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PEEK, GERHARD M frontMar 15, 2017

Southern ILL Breeding Association (Breese)Never Mailed
Submitted by John V RatermannFeb 07, 2011

St. Joseph's Clinton Co. HospitalGeneral short term 100 bed hospital opened in 1969. Eight miles from recreation area of Carlyle Lake and just forty-five miles from St. Louis, Missouri
Never mailed
Submitted by John V RatermannFeb 07, 2011

North Second Street (Breese)Submitted by John V Ratermann
Never MailedFeb 07, 2011

Breese Koch Grain Co ElevatorSubmitted by The Breese Historical Society Never mailedDec 18, 2010

Breese M E ChurchSubmitted By The Breese Historical Society This Church was located on N Walnut Street Never MailedDec 18, 2010

Breese Public School Room 1Submitted by The Breese Historical Society postmarked 1909Dec 18, 2010

St John's Evangelical Church BreeseNever mailedDec 08, 2010

"Vengence is Mine" Play at St Dominic'sLouis J. Vander Pluym in middle with beard
Play date Nov 26, 1914
Never mailed
From David Vander PluymAug 22, 2010

Breese Mine crane mechanismBelieved to be at the North Mine in Breese, but not sure.
Never mailed
From David WeisenfeldJul 10, 2010

Breese Mine CraneBelieved to be at the North Mine in Breese, not not sure.
Never mailed
From David WeisenfeldJul 10, 2010

Maintenance Shop of Breese Coal MineFrom David Weisenfeld. Not sure if North or East Mine. David has 2 more but the Vander Pluym's borrowed them for now.Jun 24, 2010

St Dominic's "Diamonds & Hearts" Play Cast1914 unused postcard
Front Row: Josephine Klutho, Louis J Vander Pluym and Father Wyrich
Second Row: _______ Lager, Noonie Needham, George Schlueter, Helen Funke, Vic Klutho
Back Row: Joe Klutho, Helen Feldwerth, Al Kruep, and Al Niemeyer
Picture taken at St Dominic’s Grade School
Picture sent by Tom Vander Pluym through John Ratermann, property of and permission to display given by David Vander Pluym.Mar 03, 2010

St John's SchoolNever mailed but on front of card someone wrote 1909.
Submitted by John Ratermann.Sep 05, 2009

State Bank of Breese Interior. Postmark 1912
Submitted by John RatermannSep 05, 2009

Breese Main Street at 2nd StreetLooking south. Kozy Korner Tavern on Right side. Postmark 1916.
Submitted by John RatermannSep 05, 2009

Bridge on Old State Road over Shoal Creek2 miles North-East of Breese.
Postmark 1912.
Submitted by John RatermannSep 05, 2009

Coal MineDoesn't actually say Breese but it was mailed from Breese and it looks like one of the mines here. Postmark 1911. Submitted by John Ratermann.Sep 05, 2009

Gissy Drug Store, Breese. Postmark 1912
Submitted by John RatermannSep 05, 2009

St John's (Breese) parsonage and Church. Postmark 1909
Submitted by John RatermannSep 05, 2009

St John's SchoolNo Postmark but hand written on bottom of postcard it reads 1908.
Submitted by John RatermannSep 05, 2009

Breese City Hall, Water Tower and Fire Department Postmark 1912
Submitted by John RatermannSep 05, 2009

Breese Electric Light PlantPostmark 1907
Submitted by John RatermannSep 05, 2009

Breese Main StreetPostmark 1908
Submitted by John RatermannSep 05, 2009

Breese Public School Room 3.Never mailed but does have a postmark of 1909.
Submitted by John RatermannSep 05, 2009

Breese School Room 4. Sign reads 1911-1912Submitted by John RatermannSep 05, 2009

Clinton County Fair 1912 Submitted by John RatermannSep 05, 2009

Rudolph Leather Postcard - BackNot sure of the age or the spelling of the first name. The card is made of leather. Owner: Frankie Heinzmann - a gift from his son, CarlAug 30, 2009

Rudolph Leather Postcard - FrontAug 30, 2009

St Augustine School (Breese)Postmark 1930.
Submitted by John Ratermann.
Aug 30, 2009

St Dominic's Church (Breese)Never Mailed.
Submitted by John Ratermann.Aug 30, 2009

St Dominic's Church (Breese)Never Mailed.
Submitted by John Ratermann.Aug 30, 2009

St John's Church (Breese)Postmark 1909.
Submitted by John Ratermann.Aug 30, 2009

St Augustine Church (Breese) Never Mailed.
Submitted by John Ratermann.Aug 30, 2009

Breese Public School Room 2 Never Mailed.
Submitted by John Ratermann.Aug 30, 2009

Breese Public School 2 PostcardPostmark 1909.
Submitted by John Ratermann.Aug 30, 2009

Mexican American Hat Co Postcard (Breese)Postmark 1959.
Submitted by John Ratermann.Aug 30, 2009

St Augustine Church Breese PostcardNever Mailed.
Submitted by John Ratermann.Aug 30, 2009

Breese Public School PostcardNever mailed.
Submitted by John RatermannAug 30, 2009

Breese DepotNever mailed, no postmark.
Submitted by John Ratermann.Aug 30, 2009

Breese Street PostcardI have 2 of these. One was never mailed and the other has postmark 1913.
Submitted by John Ratermann.Aug 30, 2009

Rt 50 Bridge over Shoal CreekNotice on bottom of card it says Rt 12.
This postcard was mailed in 1927.
Submitted by John Ratermann.Aug 30, 2009

Breese City Hall PostcardPostmark 1939
Submitted by John RatermannAug 30, 2009