Read and copyright© by Gloria Dettleff and Dorothy Falk on 3 May 2002
This grave yard is at the top of a small hill in the middle of a farmer's field. The trees have been cut down to get rid of the coyotes and ground hogs which had infested the area. Rotted tree stumps and ground hog holes are still there. Day lillies abound. The stones are all broken and/or off the pedestals, but the Vandehaars have protected the stones for 50 years, hurray for them. Go 2 miles east of Rte 127 on Emerald Road, inquire for further directions at the Carl Vandehaar farm.
The history of this grave yard can be found in the Clinton County Historical Society (CCHS) Quarterly Vol. 24, No. 4.
There was another Noe Cemetery that was moved during the Carlyle Lake construction. See the CCHS Quarterly Vol. 19, No 2, Page 52.