Read by Gloria Dettleff and Dorothy Falk 25 Apr 2002
Updated with information from the STOHM Family Genealogy provided by Barbara Craig 14 Mar 2010
The Hirschler Grave Yard was about a fourth of a mile east of the Route 160 and Wesclin Road junction. We found the remains of one stone on a knoll, on the north side of Wesclin road, very close to the road. The stone had been chopped up by the township's heavy duty grass mowers. The other stone was buried enough that the mower won't touch it. We moved the chips into the woods and set them under a tree. Nothing is readable, the information below was from a previous reading. Beware of super strength chiggers in the weeds.
The history of the cemetery is published in the Clinton County Historical Society Quarterly 14 - # 3