Most viewed - New Baden Village Cemetery |

Map145 views

Hertenstein, G. Otto143 views

Hurst, George141 viewsPhoto submitted by great-great-grandson, Daryl G. Hurst.
Please see
for more information and to contact Daryl.

Krumrey, Jacob - Military stone138 viewsPhoto by Gloria Dettleff.

New Baden Village/St George Catholic Cemetery Entrance134 viewsThis photo by Nancy Moss
** Photos submitted by Marilyn Morrison Sep 2011.

Strotheide126 views

Herbstreith, Joseph and Barbara119 views**
Original surname spelling Herbstritt

Herbstreith Family Plot116 views**

Herbstreith Family Plot115 viewsJoseph and Barbara Herbstreith, Xavier Frank, Henry, Herman, Clinton, Julia Herbstreith, and an infant

Herbstreith, Xavier Francis106 views**

Emil Harpstrite105 viewsInfant son of Charles and Elizabeth nee Singler Harpstrite/Harpstreith

Herbstreit, Joseph104 viewsReplacement headstone New Baden cemetery