St Anthony Catholic in Beckemeyer

McGinnes, Edward Carbine and Margaret nee DochertyBorn in Springburn, Scotland
County Dumbartonshire
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Melski, AlexPhoto by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Mensing, Alfred J. - military markerPhoto submitted by Donnell Wisniewski,

Mensing, Alfred J. and Veronica A. - VeteranPhoto submitted by Donnell Wisniewski,

Mensing, AnnaPhoto submitted by Donnell Wisniewski,

Mensing, GeorgePhoto submitted by Donnell Wisniewski,

Mensing, George and AnnaPhoto submitted by Donnell Wisniewski,

Mensing, Philip and AnnaPhoto submitted by Donnell Wisniewski,

Mensing, Stanley A. military stonePhoto submitted by Donnell Wisniewski,

Mezika, Juozapas (Joseph)Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Molloy, John JPhoto by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Morrison, Alex J(oseph) and Catherine nee PeppenhorstAlexander was a Glace Bay, Nova Scotian Canadian immigrant, along with his parents and five brothers and two sisters who came to Beckemeyer around 1910 to work the area coal mines. He and his family were the only ones who remained in Clinton County. His parents, John D Morrison and Jessie nee Steele, relocated to the Collinsville IL area, as did two of his brothers and two sisters. One brother moved to Centralia IL and another to Sparta, Randolph County IL.

Morrison, Alex James Son of Alex Joseph and Katherine nee Peppenhorst Morrison

Morrison, Alexander (Joseph) US Vet**

Morrison, Alexander Joseph and Catherine (nee Peppenhorst)Alexander was killed by a train in Collinsville IL, July 4th week-end.

Morrison, Jeffory MichaelSon of Alex J and Georgettta "Honey" nee Becker Morrison
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Muskopf, Patricia L. nee Fauke **
Daughter of Viola nee Becker Fauke

Pax, Joseph and Elizabeth nee TaphornVeteran

Pax, PeterPhoto by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Peppenhorst, Anthony B. and Alvina R. nee Pollmann**

Peppenhorst, Edward A. and Frances M nee KannallSon of Johann and Philippine nee Frey Peppenhorst
Daughter of Dominick and Elizabeth nee List Kannall

Peppenhorst, Gerald, "Jerry"Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Peppenhorst, John and Phillipine (nee Frey)Up-closer.

Peppenhorst, John and Phillipine (nee Frey)**

Peppenhorst, John Bernard and Catherine nee HusteddeSon of John and Phillipine nee Frey Peppenhorst
Daughter of George and Anna Maria nee Voss Hustedde
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison

Peppenhorst, Leander G. and Viola B. nee Petermeyer**

Placek, Nancy Ann**

Preishoff, WilheminaMother
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Prieshoff, Anthony PFCWWI Veteran
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Prieshoff, BernardPhoto by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Prieshoff, Henry Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Prieshoff, Johann TFather
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Priests MemorialIn memory of deceased priests of the parish:
Hoellmann, Joseph, Father
Hilgenberg, Bernard, Monsignor
Schoen, Julius, Father
Simms, Glennon, Father

Priests Memorial - up-closeIn memory of deceased priests of the parish:
Hoellmann, Joseph, Father
Hilgenberg, Bernard, Monsignor
Schoen, Julius, Father
Simms, Glennon, Father

Raeber, Virginia E. nee Peppenhorst**

Rakers, Mary Ann nee Becker**

Reynolds, Clarence "Tommy" and Helen nee RicklefsPhoto by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Roberg, Joseph and CatharinaPhoto by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Rohr, BernardSon of Peter and Catherine nee Isaak Rohr
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Rohr, Clara nee WesslingFirst wife of Bernard Rohr
Daughter of George and Anna nee Lammers Wessling
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Rohr, Mary T nee HeitmanWife of Bernard Rohr
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Rohr, Peter and Minnie (Wilhemina) nee SchulteSon of Peter and Catherine nee Isaak Rohr
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Salatino, Theresa C**

Schmidt, RosaliePhoto by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Schmitt, JuliannaPhoto by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Schulte, TheodorePhoto by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Schulte, Theresia**

Schulte, TheresiaWife of Theodore Schulte
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Schwake, Elizabeth nee Peppenhorst**
Wife of Daniel Henry Schwake

Sloot, HenryHenry Sloat (original spelling)
Born in Prussia (Germany)
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Szczeblewski, Thomas "Tom"Son of Carl and Rose nee Schneider Szczeblewski
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Taphorn, AdelineDaughter of John G and Emma Gertrude nee Peppenhorst Taphorn

Taphorn, AgnesInfant daughter of Bernard N and Maria Thereisa nee Weisenfeld Taphorn

Taphorn, Anna Sr. M Calista**

Taphorn, Anthony L.**

Taphorn, BernardSon of Bernard N and Maria Theresia nee Weisenfeld Taphorn

Taphorn, Cecile M**

Taphorn, Edwin H.Infant son of Bernard N and Maria Theresia nee Weisenfeld Taphorn

Taphorn, Frank B**

Taphorn, Helen MarieDaughter of Bernard N and Maria Theresia nee Weisenfeld Taphorn

Taphorn, Herman H and Maria nee GasserVeteran

Taphorn, John Alexander "Alex" and Ailene nee Shade**

Taphorn, John and Emma**

Taphorn, John and Emma nee PeppenhorstSon of Johann G and Louisa nee Pfisterer Taphorn
Daughter of John and Philippine nee Frey Peppenhorst

Taphorn, John G (Johann Gerhard)**

Taphorn, Louisa nee PfistererDaughter of Joseph and Caecilia "Lilly" nee Zazilla Pfisterer
Wife of Johann Gerhard Taphorn

Taphorn, Theodore -Military head stoneVeteran

TeresiaUnreadable last name
Photo by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison

Timmermann, Eugene A.Son of Henry and Bertha nee Barth Timmermann

Timmermann, Loretta A. nee BeckerDaughter of Frank George and Helen nee Meyer Becker

Vahlkamp, Bernard H. and Alice E nee BeckemeyerSon of Stephen and Catherina Angela nee Wienstroer Vahlkamp
Daughter of Herman H F and Martha nee Onkle Beckemeyer

Van Dorn, Theresa and infant son VincentPhoto by Marilyn Wilken/Luebbers Morrison