Most viewed - St Mary Catholic in Trenton |

St. Mary Catholic Cemetery, Trenton Illinois396 views** Photos submitted by Marilyn Morrison Sep 2011.
Cemetery listing at:

GROSSHOLZ, Konstandin (GROSHOLZ)362 viewsBorn 8 Dec 1817, Died 18 Sep 1877 Here rests in God. Church records say he died 16 Sep. Worn German verse.
Photo from Julie Spencer

Venhaus, Lawrence and Angela289 viewsPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Korte, Otto and Mary285 viewsPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Kohlbrecher, Joseph and Frieda273 viewsPhoto submitted by Phyllis (Kues) Stroud

Woltering, Rosa and Bernard258 views

Barth, Barbara Gebhart166 views1999
Submitted by Carol Novak

Lowry, Charles and Verna138 views

Zimmerman, Gerald J114 viewsSubmitted by son-in-law, Lloyd Murphey

Barth, Henry112 viewsSubmitted by Carol Novak

Herbstrieth, Adolph109 viewsIrwin "Lou" Luebbers posing in 2011 with his great-great grandfather, Adolph Herbstrieth. Adolph immigrated to Clinton County IL in 1854 with his brother, Maxmillian Herbstrieth, and other family members including his widowed mother. He and Maxmillian were members of Johann Baptiste Harpstrite's family, descended from the same ancestor, Bartholamaeus Herbstritt, the original family surname in Baden Germany, as great-grandsons (Adolph and Max) and grandson (Johann).

Harpstrite, Emil103 views**

Benson, Amelia Barth99 viewsChristmas 1945
Submitted by Carol Novak

Herbstreit, (Harpstrite) August Gustav97 views**

Herbstreith, Karl Charles97 viewsReplacement stone near the woods

Herbstreith, Mary Anna nee Bonner95 viewsReplacement headstone next to the woods.

Herbstreith (Harpstrite), Barbara93 views**

Herbstreith, (Harpstrite), George93 views**

Herbstreith, Karl and Mary nee Bonner93 views**

Herbstreith, Karl (Charles)91 viewsTombstone is deep into the the woods on the east side of the cemetery.

Meddows, Kenward and Marcella nee Korte91 viewsPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Korte, Raymond and Dorothy nee Steinmann91 viewsPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Meddows, Kenward (Military)91 viewsPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Herbstreith, Maria Anna nee Bonnet90 viewsWife of Karl Charles, original gravesite stone deep in the woods eastside of the cemetery. Name in church records is Bonnet for her and her sisters. Her newer replacement headstone shows Bonner

Korte, Stella88 viewsPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Korte, Theresa85 viewsPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Korte, Otto (Military)78 viewsPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Benson, Amelia Barth77 views1947
Submitted by Carol Novak

Korte, Melvin77 viewsPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Barth, Henry and Barbara76 views1945
Submitted by Carol Novak

Korte, Herman76 viewsPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Cervenka, Anthony and Loretta76 viewsPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Benson, Amelia Barth75 views1946
Submitted by Carol Novak

Korte, Edmund and Leola nee Lohman75 viewsPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Korte, Louis and Noretta nee Wehrle74 viewsPhoto by Janet Heinitz-Smith

Benson, Amelia Barth68 views1988
Submitted by Carol Novak

Benson, Amelia Barth63 views1955
Submitted by Carol Novak