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Last additions - Misc Clinton County Documents
Nordike Children TragedySad, sad, story. Illustrates so many of the hardships our ancestors faced. In remembrance of the Nordike children and any others that have suffered similar tragedies.Nov 20, 2011
Parsons, John B Will Pg 1Nov 20, 2011
Parsons, John B Will Pg 2Nov 20, 2011
Allen, William G & Dobbs, Sarah Marriage RecordNov 20, 2011
Allen, Greenberry Will Pg 3July 1861Nov 20, 2011
Allen, Greenberry Will Pg 2July 1861Nov 20, 2011
Allen, Greenberry Will Pg 1July 1861Nov 20, 2011
Letter from Kemble Stout to Beth Kraig - Page 1References to Edmonds, Potts, Seagram, Bailey, Miller and others. Submitted by Kate RogersJul 28, 2011
Letter from Kemble Stout to Beth Kraig - Page 2References to Edmonds, Potts, Seagram, Bailey, Miller and others. Submitted by Kate RogersJul 28, 2011
Letter from Kemble Stout to Beth Kraig - Page 3References to Edmonds, Potts, Seagram, Bailey, Miller and others. Submitted by Kate Rogers
Jul 28, 2011
Edmonds, Levi Diary 1847-18483rd Lieutenant, Co. A., 1st Regiment, Illinois Volunteers
A.D. 1847 to 1848 (Mexican-American War)
Copy from Cornell University, Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Transcribed and interpreted by Tracy Edmonds Patterson and Mary Kate Rogers, Final July 2011
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Jul 16, 2011
Parson, Harry WWI Enlistment RecordDocument submitted by _______________Jun 28, 2011
Parson, Harry Isam WWI Honorable DischargeHarry enlisted on 6 Sep 1918. He reported for duty at Camp Custer in Battle Creek, Michigan. Camp Custer was one of many camps that were hit severely by the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic. Harry was no exception to the flu's virulence and became deathly ill shortly into his stay. Fortunately for my grandfather, he survived his illness but was honorably discharged from duty just 3 months after arriving at Camp Custer. His record states "demobilization" but oral family tradition says the the Army had no choice but issue his discharge since he had almost died from the flu and was in no shape for service. Family history passed down orally from Harry himself also says that he had no transportation back to Carlyle so had to walk and hitch-hike the entire way from Battle Creek.
Document submitted by _______________
Jun 28, 2011
Williams, Manfield H Last Will & Testament 31st of March 1861This Will can be found in Box #156 of the probated Wills. Clinton County Court house.
Manfield was born about 1815, died in Sept. 1863.
Click once to enlarge for better readability.
Aug 21, 2010
Johnson, Hugh Will Page 1Oct 07, 2009
Johnson, Hugh Will Page 2Oct 07, 2009
Johnson, Hugh Will Page 3Oct 07, 2009
St Rose Cemetery articleSep 04, 2009
Missing Aircrew Report 15 Dec 1943My name is Roy Bozych and I am the Historian for the WWII 323rd Bomb Group. On December 13, 1943, our Bomb Group was on a mission along with the 386th Bomb Group to bomb the Schiphol Air Field in Amsterdam which was under the control of the Germans.

F/O Raymond Roberts was flying as a co-pilot with the 386th Bomb Group, 555th Squadron and they were leading the mission. FLAK (enemy ground fire) was reported as heavy and accurate. F/O Roberts B-26 Martin Marauder was hit and shot down. Everyone on the aircraft was killed except for the pilot who was blown out of the plane when it exploded. He was captured by the Germans and spent the rest of the war as a POW.

Roughly two years ago as a new development in Schipol was being prepared, the crash site was discovered. A Dutch group involved in recovering crashed allied planes (CRASH) was called in at the time to assist. CRASH has a memorial to the crew (they retrieved one of the planes guns) in their museum and is involved with local citizens and groups in developing a memorial to the crew to be dedicated in May of 2010. They wish to be able to invite family members of the crew to the dedication. I and another individual are attempting to assist them in locating family members of this crew which made the ultimate sacrifice, a sacrifice that is deeply appreciated by the Dutch.

I have attached a copy of the Missing Air Crew Report (MACR) for your records that was filed when F/O Roberts B-26 was shot down. His Mother Mrs. Malinda Roberts was listed as his next of kin. In doing a records search I found your website and saw that Mrs. Roberts died in 1976. We are attempting to find any other living relatives of his to inform them of what is happening and to extend an invitation to them to attend the ceremonies next year in Amsterdam. I was wondering if you would have knowledge of any relatives or could help us locate them. An article should have been run in your local newspaper a couple of weeks ago. But so far no responses have been received.

Flight Officer Raymond C. Roberts, T-120450 currently rests at Netherlands American Cemetery, Margraten, Netherlands.

Any assistance you could give us would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail or phone. I can be reached at 708-974-9239 between 9 AM and 2 PM.


Roy Bozych
323rd BG & 454th BS
Apr 02, 2009
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