Last additions - Ebenezer in East Fork Township |

Morris, Effa Jane (Watts)Mar 04, 2012

Morris, FrankHusband of Effa Jane nee WattsMar 04, 2012

Faught, Sarah, on the left, and the two pieces of Faught, John on the right, still buried.Sarah died 1870, age 70. Photo submitted by Jean Arnold jeaneology@verizon.netJun 10, 2010

Faught, JohnBuried next to Sarah. Flag placed by Jean, no
confirmation of veteran status.
Submitted by Jean Arnold jeaneology@verizon.netJun 10, 2010

Faught, John, 2 pieces of stone unburiedWith writing more visible.
Submitted by Jean Arnold jeaneology@verizon.netJun 10, 2010

Ebenezer CemeteryMay 04, 2010

Butts, Jamie L.May 04, 2010

Ebenezer CemeteryMay 04, 2010

Faught, Vincent, Lydia & JamesOn same stone as Abram & others.May 04, 2010

Faught, AbramFirst stone.May 04, 2010

Faught, DavidMay 04, 2010

Faught, Dorothea M. & Harley E.May 04, 2010

Faught, William H. & ChristinaOn same stone as Abram & others.May 04, 2010

Faught, NancyOn same stone as Abram & others.May 04, 2010

Faught, ElizaMay 04, 2010

Faught, VincentFirst stone.May 04, 2010

Faught, SarahDied 1875, age 17May 04, 2010

Wortman, John & LouranaMay 04, 2010

Ebenezer CemeteryMay 04, 2010

Ebenezer CemeteryMay 04, 2010

Ebenezer CemeteryMay 04, 2010

Mason, Wm. & Minnie E.Apr 27, 2010

Adams, Levi A. & Sarah E.Apr 27, 2010

Roper, Henry & EmmaApr 27, 2010

Morris, Martha A. & John W.Apr 27, 2010

Lee, John A.Apr 27, 2010

Mason, Lucy & JohnApr 27, 2010

Pippin, JanieApr 27, 2010

Morris, Mary EstellaApr 27, 2010

Pigg, John C.Apr 27, 2010

Pigg, D. B.Apr 27, 2010

Faught, Mary AnnApr 27, 2010

Faught, AbramApr 27, 2010

Adams, Mary E.Apr 27, 2010

Morris, Ellen D.Apr 27, 2010

Troutt, Luella & Orville L.Apr 27, 2010

Schaubert, NancyApr 27, 2010

Schaubert, Lyddia AnnApr 27, 2010

Pratt, Abel & ElizabethApr 27, 2010

Morris, Nancy W. Jackson (nee Nichols)Apr 27, 2010

Schaubert, Jacob A.Apr 27, 2010

Farmer, MarzillaApr 27, 2010

Morris, JohnApr 27, 2010

Morris, Sarah J.Apr 27, 2010

Cole, FrancisApr 27, 2010

Cole, John L. - Military stoneApr 27, 2010

Smith, Nathan - Military stone.Apr 27, 2010

Huffman, MotherApr 27, 2010

Smith, Sarah Jane (nee Cole)Apr 27, 2010

Good, Mary C.Apr 27, 2010

Carter, Hallie RolandApr 27, 2010

Quick, G. M. & Lillie M.Apr 27, 2010

Carter, E. CalvinApr 27, 2010

Carter, James A.Apr 27, 2010

Ebenezer CemeteryIn Memory of Todd & Ruby Crowder. For all the care
given this cemetery by them in years past and for
years to come. Reading of the stones is at .
51 photos submitted by Lucy Buchele kitty.buchele@sbcglobal.netApr 27, 2010

Reynolds, Frank and AnnaFeb 15, 2009