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Home > Cemeteries > St Mary Catholic in Carlyle
Zuriseller, Clara nee Oberman
Sec G 20-22
How a headstone disappears...broken in 3 pieces,
lying flush on the ground covered with dirt and dried grass clippings
scraped off the dirt and dry grass to display what is left to show of her headstone.
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison
Guest Note: "Just have a correction for Clara Zirissette, buried in St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery in Carlyle. Her last name is actually Zuriseller and maiden name is Oberman. She is my Grandfather's Great Grandmother."

Zuriseller, Clara nee Oberman

Sec G 20-22
How a headstone disappears...broken in 3 pieces,
lying flush on the ground covered with dirt and dried grass clippings
scraped off the dirt and dry grass to display what is left to show of her headstone.
Photo by Marilyn (Wilken/Luebbers) Morrison
Guest Note: "Just have a correction for Clara Zirissette, buried in St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery in Carlyle. Her last name is actually Zuriseller and maiden name is Oberman. She is my Grandfather's Great Grandmother."

Zirissette,_Clara_Close_up.jpg Zirissette,_Clara_Broken_in_3_pieces,_covered_with_lawn_clippings_and_dirt.jpg Zirissette,_Clara_Sec_G_20-22_Wife_of_Anton.jpg Robert,_Frank_Sec_G_17-22.jpg Robert,_Margareta_nee_Basler_Mother_Stone_Wife_of_Jacob_Robert_Sec_G_17-24.jpg
File information
Album name:morrimar / St Mary Catholic in Carlyle
Filesize:738 KiB
Date added:Oct 05, 2013
Dimensions:1535 x 2048 pixels
Displayed:78 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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