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MINWEGEN, Peter, Father and RAPP, F. X., Father
Memory of the holy mission
Given by 
The Holy Fathers 
Peter Minwegen, D. M. J.
F. X. Rapp, D. M. J.
In St. Augustine Church
Breese, IL
24 - 31 Oct 1926
One only is necessary 
To save your soul
1. To receive regularly the sacraments of the penance and the altar.
2. Never forget your morning - and evening prayer. Wake daily faith hope and love, 
before sleeping go your conscience investigates and wakes a true remorse.
3. Hear holy ones measures/messages/mass on Sundays and holidays.
4. Join in your municipality at least one association.
5. You are obliged to contribute under [the threat of] sin to the maintenance of the church
6. Avoid the opportunity to the sin, as things, people or places who irritate to the sin.
7. Revere daily the "holy" Mother of God, please around the mercy of a late/bless death.
8. Think of four last things death, court, sky, hell, and you will endure up to the end.

Submitted by John Ratermann, translated by Britta ____ and Gloria Dettleff

MINWEGEN, Peter, Father and RAPP, F. X., Father

Memory of the holy mission
Given by
The Holy Fathers
Peter Minwegen, D. M. J.
F. X. Rapp, D. M. J.
In St. Augustine Church
Breese, IL
24 - 31 Oct 1926

One only is necessary
To save your soul

1. To receive regularly the sacraments of the penance and the altar.
2. Never forget your morning - and evening prayer. Wake daily faith hope and love,
before sleeping go your conscience investigates and wakes a true remorse.
3. Hear holy ones measures/messages/mass on Sundays and holidays.
4. Join in your municipality at least one association.
5. You are obliged to contribute under [the threat of] sin to the maintenance of the church
6. Avoid the opportunity to the sin, as things, people or places who irritate to the sin.
7. Revere daily the "holy" Mother of God, please around the mercy of a late/bless death.
8. Think of four last things death, court, sky, hell, and you will endure up to the end.

Submitted by John Ratermann, translated by Britta ____ and Gloria Dettleff

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File information
Album name:Johnratermann / Other Cards
Birth Date:----
Death Date:----
Filesize:150 KiB
Date added:Jan 13, 2010
Dimensions:711 x 1178 pixels
Displayed:129 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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