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Home > Family Photos > Unknown Families
Unknown, possible Hopfinger
Darlene Acker Burzynski's mother had this picture in her possession. No one in the family knows who it is. Darlene's mother was a Haas. There were Hopfinger, Wolf, and Lander in her line. Darlene's dad was an Acker, with Reis, Rosche, and Helms in his ancestry. It’s possible that this is a Hopfinger, but it’s just a guess. The other women in the family died younger except for Christina Barbara Goedelmann who married first Hermann Acker and then Michael Rosche of Monroe County, IL. Christina Barbara Rosche nee Goedelmann was born on 8 Sep 1819 and died in 1910 and the picture would fit into her time period I believe. Contact Darlene at

Unknown, possible Hopfinger

Darlene Acker Burzynski's mother had this picture in her possession. No one in the family knows who it is. Darlene's mother was a Haas. There were Hopfinger, Wolf, and Lander in her line. Darlene's dad was an Acker, with Reis, Rosche, and Helms in his ancestry. It’s possible that this is a Hopfinger, but it’s just a guess. The other women in the family died younger except for Christina Barbara Goedelmann who married first Hermann Acker and then Michael Rosche of Monroe County, IL. Christina Barbara Rosche nee Goedelmann was born on 8 Sep 1819 and died in 1910 and the picture would fit into her time period I believe. Contact Darlene at

Walters,_Bernard_front.jpg fgkues.gif Mary_Wilken.jpg Holtgrave,_Robert_W_inside.jpg Meirink,_Maurice_J.jpg
File information
Album name:Frankie Heinzmann / Unknown Families
Filesize:33 KiB
Date added:Nov 05, 2010
Dimensions:432 x 287 pixels
Displayed:397 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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