us (
Photo courtesy of Dale Schrage
Marydale - St. Teresa of Avila242 views1930 Luebbers, Diekemper, Diffenauer, Hempen or other families in the area...can anyone help identify these people?
New Baden 1924 5th and 6th Grade236 viewsIn the front row, third from left is Lorene _______ Brede.
The second row, second from left is Mason Swinney.
Third row, the last boy on the right is Herbert Yaeger.
In the back row, the second girl from left is now Mrs Emil Malina and the one on the right is Leona Baehr Davis.

Submitted by: Lola DeGroff
St Teresa's, Marydale 3 of 3228 viewsThis photo was published in the 20 May 2009 Carlyle Union Banner seeking the identification of the people. If you can identify any of these people, please contact us.
St Teresa's, Marydale 2 of 3228 viewsThis photo was published in the 20 May 2009 Carlyle Union Banner seeking the identification of the people. If you can identify any of these people, please contact us.
New Memphis Station School 1938228 viewsWe believe the following photo also came from David A Friederich's homepage but we no longer have a list of names associated with the numbers.
1. Unknown 2. Unknown 3. Unknown 4. Robert Ford 5. Edward Ford 6 .Alfred Friederich 7. Dorothy Miller 8. Doris Ford 9. Frank Collins 10. Dorothy Lange 11. Elmer Hebenstrite 12. Roy Miller 13. Unknown 14-Harold Friederich

Theresa Friederich Campbell, David's daughter, invites us to read David's outstanding article, including pictures, Growing Up On A Farm During The Great Depression. If you are in to history at all, you must take time to read this article. It covers everything from life in the early 1900s to Indians, the KKK, threshing machines, barn raising, and beautiful stories of life in the 1930s.
Lake Branch School - 1927220 viewsThe school was located on the Old State Road, just west of the Lake Branch Cemetery.
Front Row: Victor Ratermann, unknown, Robert Ratermann, unknown, Otto Ratermann
2nd Row: all unknown
3rd Row: all unknown
4th Row: the teacher, student Fred C. "Fritz" Wolters, Clara Schrage with doll
See student rosters at:
If you can identify any students, please Contact Us (
Photo courtesy of Dale Schrage
Lake Branch School - 1925213 viewsThe school was located on the Old State Road, just west of the Lake Branch Cemetery.
Girl marked "Me" was Clara Ratermann.
See student rosters at:
Photo courtesy of Dale Schrage
East Irishtown Township school 213 views1926 There are a couple of Luebbers in this picture, possibly a Diekemper or two, maybe a Diffenauer or Seiffert...can anyone help identify these young people?
Memphis Station School - 1923209 viewsPhoto in my family collection that I can't identify. If anyone has information about the Memphis Station School in 1923 and can identify anyone in this photo, please contact me at
19 files on 1 page(s)

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