Is the ninth child and third son of James H. WATTS. He was born in Clinton county, Ills., July 20th, 1848. He received his early education in the common schools. He continued to assist his father in carrying on the home farm until he was about twenty years of age, when he was married to Miss Nancy J. KENNEDY, daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth Kennedy, of Washington county, Illinois. Immediately after his marriage he settled on a farm in section thirteen, in what is now Lake township. As a farmer, Mr. Watts has been successful, and is ranked among the successful producers and stock raisers of Clinton county. On the 5th of March, 1865, when the regiment veteranized, he enlisted and Company I of the 30th Regt. Illinois Volunteers. He remained in actual service about six months, when the command was ordered to Camp Butler, Springfield Ills, where he received an honorable discharge, and immediately thereafter returned to his home, and re-engaged in farming.

Mr. Watts is one of the useful men of the county, and he has frequently been called upon by the citizens his township to accept and hold many of the important offices of honor and trust, in all of which he has discharged his duties with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. He is at the present time serving his third term as Justice of the Peace. He received his first commission from George BEVERIDGE, and his second and third commissions from George CULLOM. He is also serving at present his fourth term of School Director of the district in which he resides. He is an ardent advocate of the common schools, and does all in his power to make them more thorough, and to raise the standard of their excellence in the community in which he resides. He is among those who believe that it is best for the moral, intellectual and material welfare of the State that her future men and women should be thoroughly indoctrinated in all the rudiments of a good English education.

He is also liberal and charitable in matters having for their object the welfare of society. In all of his prosperity and success in life, he is at all times willing to concede to his good wife her full share of merit, and does recognize in her his best help-meet. In politics Mr. Watts is a staunch Republican, and takes great delight in working for the advancement and success of his party. He and his wife are also both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Source: History of Marion and Clinton Counties, Illinois, 1881, Brink, McDonough & Co., Philadelphia

Submitted by: Pamela Safriet

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