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Home > General Documents > Death Certificates
Kramer, Rudolph Death Certificate
According to
Rudolph does share a stone with Rosetta in the Carlyle City Cemetery.  Chances are high that whoever filled out the death certificate assumed that Rudolph would be buried in Beckemeyer since that's where he lived and the death certificate was filled out stating that.  But then the family corrected that to bury him in the family plot in Carlyle where 2 of his children were already buried.  There was no way to correct the death certificate once it was turned in.
Submitted by Andrew Smith

Kramer, Rudolph Death Certificate

According to
Rudolph does share a stone with Rosetta in the Carlyle City Cemetery. Chances are high that whoever filled out the death certificate assumed that Rudolph would be buried in Beckemeyer since that's where he lived and the death certificate was filled out stating that. But then the family corrected that to bury him in the family plot in Carlyle where 2 of his children were already buried. There was no way to correct the death certificate once it was turned in.
Submitted by Andrew Smith

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File information
Album name:Frankie Heinzmann / Death Certificates
Filesize:1021 KiB
Date added:Nov 16, 2011
Dimensions:1471 x 1577 pixels
Displayed:110 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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